A/N: I came up with this idea almost two years ago and independent of all stories similar to this. (Yes, even before 'Frightmare' and 'Phantom Planet'!!). And this is the second story I told you of that I had shoved aside to post 'His Own Worst Enemy'. And I just can't hurt its feelings any longer!...Anyhow, I can see by the amount of fanfiction entries that there are BEKOODLES of romance stories, DxS, DxV, TxV, etc... I, for one, am a DxS and TxV phan. They are meant for each other through and through. You know, like 'Robin Hood and Maid Marian', or like 'Lois and Clark', or like 'Romeo and Juliet'---er, well, not like them, that was tragedy. Anyway, with that in mind, here is a new twist of the old story of romantic comedy. It takes place before "Phantom Planet". And, don't worry if you haven't read any of my other stories so far. Just pretend that you did when you stumble upon a "huh?-when-did-that-happen?-kinda-'true' fact" that was first presented in one of my earlier stories. But in case you want to know, Danny gets wulf claw powers in 'Bewerewulfed', and supersonic flight in "Brace Yourself". And, of course, I do not own any characters. Enjoy the light, melt-in-your-mouth fluffy, sweet ride!

Sleepover Nightmare

(A Sleeper Hit for Sure!)

Chapter 1—A New Ghost

Far in the Ghost Zone, at an elaborate ghostly manor, a pretty, green-eyed teenage girl ghost was sitting on her couch in a room full of books. From the manner of her dress, she had once lived during the Renaissance period. Her sweeping gown matched her flaming red hair in color, except for the black lace edging, within which were interwoven small jewels. Her red hair flowed freely under her tall black henin, the conical-shaped headdress commonly used by girls of her royalty status when she lived in the Real World. The hat was also edged in black lace interlaced with even smaller jewels; and a sheer red scarf hung down from the top of her headdress, and floated in slow motion at the slightest movement of her head. And upon her dainty regal feet she wore dainty red slippers also adorned with tiny jewels. She looked very fetching indeed.

She liked to stay in this room more than any other one in her manor because of her books. But these were not just any kind of books. They were only one kind of books: fairy tales' kind.

As she reclined on her couch, day-dreaming over the book she had just read for the millionth time, she placed the back of one of her hands on her forehead and emoted, "Oh, I wish I could have an adventure like that! That is my very favorite story. Or at least it is today! Wouldn't it be just wonderful if I could make up my own fairy tale? I wish I could cast a sleeping spell on anyone just to see what would happen…Like maybe a prince coming to save a princess or something!" She sighed as she clasped her hands together and brought them to her cheek. She sighed again, and batting her eyes dreamily, fantasized about it all over again.

But unbeknownst to her, Desiree, the Wishing Ghost, just happened to be passing by the open window where the teenage ghost girl was swooning. And of course, Desiree, drawn by the wish, came closer, and after hearing the wish a second time, was compelled to phase into the room.

The teenage ghost girl screamed in terror at the unexpected visitor at first, but then quickly recovered and smiling in delight, sweetly cooed, "Oh, are you my fairy godmother?"

With a self-satisfied grin, Desiree waved her ghostly powers over the younger ghost and answered, "If you wish, but your greatest desire is mine to give! You shall now be able to put anyone you wish under your sleeping spell!"

The new Sleeping Ghost shivered at the impact of Desiree's power, and smiled in excitement at the even more chills that her new power brought to her. She dramatically replied, "Oh, that feels so strange! But how exciting! And how even more thrilling if it works. Oh, and will it work, dearest fairy godmother? Maybe I can be someone else's very own fairy godmother, er, I mean, fairy ghostmother. Uh, on second thought, I'm too young to be anyone's 'mother'—fairy or ghost-wise. Well, never mind, then! But let's see if what my fairy godmother gave me works!"

She conjured up and blew a shimmering turquoise mist toward the Wishing Ghost, which, much to Desiree's distress, enveloped the Wishing Ghost and put her immediately, well, to sleep!

Surprised but immensely delighted to see that her spell worked, the Sleeping Ghost glanced at the book she had been reading—Sleeping Beauty—and giggled, "Now, sleep…uh, until your true love's waking kiss…or until I feel like it!"

But, of course, having her spell work on just one person, er, ghost, was not enough. Looking over the sleeping Desiree, the younger ghost frowned in disappointment. "No, this won't do! Especially since, she's not even a princess! I must find the princess who will have the honor of being under my spell. Or, at least, letting me have some fun!"

So, the young Sleeping Ghost left her manor, in search of an adventure.


Meanwhile, in the Real World, Danny, Sam and Tucker were walking down the hallway of their high school, Casper High. They were headed toward the theatre when Paulina approached them from the opposite direction.

Paulina, as usual, primped herself as she walked, and then carelessly—well, really, purposely--bumped into Sam, who lost her balance and fell right on her bottom in the process. Instead of helping Sam up, Danny and Tucker continued to watch—and sigh--as Paulina sauntered down the hall.

Her face red with rage, and with a voice to match, Sam hissed, "Uh, hello? Whoever said, 'Chivalry' is dead, was right!"

Danny turned toward Sam at the sound of her obviously peeved voice. Stunned to see her on the ground, he helped her up and replied, "Sorry, Sam…I didn't notice."

"So I noticed," she wryly retorted.

Tucker, having a feeling that an argument was about to erupt between his two friends quickly added, "And I notice that we'll be late if we don't hurry!"

Sam stomped away, fuming.

Tucker whispered to Danny, "Uh, dude, I think it might be best for both of us –and especially for our health-- to get going-- but to stay way back away from Sam right now."

Danny nodded, and they joined--but not really joined--Sam in their designation.