Disclaimer: I don't own Bones or anything other than the plot. Inspired by a line in an episode but I can't remember which one. Hehe. Just written for my own amusement but I thought I would share with you lucky people.
Stage 1
"Sweetie please" Angela pleaded.
"No Angela, I have a lot of work to do, I'm busy" Brennan replied swiping her card and moving onto the platform. Angela followed and stood on the other side of the examination table.
"Sweetie, examining 100 year old is not busy, examining 100 year old bones is not important, just please come to the Christmas party with me, please"
Brennan looked up into her pleading friend's eyes and conceded defeat.
"Fine, but as soon as it's over I'm coming back here"
Angela sighed knowing that it was the best that she was going to get and followed Brennan back to her office. Stepping through the door she watched as Brennan shed her lab coat and donned her jacket.
"All right" she said clapping her hands "Now we just have to get you something to wear"
Brennan sighed as she followed her friend out of the Jeffersonian.
Jack Hodgins sat in his desk idly twiddling his thumbs waiting for the signal from Angela. He looked up when he heard a small commotion and saw Angela leading Dr Brennan out of the Jeffersonian. When they got to the door of the lab Angela let Brennan pull ahead of her and stopped. Coughed twice. Rubbed her hands and continued on her way. Jack grinned and pulled out his cell phone.
Stage 1 complete. Commence stage 2.