A/N: This is it! The last chapter, the final straw, the last stand. It was fun, really. I loved writing this story but I'm also sick of it in an odd way, and so I'm happily relieved this is the last one. The reviews were absolutely wonderful and I am so grateful for them. Honestly!

Disclaimer: I don't own Grey's Anatomy or the characters. They belong to Shonda. Unfortunate.


Paul made himself known at three in the morning on January seventh. Addison groaned.

"Derek, it's your turn."

Derek stirred. "No, Addie, it's yours. I got him last time."

"But you said that was a favor."

"Yeah, but then the schedule switches."

"It's a schedule, Derek. Stick with it."

Derek moaned and sat up. He walked over to the crib across the hallway and picked up Paul, his wisps of hair visible even in the dark. "Sh, sh, Paul, it's okay. Come on. You're okay. Are you hungry? Smelly? What's wrong?"

Paul gave no response except to keep crying, his face red. Derek gently set him down on the changing table and checked his diaper, but it was clean.

"Addie, he's hungry." Derek walked back into their room.

Addison sat up and took the baby from Derek's arms. She held him in her arms and allowed him to eat a little. Derek crawled back into bed and sat next to Addison.

"You can go back to sleep, Derek."

"But I don't want to."

Addison rolled her eyes. "Maybe I want some quiet."

"Then you could've gotten up. But now I can stay up for a bit. Besides," he said, yawning, "I don't have work to go to tomorrow."

Addison shrugged. "Nor do I."

"But you have to go back sooner than I."

"How do you know? You could find work."

"Brandon died, Addie. I'm having a hard time finding work."

"You just haven't been looking in the right places."

"Yeah, major hospitals aren't the right places to work for a surgeon."

"Derek, did you ever think about looking in a smaller, quieter, hospital? Everything doesn't have to be big and showy."

"Oh my God, three in the morning is not the time to discuss this."

"Yeah, yeah. I do some of my best work this early in the morning."

Derek smirked. "Define 'best work'."

"I mean paperwork. And in high school, homework. I wrote my final exam paper for my Senior English class at 3 in the morning the day it was due and got a 106 on it."

"Well aren't you just wonderful."

"I'm just saying; my mind is pretty damn clear at three in the morning."

"Fine. I'll look into it."

"But I'm glad you picked me, Derek. I can't imagine doing this alone."

"Well, I don't think anyone would've forgiven me. Including myself."

"You would've."

Derek took a look at Paul and smiled. "Addie, look at Paul. I wouldn't have. Missing that? Missing you in pain? Hell no, I wouldn't have."

"Then you wouldn't have."

"And most of all, I would've lost you."

"Yeah, well…"

"And Mark would've taken you up."

"But now he won't."

Derek shook his head. "There's no way he'll get the chance now. I love you too much."


A/N: So, I typed almost all of this off a few weeks ago and thought I'd make it long, but I can't. I physically cannot. I think I've lost the Addison and Derek of earlier in this story; they have been transported to my new one. So please forgive me for the length and the quality of this final chapter.

I also basically left everything unanswered, but that's okay. Not everything needs to be finished.

And, now, I will change the button to complete! Thanks for reading!