Hey peoples! I just wanted to say that I am having writers block with one of my other stories so therefore I am writing this dribble. Please forgive me!


The body was covered in a white sheet, but that didn't stop the crimson blood from seeping through. This also didn't stop his friends from seeing the gore either.

The body belonged to a young male of Japanese decent. He had crimson hair and sea foam green eyes when he was still alive. These eyes were surrounded by dark eyeliner that made him look sort of like a raccoon. Now the eyes were closed... forever. He had a lithe form with lean muscle and he was pail. Very pail.

The boy didnt seem very happy at home. He had an abusive father and uncle. The uncles excuse was the the child had killed his fraternal twin sister. His brother and sister didnt do much to help. They coward in their rooms and ignored the things that were going on outside their little worlds. They refused to believe the things that were going on in their own home.

The boy was passionate about poetry and art. To him it was a way of escape from the dark things that went on in his life. He loved the play of words that Shakespeare wrote in Romeo & Juliet. He wanted to become a teacher. But most of all, the crimson haired boy had an almost luminescent glow about him that made him seem almost like poetry in itself. He was the most perfect boy in this most imperfect world. The boys name was Gaara. Sabuku no Gaara.

And how did I know all of this? Because I was his best friend. I was that beautiful boys best friend even when he didnt want to be mine. I stood by him while his family was being cruel. There has never been a time that I have not been there for him. Except now. I didnt know he was planning on doing anything like this. I was confident enough that he would tell me if he was planning on doing anything like this.

I guess he didnt trust me enough or liked me enough to tell me.

When I stepped into the Mansion that was owned by Suna corp. I was immediately greeted by police. I was already expecting them. I saw their cars out front. Along with an ambulance. The police were telling us to keep back but we went up there anyways. We pushed past all the police officers and detectives and all the other people getting in the way of me seeing what was going on.

My first thought was to see who it was.

When I saw the pail hand sticking out from under the now crimson sheet I knew exactly who it was.

I screamed. As loud as I could. I ran toward him in a panicked flurry. Sasuke held me back. I fought against him. Punched kicked bit. But it was to no avail. No matter how much I pummeled Sasuke he refused to let me go.

Now was time for a confession. I would never admit this to anyone until now.

I was totally and unconditionally in love with my best friend. I regretted not telling him sooner. The reason I was going there was to confess to him.

When I stopped fighting I began to cry and go into hysterics. I clung to Sasuke because I knew I wouldnt be able to hold myself up. Soon afterward I blacked out.

When I woke up I was in my bed in my room. The door was shut and I was alone. I thought what had happened was a dream and when I went to Gaaras house he would greet me with his usual scowl. But when I got there I was sorely mistaken. There was still blood on the floor from the other day. And there was a knife on the floor that was covered in blood as well. I picked it up, for I had recognized it as Gaaras. I had bought it for him along time ago for his 12th birthday.

The handle was crimson with gold for the trimming. The blade was black because it was made out of volcanic stone. It was newly sharpened to. I cut my finger. By a stroke of insanity I folded up the weapon and put it in my pocket.

Thats when the horror of it caught up with me.


This realization hit me like a ton of bricks. I bolted from that vile place.

Still in my mood of insanity when I got home I threw all of my junk, except for my computer cell phone bed and desk, out into the hallway and locked the door. My eyes were wide I did so. My door had 4 different locks on it so I wasn't worried about anyone coming in. I opened the window, my eyes still wide and I haven't blinked yet, and jumped out. We were three stories up but there were soft bushes and grass that broke my fall.

I ran down the street and bought 3 cans of paint. I ran home quickly and scaled the wall up to my window by climbing the tree. Once inside I open one can and throw it against the wall. It splatters. It makes a deep black stain against the white. I do this with all three cans until the majority of my walls are black. I dont try to cover anything up. What do I have that I really care about.

I start to scream again and everything goes black.

