Well, this is it. The moment you've all been waiting for. Elliot and Olivia's wedding has finally arrived. On a sad note, though, we've come to end of the story. I've had an awesome time writing this piece for you and I can't thank you enough for supporting me one hundred percent. This story has become one of my favorites and your love and outpouring support inspired me to keep going and going. Seriously, though, this is the end. I'm not doing anymore after this.

And, please, if you can, read and review the sequel to my highly rated 'Hurting' called 'Hurting and Healing'. It's a good one and I vow to update this week!

Enjoy and happy reading!

Lots of love, hugs and kisses from your resident writer and friend, Nina!


Hilton Hotel

Manhattan, New York

February 14, 2009 (Valentine's Day)

Elliot and Olivia's wedding

With baby Chance happily laying in her crib the hotel nicely provided for them, Olivia couldn't believe this day was finally here. All her life, she wanted to be loved and cherished, so today was an exciting time for her. She was getting married.

Wearing a beautiful strapless ivory wedding gown, she looked at herself in the mirror and couldn't believe it was her. Olivia Benson, soon-to-be- Olivia Stabler, was actually wearing this wedding dress. She smiled brightly as she looked at herself over and over again. Today was a big day for her and she just wanted to shout out to the world that she was marrying the love of her life, the man of her dreams, her best friend, her lover, her partner at work and in life, and the father of her beautiful baby girl. Her Elliot Stabler, her protector and savior.

God, I can't believe this. In less than 30 minutes, I'm gonna be joining my life with Elliot's. I mean, he saved me from my own personal hell and more. He understood me and got my back when I told him about my terrible childhood. He loved me through my flaws. He loved me even though I was scared to love him at first. Now, I'm getting a family. A loving, stable family that I've always wanted. I can't believe this is happening to me.

Baby Chance snapped Olivia out of her trance. She looked over her shoulder and smiled at her baby girl. She couldn't believe it's been almost five months since Chance was born and she was getting bigger and bigger. She looked more and more like her mother everyday, but she also had her father's personality and charm.

The day Elliot and Olivia brought their daughter home was the greatest day of their lives. They were madly in love with her. Elliot's children couldn't get enough of their baby sister. Chance is a happy, healthy baby who thrived so much attention from her brother and sisters. Dickie and Lizzie loved to make cute little faces with her, Kathleen loved to pinch her cheeks and Maureen loved to babysit her.

Olivia went over to her baby's crib and picked her up. Chance happily laid her head on her mother's bare shoulder and giggled. Olivia thought she had a silly girl.

"You are so cute, Chance. Yes, you are. You better watch out, though. If you end up like me when you get older, your father's gonna go cop on any potential boyfriends you'll have," she cooed to her baby, laughing heartedly at her baby scrunching up her nose playfully. Chance just giggled and clapped her hands more.

Just then, someone knocked at the door. Olivia went over and opened it, with her baby in her arms, only to find Don standing outside, wearing his blue leisure suit that made her laugh out loud.

"As you know, young lady, this suit is making a comeback. I'm making it happen," he scolded playfully as he stepped inside.

"Whatever, Dad," she giggled some more, which caught him completely off guard.

"Did you call me dad?" he asked, looking shocked.

Olivia smiled as she placed Chance back in her crib. Then she went over to him and took his hands into hers.

"Yes, I did. When I first came on board, you knew about my past and helped me through some really tough times. When I found out about my father, you gave me a shoulder to cry on. You gave me the kind of love and support a father gives to his daughter. Now, on this important day of my life, I'm finally getting everything I want: a handsome husband, a beautiful baby girl and a father I love so much," she explained softly, smiling at him. She didn't wanna ruin her makeup by crying.

Don pulled her in his arms and kissed her forehead gently. He quietly sobbed because he finally got the daughter he'd always wanted. He and his late wife never had children, so for him to finally call Olivia his little girl. He couldn't be happier.

"I love you, Olivia," he whispered in her ear.

She smiled through her forming tears. Thank God for waterproof makeup.

"I love you, too...Daddy."


20 minutes later

Everyone in the ballroom were on their feet when the wedding march began. The double doors opened and everyone stood in awe when Olivia and Don appeared. Even from afar, she still managed to get a good look at Elliot, standing at the alter, looking so good in his black tuxedo. She wanted to faint because in just a few minutes, she was gonna make him her husband.

As they walked down the aisle, the anticipation got ever higher. She couldn't believe this day was finally here. She was so happy, she couldn't stand it. For years, after enduring one bad relationship after another, she never thought she would find the man of her dreams. Elliot was everything she wanted and needed in a man. He was sweet, caring, loving, devoted, mostly temperamental but always looking out for her and vice versa. Anyone could see these two were made for each other.

As they reached the podium, Don lifted the veil away from her face, leaned over and kissed her cheek softly before he pulled back and looked into her eyes.

"I love you, my daughter," he whispered happily.

She smiled at her father. "I love you, too, Daddy."

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the holy union of Elliot Stabler and Olivia Benson. Two souls joining as one. Two lives intertwined for all eternity. As they go on a new journey together, let no one stand between them. May their lives be filled with love and joy as the angles watch over them. If there's anyone who feels why these two should not be joined in hold matrimony, let them speak now or forever hold their peace," the minister said.

