HEY!!..I decided to do a mini continuation of Taking Over...I felt bad for Hichigo...anyways...this is a little explantion behind Hichigo's anger...but with a small twist in events too...hehe...Happy B-day to tomorow the 20th...YAY!!...Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach...I bet I won't get it for my Birthday...although I might get the Twilight series by Stephanie Meyer...:)

Taking Over part 2

Rukia stopped dragging Ichigo when they had reached an abandoned part of a park. Ichigo refused to look at Rukia. She sighed.

"Ichigo stop blaming yourself now." Rukia said softly.

"Why? If I wasn't so weak he never would have been able to hurt you!" Ichigo shouted angrily, grabbing Rukia's shoulders.

Her face contorted in pain. Ichigo immediately let go and collapsed on a near by bench.

"God, now I'm hurting you." Ichigo said placing his face in his hands.

"Ichigo, you didn't try to hurt me. It was an accident." Rukia said in a calm, gentle tone.

She sat next to him and took his hand. He looked up at her with sad eyes.

"I was wondering if I could speak with you and him." Rukia said gently.

"Why?" Ichigo asked.

"I want to know why he was so mad this past time, but I want you here too." Rukia replied.

"I could try." Ichigo replied meekly.

Rukia smiled reassuringly. Ichigo closed his eyes and began to try to contact Hichigo and Zangetsu. Ichigo opened his eyes and he was on the side of a building. Zangetsu and Hichigo, he looked ticked, were standing in front of him.

"Rukia wants to talk to me and him at the same time. Is that possible?" Ichigo asked.

"Yes there is but Shirayuki will have to lead Rukia here and you must find a safe place to allow safe travel for Rukia." Zangetsu replied calmly.

Ichigo nodded. He opened his eyes to Rukia. She looked at him expectantly.

"There is a way but we need to go to Urahara's first." Ichigo said getting up.

They were at Urahara's in a matter of minutes. He let them down in the cavernous room below the shop.

"So how are we supposed to do this?" Rukia asked stretching after leaving her gigai.

"Zangetsu said Shirayuki would be able to lead you." Ichigo said.

Rukia nodded unsheathing Sode No Shirayuki. She closed her eyes.

"Rukia, are you ready?" Shirayuki asked.

She nodded and when she opened her eyes, she was on the side of a building. Rukia choked down the urge to scream when she noticed that she had not fallen yet.

"Hey, you didn't freak out when you realized you were on the side of a building." Ichigo said with a smirk.

"Well, I figured if this is your mind then its normal." Rukia retorted playfully.

Ichigo fake pouted before grabbing Rukia's hand and leading her a few buildings away. Hichigo stood near the edge of the one they stopped on. His back was to them. Ichigo frowned as Rukia walked closer to him.

"Hichigo?" Rukia called out gentle.

He turned to her, eyes full of confusion.

"You gave me a name?" Hichigo asked.

"Yes, I wasn't going to address you as "It" or anything. Do you mind?" Rukia said softly.

"Thanks, it's nice to have something to be called." Hichigo said walking forward a little.

Ichigo walked up as well. He managed to keep a calm face.

"I'm sorry." Hichigo said quietly. "I never meant to hurt you."

"It's ok, but I want to know why." Rukia replied.

"I was angry. I was not going to hurt you ever, but I over heard Zangetsu and Shirayuki talking one night. She kept saying how you are always thinking about Ichigo. It upset, knowing that you only love him, never me." Hichigo said his tone gaining anger.

"Isn't her loving me the same as loving you? You are part of me and all." Ichigo said.

"No it is not the same! You'll get to feel everything first hand, while I wait for you stupid mind to process it." Hichigo shouted.

"Hichigo, its close enough. You just want control." Zangetsu said.

Shirayuki was at his side. Hichigo pouted.

"Fine, then at least let her visit with Shirayuki occasionally." Hichigo said.

Ichigo and Rukia looked at each other confused. Zangetsu and Shirayuki laughed, but showed no signs of offering insight.

"Can we go back now?" Rukia asked slightly annoyed.

"Yes, I will stay here for a little while longer." Shirayuki said as she waved goodbye to Rukia.

Rukia sat up. Ichigo was already up and offered a hand to help her to her feet.

"That was odd." Rukia said.

"Yeah, I don't think I want to know what is going on though." Ichigo said.

"We should probably get back to class." Rukia said.

"Yeah." Ichigo replied.

Rukia began walking but Ichigo grabbed her hand. Her spun her around and kissed her.

"Ichigo?" Rukia asked.

"Just a little something to keep Hichigo happy." Ichigo said.

Rukia smiled. They headed back towards school. Rukia pulled her phone out as it started beeping. They took off towards the hollow. Ditching their bodies, they quickly dispatched the hollow. The two started on their way back to school again, not noticing that their clothes were disheveled. Their classmates looked at them in shock when they walked in.

"What the hell is with them?" Rukia asked Ichigo once they were in their seats.

He just shrugged. Sensei gave them an odd smile before continuing her lesson. Lunch came quickly. They went up on the roof with the rest of their friends. Their friends kept looking at them weirdly.

"What the hell guys?" Ichigo asked getting annoyed.

"What, other than the fact that Sensei said that you two were leaving to get some action, in a perverted sense, and then you two come back looking disheveled?" Ishida asked sarcastically.

"What?!" Ichigo and Rukia shouted together.

"So basically the whole school thinks you two skipped class to, well you know." Ishida said.

"Ishida." Rukia said menacingly.

Ishida hid behind Chad as Rukia and Ichigo tried to attack him. They heard laughing.

"I didn't know you two would get so upset over that." Sensei said.

Ichigo and Rukia sat down, glaring at Sensei.

"If looks could kill I would be dead twice." Sensei said.

"That could be arranged." Rukia said murderously under her breath.

"What was that?" Sensei asked.

Rukia tried to move to attack Sensei but Ichigo stopped her.

"You two with me now!" Sensei said.

They left. Ishida stepped out from behind Chad.

"That could have been worse." Inoue said.

"I'm unhappy to say it but I'm glad for Soul Society's laws. If they didn't have any I would probably be dead right now." Ishida said.

The entire school learned not to tick off both Ichigo and Rukia that day.

Hope you liked it...haha...sorry just thinking about what Nathan said to me in band today...what he said is in my profile now cuz it was funny...lol...R&R...Ideas are welcome!

Believing Is Seeing