A week has gone by. I haven't left my room once. The paint on the walls has dried and I am huddled up on the carpeted floor staring at the computer screen. I am waiting for something to happen. I dont know what it is but I want it to happen. I'm waiting.

There are deep circles under my eyes I guess. I haven't gone to sleep for a long time. This is the 4th time it has read 2:30 on the computer. I dont know if it is day or night because my window has been painted over. It is the color of crimson. I dont remember doing it.

There are times when things go blank and I dont know what is going on till I look at my colander. I've stopped checking by now. I dont care any more.

There have been calls on my cell phone. I dont bother to answer or check to see who called. I dont care anymore.

People have come by and tried to coax me out of my room. I dont budge or even answer. They've stopped trying and resorted to sending me emails. I read them but dont reply. So they've stopped trying with that and have now tried calling my cell. They'll soon give up on that to.

Everything goes dark.

There is a pinging noise that indicates I have mail. I growled then cough at the effort it takes to do this. I crawl over to the monitor and move the mouse. The light dings on and I try to focus on what the computer is saying. I read who its from. Take a double take and hastily click on the mail. Its from Gaara.

To: Fox-kun

From: Panda-kun

Subject: We are all living a lie

Dear Fox-kun,

I am most likely dead by the time you get this. If I am still alive I have made a mistake. You are most likely confused as to how I am sending you this. You're conclusion would be to think that I am still alive. If you want to then go ahead. Believe that I am still walking this earth. For if you look hard enough I am standing right beside you.


I wanted to cry. But most of all I wanted to scream. Was he telling me that he was alive? Was he dead? I so wanted to believe that he was.

So I would.

Gaara was alive. He had to be. Otherwise he wouldnt have been able to send this email.

In the email he told me that he was next to me. And sure enough there he was. Sitting cross legged like he hadn't a care in the world. Like he wasn't dead at all. I smiled at him. He smiled at me. I wanted to scream his name but he made a gesture for me to stay quiet. So I did. Instead I hugged him. I held him to my chest. It was almost impossible to believe. Why did he have to scare me like that?! I truly thought he was dead!

The emotional strain is to much so I slip back into darkness. I dont want to go but with Gaaras arms wrapped around me I dont care.

There is furious banging on the door and it startles me back into consciousness. It is Iruka. He is begging for me to come out of the room. Pleading for me to come out. Gaaras funirul will begin in a few hours. I want to scoff but am to tired. Gaara is not dead. He is alive. He is sitting here stroking my head. Whoever is in that coffin will most definitely not be Gaara.

I am loosing sight of time again. I dont know what date it is until I hear a ding that tells me that I have a message. I crawl to the computer and see that the message is from Gaara once again. But I see that he is standing right beside me. Looking over my shoulder.

To: Fox-kun

From: Panda-kun

Subject: Anything that has to deal with everything

Dear Fox-kun,

The time is now to act.

The time is now to feel.

Love me and hold me like you would if I were real.

Show me why the sky is blue.

Like you eyes so deep and true.

Show me why the sun is so gold.

Like your hair in the night.

Tell me things I didnt know.

Tell me things I never knew.

Bring with me to your forever.


I was surprised to get a poem. A new one I had never read. Something that tore at my heart. What did the poem mean? Gaaras poems often confused me. They were written in a why that only the poets knew to read. There was the heart ache as well. I did not know where it came from but all of a sudden I was in agonizing pain.

I started to scream again. Gaara was trying to calm me but it wasn't working. I couldnt feel his touch. The darkness crept up on me again.

I finally realized that the Gaara I was seeing was a figment of my imagination. My desperation for him to be alive and with me. I still didnt know why I kept getting email from him then. Maybe my mind was making them up to?

For what seemed like an eternity I got another email from him.

To: Fox-kun

From: Panda-kun

Subject: This charade must end

Dear Fox-kun,

Today is the next day of our lives.

Over and over do the days go by.

Days seem like years and then seem like months.

