"So Emerl is back?" Sonic asked his two-tailed buddy. They were flying the Tornado 2 to Central City. Tails insisted that they take down Eggman's troops before moving on to the main fleet.

"I wonder what he's up to. An attack on Station Square, kidnapping Amy, rebuilding Emerl . .." Tails sighed. "I guess we won't know until we get to him." Sonic grinned

"Hey, don't worry Tails. We've beat him like a million times to zip. It'll be the same this time."

"I hope your right." The fox lowered the plane and they were there. It look like chaos had engulfed the whole city. Eggman's robot's were running rampant, destroying everything they came across. G.U.N was there but they weren't able to stop Eggman's troops and they were slowly being pushed backward. "But it looks like I don't have much hope left."

"Alright, Tails land the plane! I'm gonna go ahead."

"Oh Sonic wait!" But it was to late, for the blue hedgehog had already jumped the plane into the city. "Man, he never changes." Tails smiled despite the situation. He switched the plane into it's mech mode.Sonic landed in the middle of the city in the midst of the chaos. It wouldn't be long until the Black Arms would take complete control of the city. But who is the one giving the orders? Sonic shrugged. He'd find out eventually. He jumped up and started to ram into any aliens he saw with his Homing Attack.But it seemed that there was no end. For every two of them he cut down, three more popped up shooting at him. It wasn't long until they had gotten Sonic cornered.

"You think you have me cornered?" Sonic said to them. He waved his finger. "You should've done you're homework. I'm the fastest thing alive!" One of them stepped out of the crowd holding some gadget. The alien pointed one of their vacuums at him. Sonic flinched. "I guess you did." They started to move in on the hero. Sonic only smirked. The Black Creatures didn't even know what had hit them. They explosion sent them flying, blown to pieces of what they once were.G.U.N had excellent aim and once Sonic had heard the sounds of the RPG, he only had to jump off to the ground below to avoid the blast. Sonic looked to his left to see about thirty robots.

"We need your help, Sonic." Sonic looked behind him to see the Diablon floating above the ground.

"You mean, you guys aren't here to try and catch me?" Sonic shook his head. "Wow, I never thought this would happen." The cockpit door of the machine opened to reveal G.U.N's commander. Sonic had never taken the time to learn his name and didn't care enough to ask, considering this was the man who had given the orders to have captured twice.

The commander shook his head. "Cut the crap, hedgehog. We don't know how, but the Black Arms were not completely destroyed and somehow been able to come back Earth."

"So what do you guys plan to do about it?" Sonic asked. The G.U.N commander took a map out of his pocket.

"We've don't have enough troops here to win, but we've got heavier firepower," the commander said. "So we'we're placing six bombs along the outskirts of the city. When they attacked the first time we were able to scare them out of the city. We figure when they see the bombs go off, they will regroup in the middle of the city."

"And then what will you do?"

"In the middle of the city is a giant bomb set underground in case of an emergency. But we need someone to physically go there and set off the timer. But by the time any of us would be able to get there, those Black Creatures would be long gone. That's where you come in, Sonic."

Sonic scowled. "Why don't you guys have some kind of remote for it?"

"Think about how dangerous it would be if we made the remote and we lost track of it or it was stolen."

"I see your point."

"So," the commander said. "Will you do it?"
"You said there's a timer?" Sonic asked.

"Yes, it will from sixty seconds down. It's in the center of the underground railroad system."

"Okay then," Sonic grinned. "I'll do it. When do I start?" Suddenly, ear-splitting blast shook the ground nearly knocking Sonic off his feet. Gusts of wind rushed at them, powerful enough to knock even the strongest man down.

"Now!" The G.U.N commander yelled. Sonic took off 20x faster then a triathlon racer. Down King Street, up 12th road, and there we are! Sonic thought and without wasting any time he dashed into the station. I guess I'll just follow the tracks until I get to the central station.Sonic leaped down onto the tracks and ran forward until he reached the crossroads. That's what they sign said anyway. It was a series of tunnels with track running through them. It was a fully circular dome and Sonic had know way to which way he was going. That is, until he saw the signs. All Sonic had to do was read the signs. Sonic hopped on a rail and started grinding down into one of the tunnels. Sonic thought he heard the sound of a train. But at a time like this? Sonic shook his head. Nah.Sonic continued down his path. The horn blared again.

