Super Smash Exam

"Well here it is folks, the last chapter of Super Smash Exam!" I declare proudly.

"About time…" Ron muttered.

"What was that Ron…?" I ask as I prepare to snap my fingers.

"Uh… Disclaimer: The author does not own any licensed material, he does own his original characters, and the story itself!" Ron Host said; he then grabbed his suitcase crammed full of stuff and bolted out of the room.

"That's what I thought you said!" I yell after him.

A New Team…

"Geez… I'm amazed at how much the town has been repaired." Fox said.

"I feel-a kind of bad-a that we didn't-a help-a fix this-a…" Luigi sighed.

"But Master Hand insisted we go home and rest…" Peach sighed.

"I still want to know why Meta-Knight stayed behind…" King Dedede grumbled.

It was a week after the attack on Smash Town, yet everything was as good as new as if the town had never been attacked, albeit the townspeople seemed a bit more edgy. Even so they still waved to the Smashers as they drove by.

The Smashers were all riding in separate vehicles. Mario was driving Peach, Luigi, and Zelda in a Pink Station Coach with a heart on the front of it; Snake, Fox, Falco, Wario, and Wolf were all riding separate motorcycles; the Ice Climbers were driving some vehicle that looked like a bobsled with Ness and Lucas in tow; DK had a barrel car that was carrying Diddy with him; Samus was driving a rather large convertible vehicle that had Blue, Marth, Ike, Ganondorf, Link, Pikachu, Jigglypuff, T. Link, and Lucario as passengers; Kirby was carrying Yoshi on a warp star with Pit flying close by; C. Falcon was driving his Blue Falcon with Olimar; Bowser was flying above them in his Koopa Clown Copter; King Dedede was driving some odd tank looking vehicle; and Sonic…

"Geez you guys are going so slow…" Sonic said as he ran backwards ahead of everyone else.

"We're-a making sure we don't-a get lost-a." Mario said. "This spot on-a the map isn't where-a the mansion used to be-a…"

"It feels good to have these exams over with you know?" Link asked rhetorically.

"Yeah it does." Ike agreed.

"I still feel bad about Roy and Y. Link…" Marth said.

"And Pichu…" Samus sighed.


"No I still can't figure out why Mewtwo would just quit… we both trained hard during the month we had." Lucario said.

"Well whatever his reasons are, we have to respect his decision." Snake said from beside the van.

"He's right." Samus agreed.

"You think we'll see them again Mario?" Peach asked.

"I'm-a sure we will-a someday-a." Mario said with a nod and a smile.

"Hm? Hey guys you might want to stop!" Sonic yelled back.

"Why?" Bowser asked as he lowered the clown copter.

"That sign…" Sonic answered when he pointed at a sign that read "No vehicles beyond this point for now."

"For now!? What's up with that?" C. Falcon asked. They stopped at a forest edge a stone throw away from the edge of town with a dirt trail leading in to it.

"You've got me." Olimar responded as everyone got out of their vehicles or landed.

"Well there's a pretty clear-cut trail here, we should probably follow it." Marth said.

"Pft… don't know why we have to come out all this way…" Wolf grumbled as he got off of his motorcycle.

"You'll see why." Meta-Knight said.

"Hm? Meta-Knight! When did you get here! I thought you said you were staying behind!" King Dedede yelled.

"Master Hand helped me dock the Halberd… elsewhere, then he sent me to show you guys the way." Meta-Knight answered. "Even though there's a path here…" He added.

"Oh well, thank you for your trouble." Zelda said.


The Smashers spent a few minutes walking the trail, discussing this and that, a few of them wondering when they'll get there.

"Ah Smashers glad you could make it!" Master Hand came floating down from the sky to greet the Smashers.

"So are we here?" Lucas asked.

"Yes you are." Master Hand said.

"… I don't see anything." Blue said. Indeed they were standing in the middle of the woods with only a few trees to be seen.


"Yeah where's the mansion at!?" Wario demanded.

"Ah well you see Smashers… I decided…" Master Hand then snapped his fingers, and then the background of trees behind him flickered off.

"What the… that was a hologram the whole time!?" Olimar asked himself.

