Disclaimer: I don't own the clique.

Alicia woke up the next morning and looked at Josh who was still sleeping. She got out of bed and pulled on her robe. The rest of the PC except for Massie were all in the living room, drinking coffee.

"Morning!" Alicia beamed. They all looked up at her.

"You seem extremely happy." Dylan noticed. Alicia shrugged and smiled mischievously.

Kristen sat up straight. "Did something happen with you and Josh?"


"Did you get back together?" Claire joined in.


"And…" Kristen prodded.

Alicia smiled "C'ya wouldn't wanna be ya…cause I'm too happy being me!" She smiled and ran back to the room with coffee in hand.

Massie woke up the next morning. Derrick was already awake. He smiled at her. Massie beamed back, the excitement was back in their relationship. Derrick wrapped his arms around her and started to kiss her. Massie finally pulled back. "I'm gonna go get some coffee." She walked out into the living room and Kristen, Dylan and Claire looked up and stopped talking.

"What're you talking about?"

"Nothing." Claire and Dylan answered at the same time. Massie knew they were talking about Alicia and Josh, but they knew that Massie would be extremely mad if one of the clique members did the deed before she did.

"Well…" Massie started "Whatever it is, can't be as good as what happened with Derrick and I last night."

Claire gasped. "Tell! Tell!"

"Well…" Massie started. Just then Cam walked in. "Good morning!" He bent down to kiss Claire.

"C'ya guys later!" Massie ran off.

Alicia walked into the room and josh was already awake. "Hey." He smiled. She smiled back. He sat up. "Alicia, I have to tell you something." Her smile faded. Again?

"Will you sit down?" He asked. Alicia sat down next to him. "Alicia I…"

"Josh!" Alicia stopped him. "I don't want to know."

"Alicia, I love you!"

What will Massie think when she hears this. But its no big deal. Derrick loves her, a LOT. Right?