Hello, I thought I might try my hand at oneshots. So yeah this is gonna be a collection hopefully! I thought this one up in computer class. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach...I do own copies of the first 4 volumes of the manga!!

Rukia's Attack

Ichigo sat at his desk working on his homework. It was quiet and peaceful making it easier to concentrate in his work. To bad good things do not last.

"Oi, Ichigo. How do you do this?" Rukia demanded pointing to a math problem.

"Didn't you pay attention at all midget?" Ichigo retorted.

"Of course! Now show me how!" Rukia demanded again.

Ichigo got up, walked to the black-haired shinigami, and sat down next to her. He resisted the urge to slap himself when he saw the problem.

"You didn't pay attention at all did you? Sensei showed us a fast and easy way to do these problems." Ichigo said.

"So are you going to help me or not?" Rukia asked getting angry.

"No, you should have been paying attention." Ichigo said walking back to his desk.

"Ichigo!" Rukia cried out.

"No." He stated simply sitting down in his chair.

He honestly did not know why he put up with her. Wham!

"RUKIA!" Ichigo bellowed, turning to her.

Another book flew at his face. Ichigo caught, only to see that another one was heading towards him. He knocked it out of the air. Ichigo stood up abruptly and walked over to Rukia. She was reaching for another book. He grabbed both of her wrists.

"What's wrong with you?!" Ichigo asked angrily.

"You won't help me! Now let go of me!" Rukia retorted sharply, her eyes narrowing.

Ichigo let go of Rukia and stalked back to his desk.

"Aren't you going to help me?" Rukia asked again.

A vein throbbed in Ichigo's head. Oh great, a headache.

"No." Ichigo replied messaging his temples.

"Why not?" Rukia asked indignantly.

"Because you are being a bratty midget, and you don't ask nicely!" Ichigo snapped back.

Ichigo turned his attention back to his homework. A headache was definitely going to make the work harder. Rukia smirked evilly. She slowly crept off the bed.

Ichigo was too interested in his homework to notice his impending doom. Two slim, pale arms wrapped around Ichigo. His eyes widened as he felt Rukia's warm breath near his ear.

"Uh, Rukia?" Ichigo asked unsurely.

"Hmmm?" She hummed in his ear.

"What are you doing?" Ichigo asked.

Rukia's lips brushed against his ear as she began to talk.

"Ichigo, I need something." Rukia purred.

"What?" Ichigo asked trying to calm his fluttering heart.

"Will you help me with my homework?" Rukia asked.

Ichigo did not respond.

"Please." Rukia pleaded.

Ichigo gulped trying to even out his breathing. She ran a hand through his hair.

"Ichigo." She said seductively.

"I-I'll help you." Ichigo choked out.

Rukia smiled victoriously and went back to her spot on the bed. Ichigo exhaled and got up.

"Why do I have the feeling I was just tricked?" Ichigo asked.

Somehow I can see Rukia being evil like that...anyways the next one should be Ichigo's Revenge...cuz I mean Ichigo isn't just gonna take that sittin down...Please Review...and Critism is welcome...

Believing Is Seeing