"Whoa…" Most of the Smashers said in awe when the hologram disappeared.

"I decided to make a slightly different investment." Master Hand said. "Super Smash Bros… I present to you… Smash Tower!!!" Master Hand declared proudly.

He gestured at a very tall tower that had the outward appearance of a several stories tall hotel building. "Yes underneath that beautiful, beige stone is actually heavily reinforced metal… the same metal the fence and gate are made out of." Master Hand snapped his fingers and the metal gate in front of the Smashers opened up to allow them entrance on to the tower grounds.

"This lawn is so soft…" Olimar said.

"Hey is that a garage over there!?" C. Falcon asked, looking past the looping driveway to where it branched off to what appeared to be a small garage.

"Ah-ha! There's a lot more to that garage than what it seems, but there will be time for that later." Master Hand explained. "Yes Smash Tower, built by Crazy Hand, a few expert builders, and myself to accommodate your every need! Four basement levels, and thirty-five floors going upward!"

"Is this-a why you e-mailed us about-a picking roommates-a?" Luigi asked.

"Yes it is." Master Hand answered.

"Wow… I want to see the whole thing!" T. Link shouted excitedly.

"So do we!" Nana and Popo shouted.

"Rest assured Smashers you'll get to see plenty of it." Master Hand said. "You'll all be staying here for quite some time." Master Hand said. "Anyways, those of you who already sent me some of your furniture will find your respective rooms and floors to already have the furniture and boxes in there; it'll be up to you to have your boxes emptied, and to have settled in to your rooms." Master Hand told them as they approached the main entrance.

"Is this an office building?" Falco asked. The first floor did indeed look like the first floor of a building that had a large receptionist's desk. Although instead of anyone being behind the desk, there were a few monitors and keyboards going around it. For decoration a few potted plants were standing around the room.

"Well we aren't going to be unprepared for possible guests now." Master Hand told Falco.

"What else is there?" Pit asked, fascinated.

"Well most of the floors in the middle of the tower are for recreation and relaxation, the upper-floors are for training of many different sorts, the basement levels are, in order, the chemistry lab, the mechanics lab, storage floor, and finally the underground dock and garage…"


"I was hoping you'd ask…"

A few minutes later…

"This is awesome…" Ness said in amazement. The very bottom basement floor was an absolutely massive room. There was a larger elevator across from the elevator they took to enter the room, that obviously carried cars and other vehicles, places for a few flying ships to dock, in fact the Halberd was already stationed at one such dock. There were several areas for automotive parts, workbenches, a place where numerous warp stars were floating, and most impressively, two massive, ring-shaped machines were in front of and behind where the Halberd was currently docked.

"The machines are quick portals to other dimensions." Master Hand said. "While Crazy and I are perfectly capable of making our own portals, these machines make transporting air ships such as the Halberd significantly easier." Master Hand said. "The one in front of the Halberd is the outgoing portal, while the one behind it is the incoming portal."

"That's amazing!" Olimar said.

"When can we bring our ships in?" Wolf asked.

"First moment you get a chance, I'll give all of you the necessary data for accessing these portals." Master Hand said. "Oh yes, and that elevator on the other side from us is the vehicle elevator, it leads to the garage you saw earlier C. Falcon."

"Oh okay, guess that makes sense." C. Falcon said.

"Hey! Sonic?" DK looked around confused.

"Hm? Hey where is Sonic?" Blue asked. The moment he asked the elevator on the other side turned on and the platform descended from the ceiling above.

"Hey guys!" Sonic shouted from the elevator. "There're tennis courts, some volleyball court, and a… pool behind the tower!"

"I was going to save that for later…" Master Hand cringed. "Sonic please stick with the rest of us."

"Okay, sorry."

"That stuff sounds like fun!" Nana said happily.

"Yeah yeah!" Diddy said.


"Let's wait and see what else Master Hand has to say first…" Meta-Knight said.

"Yeah can we move along?" King Dedede asked.

"Right right…" Master Hand said.


"Whoa… so this is one of the relaxation rooms?" Zelda asked amazed.

"This is impressive." Samus said.