When no one said anything, he continued, "Very well, at this time, I understand you two would like to recite your own vows. Elliot, you may go first."

Olivia turned on her heel carefully and handed her bouquet of flowers over to Casey, who winked at her. Alex smiled at her while she held her own bouquet of flowers in her arms. Then, Olivia turned back around and linked her hands with Elliot's, winking at him.

"Olivia. My Olivia. The love of my life. My best friend. My partner. My lover and confidant. All these years, I hoped and prayed that I would be able to share my love with you and now, I'm so happy to have the opportunity to stand here today and give my heart to you. But, you held my heart in your hands for the ten years we've been working together and I couldn't be happier. Olivia, you complete me. You understand me when no one else would. You weren't afraid to keep me in line whenever I tend to go off on a perp or yell at you, you kept me in line and, at the same time, you had my back. Now, being here with you, with our beautiful baby girl Chance in our lives, I feel like I'm on top of the world. Baby, with all that I've been through, you stood besides me and made it known that you'd love me despite my flaws. I love you, Olivia. I love you so much," Elliot recited, tears pooling down his blue orbs.

Olivia cried as she heard every single word. She raised his hand up and kissed it lightly, silently telling him that she loves him. So much.

"Elliot, my baby, my everything. You gave me so much joy in my life. I never thought I would find love again until you came along and single-handedly healed my broken heart. You loved me despite my flaws and gave me something I never had before: stability. Every single day, I get down on my knees and thank God for bringing you to me. You give me strength. You give me respect. You keep me on my toes when times got rough. And, now, with you and your beautiful children, along with our own miracle Chance Christina, I have a family. A family that I can now call my own. I finally belong in a place where I'm loved. And, baby, you made it happen for me. I love you more than life itself."

"Elliot, do you take this woman as your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold, through thick and thin, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health for as long as you both shall live?" the minister asked.

"I do," Elliot said without hesitation.

"Olivia, do you take this man as your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold, through thick and thin, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do," she said through her tears.

"May I have the rings, please?" the minister asked.

Dickie, who served as the best man, pulled the two rings out of his pocket and handed it over to the minister. After glancing at them for a moment, he raised them up in the air.

"Ladies and gentlemen, as Elliot and Olivia embark on a new journey together, these rings represent the love, fidelity and honor they have for each other," he said as he handed them over to the bride and groom.

"Elliot, as you slide this ring on her finger, repeat after me. With this ring, I thee wed," the minister said.

"With this ring, I thee wed," Elliot repeated as he slid the wedding band on her finger. Then he leaned down and kissed it gently.

"Olivia, as you slide this ring on his finger, repeat after me. With this ring, I thee wed."

"With this ring, I thee wed," she repeated as she slid the ring on his finger.

"By the power vested in my, in the state of New York, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride."

Elliot grinned like a fool when he removed the veil away from her tear-stained face. He then took her in his arms, dipped her playfully and kissed her with so much passion, her head began to swim. She thought she wasn't on her feet from the way he kissed her.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it's my extreme pleasure to introduce to you, Mr and Mrs. Elliot Stabler," the minister announced.

Everyone in the ballroom jumped up from the seats and clapped for the newlyweds. Elliot and Olivia held hands as they made their way towards the door, laughing and screaming at the onlookers who started throwing rice and roses at them. When they got outside, Elliot picked up Olivia up bridal style and carried her over to the limo.

They both managed to get inside, so happy and so in love with each other, they couldn't stand it. They knew Chance was in good hands with the Stabler children, so the limo pulled away from the hotel.

As soon as they were out of sight, Elliot pulled her in his arms and kissed her passionately. Olivia sighed in his mouth and snuggled close to him. She couldn't believe this was happening. She found the man of her dreams. She couldn't be happier.

"Tell me I'm dreaming," she whispered when they pulled apart.

"You're not dreaming, baby. This is way too real. You're my wife and I'm your husband," he grinned at her.

She leaned over and kissed him softly. "I love you, Mr. Stabler."

He grinned. "And I love you, Mrs. Stabler."


Stabler residence

Queens, New York

September 23, 2009

With Olivia in his arms, Elliot was on top of the world.

He smiled brightly as he watched his children, their children play with Chance. He'd love to see a smile on his daughter's face. She was a happy, healthy baby who thrived on all the attention her siblings gave to her.

Elliot and Olivia knew getting together was the best thing that ever happened to them. It took then a long time to find each other, but, like they said, it's better late than never.

He reached over and rubbed her pregnant belly with his hand. He smiled because their family was expanding. Just barely two weeks after they came home from their honeymoon in Hawaii, they found out they were expecting another baby. But, to their shock, they were expecting twins, a boy and a girl. Well, they've been really busy.

Elliot was truly happy. He thought he had reached the end of the road concerning his love life. But, now, he couldn't be more happier that he was wrong.

And you can believe it.

Although we've come to the end of the road

Still I can't let go

It's unnatural

You belong to me I belong to you

The End!

Well, there you have it! It's the end! Hope you enjoyed it and please feel free to check out my other stories!

Please review!