
Disclaimer: Criminal Minds is not mine:

A/N: I am not at home and so I am using the lap top to write….I think the fic has suffered because of this and I am very sorry about this….I cant not post, so please accept this apology for some really rubbish fiction//sigh

OK !!! I found the lost H...and have deleted them ROFL!!!!!

They stood and watched for a while in the distance. It was like something from a cheap imported oriental movie. Morgan had seen many of them in his time. One man was brandishing a long katana type of sword, the other held two short knives. They were circling each other in the snow. Shouting insults and just making noises to intimidate the other.

"One of these men has to be Otikami." Hotch pulled the photograph from his pocket and tried to make out through the snow if one of them was the man they were meeting up with, and if he was, where was Reid?

Morgan looked at the picture Hotch was holding and looked up at the two men. "I think Otikami is the one with the katana. He looks like the younger of the two men."

"I agree Morgan, but where the hell is Reid?"

The stood in the snow and watched mesmerised for a while by the snow and the swirling men dancing the game of death in the snow. Occasionally they would see a fine spray of blood fanning out from one of them. Otikami was, it seemed, slightly lame and not as fast or skilled as the other man.


Spencer could feel the blood draining from him. He wanted to move, to get up out of the snow and to scream at Otsu to stop it. He wanted to pull himself to his feet for one last time and show them he wasn't defeated but he couldn't move. He managed to roll over onto his side and looked down to see the point of the blade protruding from near his hips. He cried in pain and anguish. This isn't how he ever dreamed he would die. He moved about a foot forwards watching Taki and Otsu fighting. He could see Taki was weakened and he could see Otsu just seemed to be gathering more strength from the weakness he was seeing.

The hand on his back made him yelp. "Don't move Reid. Just don't move." It was Aaron. He wanted to turn around and see Aaron and he wanted to disappear and hide and he wanted to feel arms around him protecting him and he wanted him never to see Aaron again. He knew that they had seen what he had been forced to do and didn't know how he was going to cope with explaining this to Hotch. So he stayed still and pretended it wasn't happening and watched Taki dancing this death dance in the snow with Otsu.

"My god Reid." Morgan's voice this time.

"Morgan, help him." Not much more than a sigh. He could feel hands touching his bare back and he could hear whisperings and feel hands touching his back. "Leave me – help Taki. He will kill him." His voice was fading.


Morgan watched the careful way Hotch touched Reid. He looked at the scared look on his face and then at the two men fighting in the snow. He touched Hotch on the shoulder. Trying not to look at the puddle of blood spreading around Reid. Derek took off his warm winter coat and handed it down to Aaron. "Cover him. I will deal with those two. Look after him Hotch." Morgan bent down over Reid and pushed his hair off his face. "We need keys to get those cuffs off his hands. Aaron? – Aaron?" But Aaron didn't seem to be listening. He had placed Derek's coat over Reid and was walking with his gun out towards the two fighting men.

"Stay with him Derek. Call in the paramedics. He needs to be airlifted out of here." Hotch was walking away fast now, calling out in the snow. Shouting a name.


Neither man reacted.

"Otsu Tokado!"

Still the two men fought on.


Reid felt something lay over him. He was too cold though. He was going to die. He was going to lay here in the snow and feel his life drain away into the snow with his hands still tied behind his back and with the collar still around his neck. He felt someone lay down in the snow behind him carefully put an arm over his cold body, pulling the coat tightly over him. He felt hot breath on the back of his neck and

heard a voice. "It's OK Reid man, they are coming to get you. I'm not going anywhere until I know you are safe." Morgan's voice sounded like it was coming from down a long tunnel. Reid sighed and let the arms hold him and watched Aaron walking towards the two men.


Taki was going to kill him. He had every intention of tearing Otsu apart with his bare hands. He was bleeding from small cuts and lacerations over his arms and upper body. He was still to draw blood on Otsu. Throwing his sword to the snow covered ground he screamed and ran for Otsu, who deftly stood aside and sliced Taki across his back as he ran past. He could hear someone shouting, but the blood pounding in his ears stopped him from hearing. All he knew, all he could think about was he needed to kill Otsu. As fell to the snow and rolled over onto his back he saw the face of Otsu smile. He watched the knife fly from his fingers and he felt it pierce the skin on his chest.

He lay in the snow and cried out in pain and anger as he watched the killer walking slowly over to him. He watched as he pulled a long thin knife from his belt and start to crouch down next to him. He could feel the sticky warmth from his nose and the heat of his blood oozing out of him into the snow and he watched as though in slow motion the side of Otsu's head disappeared and sprayed over the virgin white snow.

Hotch stood over Taki and looked down at him. "The air ambulance is on its way. I will make sure you get help."

Taki stared back up at Hotch. He knew him. He had seen him in the bar of the hotel all those weeks ago when he first took Reid. "Hotchner, Spencer?"

"Not your concern. You just need to know that you will be taken to hospital and then we will talk."



Reid heard a voice from deep inside of him.

What the hell happened?

Where have you been?


Where the hell have you been?

I wanted to ask you the same thing.

You know I went away.

But I needed you.

You can't be trusted for a few weeks?

Floyd help me.

You don't need my help. You have Hotch.

No! I need you.

Dirty whore.


Morgan could hear Reid muttering to himself as he lay bleeding in the snow. He didn't want to look at the weapon sticking through his back. He didn't want to see the way his hands were wrenched behind his back. He definitely didn't like the way Spencer was shaking and sobbing. Derek gently stroked Reid's back and arms, avoiding the hands and wrists and spoke softly in a calm voice. Inside Derek was screaming and crying and needing Reid to respond to him and not to the voices the seemed to have in his head.


I'm sorry.

Please come for me.

I need you.

Floyd please.

Talk to me.

Morgan could hardly hear the words Reid was saying and when the sound of the air ambulances finally could be heard he breathed out a long sigh of relief.

Filthy whore dog.

Why would I talk to you?

I know what you have been doing.

Derek felt hands on his shoulders. "It's OK now sir, we have him."

Morgan whispered in Reid's ear, "I will be coming to the hospital with you. I wont leave you Reid." But he got no reply as the paramedics pulled back the coat and looked at the damage. All Derek could think off that there was too much blood.

Hotch stood next to Taki and watched him bleed out into the snow. He looked over at Morgan and Reid as the air ambulance took Spencer and then looked back down at the bloody snow and the face of Taki unblinking as the snow fell gently now onto the man who had taken money from his wife to abduct Spencer. He watched as Taki started to shake and the blood dripped from the corner of his mouth and trickled down the side of his neck. He looked at Otikami trying to say something. It looked like 'I am sorry.' But it was far too late for that now.




A/N: Sorry if there are odd errors….but I hate this keyboard!!! GGRR