"Mama-mia…" Both Mario Brothers said. The entire floor had a nice, beige carpet, cream wallpaper, comfortable looking furniture, and the most striking feature was the large aquarium that took up most of the far wall, full of fish swimming about.

"Yes it is." Master Hand said. "And it's completely sound-proof unless we buzz you through the intercom for moments we need you."

"Understandable." Snake and Wolf said.

"Now on that note… one floor above us is the meeting room where we'll plan tournaments, and discuss any emergencies we need to address, so whenever meetings are called you'll all need to report to the sixteenth floor." Master Hand said. "Now I'm sure you'll all make use of the tower as you need to… and with that said…" Master Hand paused.


"What?" Bowser asked.

"First, something to give all of you." Master Hand pointed at one of the tables among the furniture. On the table was an open case that had somewhat small, cell phone-like objects with a distinct Smash Emblem on top of them. "Those are Smash phones, with those you can call each other from any dimension. You can also take and send pictures using those phones."

"Guess that's not bad." Sonic said as he and a few others walked up take their phones.

"From here on, all of you represent your dimensions as you fight in clean competition, as a harbinger of peace, and as a protector of the many dimensions you hail from. And so…" Master Hand began.

"So…?" Ganondorf urged on.

"Go up two floors and you'll find that a welcome feast has been prepared already in the dining room." Master Hand said.

"Alright." Link said.

"I could certainly go for something." Ike said with a smile.

"Welcome to the Super Smash Brothers!" Master Hand said.

And quite a welcome it was, they all went upstairs, ate good meat, salad, and beverages of their choice. They socialized, caught up with friends, made new friends, and most importantly, enjoyed themselves. After a long month or so of competing and fighting tooth and nail, it was good to have this moment together.

It was about an hour later, the Smashers had gone to the floors they'd be staying in, unpacking their boxes, or in King Dedede's case, having Waddle Dees do it for him. However a few Smashers were out and about.

"Hm? Did Master Hand call you too Mario?" Link asked.

"You guys-a too?" Mario asked. Mario got in to the elevator with Link, Marth, Snake, Zelda, Ike, Fox, and Samus.

"Yep, I was just unpacking when Master Hand called my Smash Phone." Snake said.

"I would like to know what he wants." Zelda said.

"Looks like this elevator is stopping by the twenty-third and twenty-fifth floors first." Samus noted.

"Is that was those lights mean?" Ike asked.

"Yeah. Don't worry you'll get it eventually." Marth told Ike.


"You too Meta-Knight?" Link asked.

"Master Hand? Yes." Meta-Knight answered.

"Hey wait isn't the twenty-fifth floor where…" Fox began to ask when they arrived.

"Oh great, why are you going up?" Wolf asked Fox.

"Don't tell me Master Hand called you too…" Fox groaned.

"Oh forget about it for now." Samus told them.

"Yeah, what-a Master Hand wants us-a for could-a be important-a." Mario added as the elevator approached the thirty-fifth floor.

"It's you guys!!!" Crazy Hand shouted when the elevator arrived, startling most of the group of ten.

"Crazy Hand please don't do that!" Zelda snapped back.

"Crazy…" Master Hand sighed. "I'm glad the ten of you could make it. Please follow me." Master Hand said. The ten Smashers looked at each other confused but shrugged and decided to follow Master Hand anyways. Master Hand opened a door to his left and floated through it, the ten Smashers soon arrived in a room that had a single table, ten chairs around it, a monitor on one side of the room, and a podium at the head of the table. "Have a seat wherever you like."

"What's this room for?" Wolf asked as Master Hand approached the podium.

"I'll explain." Master Hand said as everyone took a seat. Mario took a seat to Master Hand's right while Fox, Meta-Knight, Snake, and Samus sat down on the same side of the table. Link, Zelda, Ike, Wolf, and Marth sat down along the other side.

"So what is this about?" Samus asked.

"You see, as the Smash Brothers continue to exist, and face new challenges, there are going to be difficult times ahead of us." Master Hand started.

"What does that have to do with the ten of us?" Fox asked.

"I called you here to ask the ten of you… can I trust you?" Master Hand asked.

"That's an odd question." Link said.

