As you may have guessed, I am going to write a sequel to this story. I'm already working on it, but I wanted some feedback before I finish the first part. So here goes.

The story follows one of Van and Hitomi's children (I'm not saying which one yet) as they go through an experience not unlike what thier parents went through (relationship wise. Think Escaflowne minus the war, with a few twists) . You'll get to see a lot of other second generation Escaflowe-ers, who may or may not be what you expect, plus at least one new character you wouldn't guess would be involved. To sum it up in a couple of words, think : wings, cliffs, kidnapping, visions, dreams, and an interesting cast. I'm thinking, if it goes well, it could be a sort of mini-series, following one member from each of the main Esca-families. If so, does anone have a particular person whose child they would like to read about?

So does this interest anyone? Anyone have a brilliant idea to help me along? Let me know.