"Oh crap, it's for real!" Sonic shouted. Sure enough, the train came shooting out right out of the tunnel. Sonic had no choice. The blue blur jumped off to the side, the train just barely missing him. He had to land or grab on to something or his fall would be reallypainful. But that wasn't even the worst of it. Six Black Creatures on hoverdiscs came out behind the train and were already shooting at him. His only chance was to get one of those hoverdiscs. And it was coming soon. The aliens were closing in fast. Sonic spun himself so that it would be harder to aim at him until they came up close. Then, when the first one came, Sonic stopped his spin and grabbed onto the aliens arms. Now it was just a power struggle. Sonic tried to knock the alien off of his disc, but it didn't work. The Black Creature broke Sonic's hold on him and pushed the hedgehog off. Sonic fell off the hoverdisc and laser barrage started right back up again. One grazed Sonic's left arm. Oh man, how I am supposed to get out of this one! Sonic thought.

"Sonic!"What the- Sonic looked around to see who had called out his name.And slammed straight into the cockpit of Tails' Tornado mech. Working quickly, Tails locked on to all six Black Arms soldiers and fired. The mech flew along the train tracks into a tunnel.

"I thought you only put in a hover pack." Sonic said.

"It can also use train tracks too," Tails replied. "I thought it would be useful."

"Whatever. Listen," Sonic said, his face suddenly showing nothing but seriousness. "We have to get to the center of the railroads. G.U.N put a bomb in there that we have to detonate."

"Okay." Tails said. "Let's go." The Tornado mech sped up.

"Do you even know where to go?" Sonic asked.

"I've got a built-in map installed in the mech." Tails answered. "Smart, huh?"

"Really smart." The two got deeper into the train station, and suddenly at least a hundred Black Arms were staring at them, ready to fire perched on their hoverdiscs. Tails' jaw dropped, because he knew that his mech couldn't handle this many without help. And then, all at once lasers and rockets came from every direction all focused on Sonic and Tails. The track was destroyed beyond repair, instantly becoming pieces of rubble. The Black Arms swarmed knowing that at the last second, the two had escaped into a tunnel ahead of them. About fifty of them entered the tunnel with them.

"I'm changing the mech again!" Tails shouted. The top part of the mech lowered itself to the tracks as the cockpit sprang up. Another pair of wheels supported the balance. This was the Tornado Racer.

"Tails how far away from the center are we?" Sonic asked.

"About seven minutes away!" Tails said. "Do me a favor and take control of the weapons!" Two control sticks popped up. "They'll be attacking from behind!"

"I don't know how to use these things!" Sonic said to his friend. "Learn!" Sonic would have to learn very quickly because ten Black Alien came zoomming into sight, catching up quickly. Okay,Sonic thought. This button is probably for locking on. And this button . . .! Sonic fired a slew of plasma missiles onto the oncoming aliens. His attack managed to take out seven, but more of them came rushing down the tunnels. It wouldn't be long until they would have enough to take the mech down. The aliens were already inflicting heavy damages upon the mech. A little bit more and . . . well Sonic didn't like to think about that. He fired more plasma missiles.

"Tails, we're not going to make it." Sonic said over the noise of the screeching racer.

"Switch seats with me!" Put the the racer on auto-pilot, Tails and Sonic quickly switched seats. Indeed, the mech didn't have much longer to go until its armor wore out and it became scrap metal. Tails would have to take them out in one shot. The Ring laser. The two-tailed fox thought. Underneath his seat, he flipped a switch which brought up a targeting reticule to his eyes. The mech internal computer quickly calculated everything. All Tails had to do now was wait for the perfect time to fire. Wait for it, wait.