"Hear me out first before you answer." Master Hand said. "The ten of you are among the most respected, skilled, wise, and overall inspiring members of the Super Smash Bros., and all of you have proven to be capable leaders…"

"Wait how can you tell? Wolf and I just joined you guys." Ike said.

"You both have lead teams in the past correct? And effectively at that." Master Hand said. "But I'm also basing these on your results in the exams. I feel that the ten of you, deserve to be most capable, to lead the Super Smash Brothers whenever there is a major crisis."

"Us-a?" Mario asked.

"Yes Mario. What I ask of you is not an easy task. I'll be asking you to take action, protect the other Smashers, and to be in my confidence enough to trust you with heavy secrets that we cannot share with the rest of the Smashers." Master Hand said. "So… can I trust you?"

"..." There was a bit of a moment's silence for a while on these words.

"You know you can count on me." Link broke the silence, standing up as he said these words.

"And-a me." Mario stood up next.

"I guess you'll need us won't ya?" Snake asked as he stood up too.

"Hmph, this could be fun." Wolf said with a smirk.

"You know you can rely on me Master Hand." Fox told Master Hand.

"Count me in." Marth stood up as well.

"You can trust me." Ike said, standing up from his chair.

"I'll carry this burden gladly Master Hand." Meta-Knight said.

"You can rely on me." Samus told everyone, standing up as she did so.

"Very well then." Zelda said, standing up from her chair.

"Thank you… from this day forth… I dub thee… the Senior Smashers!" Master Hand proudly declared.

"Pft… ha ha ha ha ha…" Link started to chuckle which was soon followed by a few laughs.

"What?" Master Hand asked.

"What kind of a name is that?" Wolf asked.

"Hey I thought it fit well!" Master Hand said. "Ugh never mind that… anyways, as Senior Smashers I need you to hear me out now, already we have a number of things to discuss." The ten Smashers all took their seats.

"Okay, what is it?" Link asked.

"It's actually concerning Ganondorf." Master Hand said.

"Hm? What about him?" Zelda asked.

"The real reason he passed the exams…" Master Hand began. "How many of you know that saying about keeping your friends close?"

"…Keep your friends close but keep your enemies closer." Fox quoted.

"That's exactly it."

"Whoa whoa hold on… you're saying Ganondorf is our enemy?" Samus asked.

"The real reason the administrators passed Ganondorf was so we could keep him in check." Master Hand said. "They feel that with Ganondorf's steady climb back up towards his full power he is also drawing closer to the evil Ganondorf that Link and Zelda know so well."

"Ganondorf did mention something about trying to take over Hyrule." Ike added.

"And honestly… I feel the same way as the administrators." Master Hand said.

"I guess it would make sense." Snake started. "Ganondorf is here with us, some of the best and brightest throughout the multi-verse."

"And if anyone could stop him on the off-chance he went rogue it would be us." Wolf added in.

"Hold on a moment-a." Mario interjected. "He hasn't-a done anything yet-a. We should at least-a give him the-a benefit of a doubt-a."

"Mario's right, it'd be unfair to punish him for something he might not even do." Zelda said.

"Well this is where you guys come in, what do you think we should do?" Master Hand asked.

"I have an idea… if we send Ganondorf anywhere; we keep him accompanied by someone who could beat him in a one-on-one battle." Marth suggested.

"That sounds like a good idea actually… but who can best him in a one-on-one fight?" Meta-Knight asked.

"Mewtwo could have…" Master Hand said. "That's another reason they passed Mewtwo, and why we tried to convince him to change his mind when he refused his passing."

"I can." Link said.

"You can?" Ike asked.

"My sword, the Master Sword, is Ganondorf's weakness." Link said, pointing at the hilt of the sword on his back.

"If Ganondorf was stabbed by a normal sword, it would do little or no damage to him, but the Master Sword would wound him a lot more." Zelda added.

"So Link definitely would have an even chance of beating Ganondorf then." Samus said. "Master Hand, you could defeat him couldn't you?"

"Yes I could, he'd be barely any threat to me." Master Hand said. "Crazy Hand as well…"

"CHEESE AND QUACKERS!!!" Crazy Hand shouted from outside.

