The FF Masterpiece Theater Presents:
--A Fan Fiction Carol --
Emma-Leeza Smooge, played by...uhh...I don't know. Any Suthor I guess.
Tommy, inspired by my neighbor's little brother
Freda, played mom? Maybe?
Little Lynn, played of my sisters, I guess? I'm not sure...
Jackie Barley, played by Val Evenstar
Ima G. Catchit, played by Inkling
Ghost of Fan Fiction Past, played by Petraverd
Ghost of Fan Fiction Present, played by H. Max Marius (Cherokee)
Ghost of Fan Fiction Future, played by E. C. Peters (Squeaklebeep) and Gleebecheep
Apologies to all my Lion's Call friends, but I might not be able to give all of you cameos in this story. It's proving to be rather unwieldy to the original Smooge stuff I've written and more trouble than it's worth. I haven't completely made up my mind yet, but I'm just not sure about this cameo thing anymore. I'll do a few if I can, but I might not be able to fit all of you in. Please know that it's nothing personal, that I love all of you very, very much and I'd give each and every one of you a starring role if I could! (huggles)
Many, many thanks to Violamom, my awesome beta-reader for this fic and even awesomer mom!! Thank you so much! (As Smooge would say...OMG!!1 u liek ttly roc mi sox!!)
Summary: Emma-Leeza Smooge is the worst of the worst. She drools over William Moseley's "geeeorgeous aquamarine eyes". She uses paragraphs the size of napkins to describe her disgusting Mary Sues. Her spelling and grammar are enough to give people seizures. And worst of all...she also writes slash and incest fics and gushes about how Peter and Susan look "sooooo cute 2gethR!" But on Christmas Eve, she is visited by the ghost of her beta-reader and the three spirits of Fan Fiction Past, Present and Future. Will she learn to change her ways, keep True Narnia in her heart and respect our beloved fandom before it's too late?
So sit and listen, dearest reader
Hear me, if you may
I weave you a tale of a fangirl's plight
Of howling ghosts and Spirits bright
And a wonder on Christmas Day...