"Tails, we made it." Sonic exclaimed. "We're there!" Indeed, the pair were nearing the exit of the tunnel. It had only taken seven minutes to reach there, but to the two, it seemed like an eternity.

"Now!"Tails shouted. The two cannons at the back of the mech, shot energy into a ball directly in front of them. All the aliens it touched were disintegrated instantly. Out came the mech from the tunnel, the living winner of the race. Now the central station loomed in front of them, hiding the deadly bomb inside.

"Tails, there's no time!" Sonic said. They had slowed to a stop right in front of the station. "I'm going!" And with a burst of supersonic speed, the blue 'hog was up and inside the building. And there it was. The bomb stood out from everything. The thing stopping Sonic from detonating it was a figure Sonic thought that Shadow had destroyed.

"We meet again Sonic the Hedgehog." Black Doom turned around slowly. "I had a feeling we'd see each other again."

"I don't know how you survived that fight with Shadow," Sonic said. "but looks like your going to get beat again." The leader of the Black Creature said nothing; he only lifted up his hands and sent five meteors. Sonic avoided them all and flew toward Black Doom. The alien leader swerved out of the way. Sonic grinned. It had gone just as he wanted it. Sonic pulled down the lever on the bomb.

"Detonation sequence begin. 60 seconds remaining until explosion." Black Doom snarled, a vicious sound that sounded like murderous feelings put into sound.

"You win this time, hedgehog." Black Doom spat. Then he grinned. Or at least as close as his face could get to grinning. "But our battle is far from over." He sent a a blade of energy flying horizontally in Sonic direction. The hedgehog hopped over it quickly and landed in a battle stance. But Black Doom was gone. Sonic stood staring at the spot where Black Doom had just been seconds ago.

"45 seconds until detonation." That woke Sonic up. He quickly sped outside the building. Tails face showed him exactly how dangerous there situation was. Sonic hopped into the racer and they sped forward toward an exit just ahead.

"30 secondsuntil detonation." Tails really poured it on then. Two Black Aliens moved in front of them.

"Get outta the way." Tails shouted. Not caring about the lasers they were shooting at him, the fox barged straight through them.

"15 seconds until detonation." They were out of the station now, but they kept moving.

"Countdown sequence over. Detonation begin."

The blast shook the city, harder than the other six bombs before it. Tails had changed the mech back into the original airplane, the Tornado. Sonic collapsed back into his seat.

"Oh crap, that was close." Sonic groaned. "I thought we really caught our deaths that time."

"Shouldn't you be a little bit more scared?" Tails shook his head. Sonic really never changed. "Wait a minute." Tails narrowed his eyes and looked forward. "Isn't that one of Eggman's ships?" He pointed in front of them for Sonic to look.

"I think your right, Tails" Sonic suddenly grinned. "Hey if we follow that, it'll probably lead us to Eggman and Amy."

"Okay, let's go!" Tails said, pumping a fist in the air."We'll just follow them to wherever there going. I'm sure they'll lead us to something important." Tails slowed the plane down a little bit. "We'll just have to wait until they get there."

Metal Sonic grinned to himself. Everything had gone perfectly. They had managed to wipe out some G.U.N forces and Black Doom had played his part well. And the best par was, Sonic really was stupid. The fool and his fox friend were following him right now, taking the bait like fish. One of the robots approached him cautiously.

"Awaiting orders for destination." It spoke.Metal Sonic pondered this for a moment. Where should they go next? Ah yes, of course. We'll get them to help us. With his mind made up, he turned to the robot.

"Take us to the Windy Valley," Metal said. "Sonic and his friends are on a time limit, but so are we. We must get there by tomorrow morning."

"Affirmative."As the robot left to go input the orders into the ship navigation system, Metal Sonic turned to look at the plane following them at a distance. Soon Sonic, he thought. Soon I'll finally be able to kill you and prove that I'm the better one. Just wait a little bit longer until the Dr. plan can be completed. . ."

A/N: I want to thank X-treme SR and sonnikuxames for reviewing. Please continue to review. I also ask others to R&R