"Ahem well, that solves that problem…" Master Hand said. "Anyways, on to more pressing issues…"

In another dimension elsewhere…

"So… they formed a new team after all." Orochimaru grunted from his bed, a few beads of sweat were trickling from his forehead.

"Yes they did…" Kabuto said.

"Bah well… at least for now they aren't my concern." Orochimaru said.

"By the off-chance we do encounter them again, I have data on all of them now." Kabuto said confidently. "I should grab your medicine." Kabuto added as he walked out. "Oh…" Kabuto then stopped. "One more thing…"

"What?" Orochimaru asked irritably.

"They also sent their own spy." Kabuto said with a grin.

"Oh… they did eh?" Orochimaru then began to chuckle. "The Smashers will wish they had perished by my hand."

In a dark, unknown place…

A very short figure, covered in a black hooded cloak that concealed his appearance walked through a very dark room. It stopped and apparently bowed before a taller figure in the exact same cloak.

"I see you have finally returned, well done my dear." A cackling old voice told the short figure.

"What took you so long? I could have spied on the Exams myself without taking near as long." A more mechanical voice spoke from the concealment of another black cloak.

"Now now… there is no need to belittle his efforts…" An older, but powerful voice spoke. Immediately the three cloaked figures turned and bowed at the source of the voice.

"Forgive me Father." The mechanical voice said.

"All is well… now… brother Fawful…"

"Yes oh leader of this brotherhood of which you are father of." Fawful said, his face peeking out of the shorter cloak.

"You did succeed correct?"

"I am of the succeeding!" Fawful said. From the relatively long sleeve of his cloak he pulled out a disk. "Those idiots of stupidity never had suspicion of my actions of spying! This data will be the lettuce on the sandwich of our success… THE LETTUCE OF THEIR DOOM!!!

"It is as I told you Father. Fawful would most certainly succeed. Eh heh heh heh heh…" Underneath the cloak, a figure with a green face, a toothy grin, purple eyes, and what looked like two purple, fake horns of some sort peered out.

"That you did Sister Cackletta…" Father's voice spoke as his shadowy figure across the dark room waved a hand. On the wave of his hand, Fawful's disk flew out of his hand and floated in mid-air. "And for that both of you shall be rewarded, for now, take your seats."

"…" Fawful, Cackletta, and the third hooded figure all moved to a row of chairs. There they sat at a long table, lined with numerous hooded figures whose faces were concealed by the cloaks they wore.

"Now we have data on our most dangerous enemy… and if it should come to it, we will be ready to fight them. Whether it comes to war or not… The Brotherhood of Supremacy… shall rise above all…"

To be Continued…


All the game companies that created the characters in this story, thank you very much.

Fanfiction dot net, thank you for existing and allowing me to post stories here.

Naruto, for being an awesome manga and a basis for this plot.

Game2002, for being a dedicated reviewer, fair critic, inspiration, and also for allowing me to use three of his OC's (Punk, Pix, and Pork.)

Acorn25, also for being a dedicated reviewer and fair critic. Just wish I could have directly replied to more of your reviews. Still thank you buddy.

Digital Dimension, dedicated reviewer.

Hermitgenius, dedicated reviewer.

Other reviewers, guh… so many of you guys. I love you guys! Thank you for your support.

Other readers, even if you didn't review, thank you for reading.

OC's used:

Sonic Ninjas: Completely made up and I don't care if anyone else uses them, these guys are too generic to claim any ownership over.

Sony Boys, X-bots, and Wii Warriors: Obvious references to popular systems. Again, don't care if these guys are used in other stories.

Harris, Heidi, Cole, Matt, Casey: OC's from Final Fantasy: Rise of Despair, which were part of a shameless attempt at self-advertisement. If anyone does want to use them they have to ask first.

Felix, Joseph, Lisa: OC's from my on hiatus Chronicles of the Night series, also part of shameless self-advertisement. Again, permission to use them is necessary.

Well, can't wait to receive your final reviews, scale of one to ten if you want. And as a closing note…

The World Ends with you, and only you can expand your borders.

Thank you for reading!