Title: Training
Character(s): Hero, Whisper

When he first saw the dead body of his father, he reacted as many children would. He fell to his knees and cried. He felt sorrow, despair, and just a little angry. After all, it was just hours ago that he was receiving gold pieces for good deeds and being ushered off to buy his sister a present, one she'd never get to enjoy. His deeds seemed wasted then.

Maze took him to the Guild, and in the span of those next few years, the straw dolls scattered on the training field received the brunt of his anger. Either by his fists or later his sword and will energies. Whisper had commented on it more than once, but typically a bloodshot glare would silence her long enough to walk away.

It scared him that he wished she was standing where the dolls were when he practiced.

As he grew into a teenager and the training got more severe, he found himself looking forward to beating Whisper. A lot. Especially when Thunder showed up. He found himself wishing then, as he parried and struck at Whisper, that it was Thunder in her place this time.

An opportunity he would kill for.