-1Me: Hi!!! I decided to start a new story, and yes, I will one day finish a story. So take that Drew!!

May: Drew's not here

Me: Oh… OK then!

May: Mayanddrew4eva92 doesn't own Pokemon. Anyone who says otherwise is obviously mistaken

Me: Uh-huh! On with the fic!!

Chapter 1

A City with a Secret

The snow cascades down on the slumbering city of LaRousse. The monotones shades of stone grey are almost charming. Almost. But LaRousse is a city of nightmares; of sleepless nights and above all, dark secrets best left covered. But, like the delicate rose that lies in the snow-lined garden, the snow and secrets melt, and the flowers bloom into something beautiful… or something that can change the course of lives.

It's time for the snow to melt.

Drew stood before the Ice Garden. The crystallized dewdrops on the mauve flowers glistened in the early morning sun. Winter in LaRousse is a remarkable sight. The city of technology becomes a city of rustic traditionalism,

"Rosa. Rose selia!" Drew. Your shoe's untied!

"I'm wearing slip-ons," Drew responded coolly.

Roselia sighed. That was Drew though. You could say winter was his element. The cold, blunt atmosphere was the perfect companion for his cool distant personality.

"Drew Hun!!!"

I know what you're thinking, but no. It's not Harley. It just so happens, the circus was in town this week and Harley loves the Trapeze act. A girl with raven hair and evergreen eyes came running towards him, waving.

"Do you really have to call me Hun?" Drew sighed.

"What else are big sisters for? Other than exploiting their brother's secret for blackmail. For example… you have a love letter!!" Drew's sister gushed.

Drew shook his head and sighed once more. His breathe could be seen; it spiralled upwards, as though reaching for an invisible hand.

"Have you opened it yet Kayla?" Drew asked.

"Do you even have to ask?"

"Which annoying fan girl is it off this time? Dana? Becky? Sara?" Drew asked.


Roselia giggled at her master's beetroot face.

"Ooh! She's not a fan girl is she? Tell me all about her! Tell me, tell me, TELL ME!!!" Kayla said, jumping up and down ecstatically.

Drew sighed for a third time.

"If you're going to insist on being girly, can we at least go somewhere warm. Preferably home?" Drew asked.

Kayla nodded, and brother, sister and Pokemon walked home together.

Kayla handed Drew a piping hot cup of Hot Chocolate in a green mug. Drew inhaled the rich, textured scent of the chocolate.

"So? Who is she?" Kayla demanded.

"She's… a pen pal," Drew said simply.

"Rosie lia."

Now… normally the person that can understand a Pokemon is his or her master. But sometimes, when two humans have a strong enough bond, the bond between the third party human and the Pokemon blossoms too. And unfortunately for Drew, Kayla understood what Roselia had said.

"And more?" Kayla said eagerly.

Drew growled at his Pokemon. As loyal as she was, Roselia loved to torture Drew about his growing crush on a certain coffee-haired coordinator.

"Spill it Drew! Don't make me write back to her and ask her myself," Kayla threatened.

"Look… she's just a girl I met in Hoenn, and I've battled in Kanto and Johto. I meet even meet her in Musicala. Now give me the goddamn letter Kikki!"

Kikki was Kayla's nickname growing up. She sighed and handed him the letter. He read the letter. Well… attempted to. May's handwriting was next to abysmal.

Dear Drew,

Hi! How are you? I am good.

Damn, that sounded stereotypical. Anyway… I'm fine. I'm training hard. You beat me in Johto, but I'm going to beat you next time. Count on it. The Roses you sent me are doing well. Well… they haven't died yet (and I call that a success since Misty has been stopping over a lot). Anyway… I just thought I'd mention that I'm coming over to LaRousse. Maybe we could meet up and battle. Or maybe something else. I don't know. Maybe I shouldn't send this letter at all…

That's when things got confusing. Another person joined the letter. Assumingly Max.

Ewww! May's writing a love letter!!

Max!!! It's not like that!!

Who to?

No one!!

Ewww!!!! Quit perving on my sister Drew!!!



Max!! Stop reading!!
No! And what do you mean something else? Wait until Dad finds out! He won't be happy if you're making out with some guy he hasn't met!

MAX!!! You're embarrassing me in front of Drew!!

He's not here! Thank God!

Yeah, but he'll read this!!! …And why the hell are we writing this?!!!
Love from May xxx


PPS MAX!!! YOU'RE TOAST!!! Sorry Drew! I'm not going to send this. It's ruined now…

PPS Yes she is. I'm doing this under cover of nightfall.

Gah! My cover is blown! DAMN YOU DREW!!!

Drew finished the letter, thoroughly amused at Max's outbursts. Although the perv comments were uncalled for. Kayla smirked (AN: Obviously a genetic thing then).

"I can't wait to meet her," Kayla said.

"…Meet her?" Drew asked, confused.

"Can't you read. She's coming to visit! See you!" Kayla said happily.

Drew's emerald eyes widened in apprehension. This wasn't going to go well.

In the catacombs of LaRousse, hooded figures met.

"Beedrill. What news do you bring from the outside?" the man in the centre asked.

A hooded woman stepped forward.

"It is as you feared Tentacruel. The ones from the prophecy are growing stronger. And the planets are aligning at the winter solstice; the prophesized ones will unite," she said solemnly.

The one called Tentacruel growled in frustration.

"The solstice in merely 2 months away. We must not let them know of their powers!" he growled.

He stood there for a moment, lost in thought.

"Gengar! Do we have anymore information on the prophesized ones?"

Another hooded man stepped forward.

"They call the boy… Drew."

Me: Dun-dun-DUUN!!
May: Wow! Catacombs!! …What are they?

Me: Like… underground tunnels. Sometimes sewers.

Steph: Hi!

Steph: …Yes I'm fine, thanks for asking!!

May: Where's Drew?

Me: Awww! Do you miss him?

May: No…

Steph: …

May: A bit…

Me: …

May: OK a lot! Stop it with the Spanish Inquisition!! REVIEW!!!