Anarchy will play beneath the streets and plague those who dare to stop it.

Yesterday was our end to the day of days.

It will not be a pleasant end.

Seconds tick away and your still sitting there.

Time is of the essence go find your peace.

Handle those with care or they will most surely break.

End their miserable existence.

End it before it can begin.

Never look back or you will regret all that you have done.

Destroy all those who get in you way.


This is just as confusing as the last. It makes no sense. None at all. It is the language of the Gaara and those that are like him. But there is no one like Gaara. He is a perfect being. There is no one as perfect as Gaara in my eyes.

I am so hungry. The pain in my stomach wont go away. Not matter how many times I hit it the pain just simply refuses to subside. But I refuse to leave the room. And I wont let anyone in.

I want to die. I dont want to die. Why was I still alive? Didn't the all mighty being see that I just wanted to waste away into nothingness?

I cant get up. I am to weak to. So I stay by the computer so that I can see if there are any other letters that come in. it takes them an eternity to get here. But I wait. And I hope that they come. Because those letters are what keep me from going off the deep end.

But aren't I already here? Am I not already going insane?

A ding signals that an email has just come in.

To: Fox-kun

From: Panda-kun

Subject: This is good bye

Dear Fox-kun,

Pain cutting in deep.

There is no running.

There is no escaping.

Oblivion is calling.

What? Do you think just because I'm afraid that means I will bread down?

You bring the shadows with you.

You have me seeing nothing but darkness.

You say its over.

I can sigh again.


Deal with it!

You are an unbeliever.

A heartless freak.

Feel free to die anytime now.

The sound of silence...

Utter silence.

Basic instructions before leaving earth:

Begin the Apocalypse.

Oblivion doesn't scare me cause you've made me perfect.

You cant kill perfection.

Perfection doesn't die.

Not even in your eyes.

You just cant kill me.

I wont die.

Not this time.

Time to gather up the splinters.

Build a casket for my tears.

Never question what I am.

I am what I am...

And what I am is...


"Who is a nobody?" you ask?

They are the non-existent no ones.

If you're confused define tomarro.

Tell me were you found your faith.

Show me were your place is in this meaningless world.

Bring it down.

Tell me if I'm one of the nine immortal men doomed to die.

I've been forgotten.

Cut my life into pieces.

This is my last resort.


No breathing.

Pull the trigger.

No way out.

Horizons of nothing.

Life of agony.

Shattered with no spare key.

I guess I'm just born to loose.

Cause I've lost...

All meaning.

What good is sight if theres nothing there?

I've been lost.


And thrown away.

No one cares.

You cant see my misery through your own.

I'm sick of you and your hypocritical ways.

I'm sick of my heart being chained down.

I have wings but no where to fly.

Every finger in the room is pointing at me.

Friends turn to shadows and drag me away.

I'm just a worthless liar.

But worst of all I'm an Anti-hero with a suicidal excuse.

I can go back to abyss.

Back to the casums.

Back to begging the pain to start all over.

I can go back to the echoes.

Back to my non-existence.

Back to Oblivion...

Back to Oblivion!


I Love you Naruto Uzumaki.


I was stunned. Completely and utterly stunned. It baffled me. I couldnt wrap my mind around what he was trying to tell me. But then I read it a second time. Then a third. And finally I understood. He loved me too. My love wasn't unconditional.

He honestly loved me even at his moment of death.

And this knowledge only made the pain worse. It felt like someone was ripping me as easily as paper. I cried. Hard. It hurt. But even though I was going through so much pain there was a sliver of pleasure. All because Gaara, my perfect Gaara, loved me too.

And surprisingly enough I feel asleep. I went back into the darkness. But this time. I didnt resurface.

End for this segment

For some of you this little story will be cheesy. For some of you it will be sad. For me it was just alittle bit if inspiration that I needed to get out of me otherwise I would be going insane right now. Review to tell me if you had fun?