Disclaimer- I do not own Twilight, New Moon, or Eclipse.

I sighed loudly again and tried to get Alice's attention.

"Bella, if you don't stop whining. I'll take you to Victoria's Secret," she threatened. I didn't even mutter another word.

We were at a very crowded store in the Port Angeles mall. Alice was looking for presents for everyone. I had already picked out my presents for Renee and Charlie. I got Renee a candle and Charlie a fishing pole. Alice told me they would love it. Christmas shopping with Alice was difficult; she would look at every item in the store, and if she thought they would like it she had a vision to see which the best was.

"Do you think Esme would like a candle, too?" I asked. She got a distant look in her eye then smiled at me. I took that as a 'yes.' "What are you getting her?"

"So far a Swiffer wetjet," she said. I laughed; Esme would like that to clean.

"I think I know what I'm going to get Carlisle," I told Alice. I had just seen something in the toy section. She started laughing- she must have seen what I had got her.

"Perfect! Why didn't I think of that?" she asked herself. I went over to the toy section and grabbed the last toy doctor kit.

"Excuse me," a middle-aged woman barked at me. She looked like she had just gotten out of bed. Her hair was going in every direction, and her clothes were a ratty T-shirt and sweat pants. I looked around behind me and saw no one there.

"Me?" I asked and pointed to myself.

"Yes you," she grunted. "I saw that first. Give it here," she demanded.

"I believe I saw it first. I never saw you in the aisle when I picked it up. I'm sure they have an extra in stock you could order," I tried to reason. She just narrowed her eyes at me.

"I've been looking in every store for the past two weeks for that toy, and I am not about to let someone else take it," she snapped.

"I'm sorry," I said backing up. I held the toy close to my chest so she couldn't grab it. I must have tripped on something because I fell backward landing on my back. The toy flew from my hand and on the floor. It was three feet away from me- right in the middle between me and the lady. We looked at each other and both ran over to it. She got there first and snatched it away.

"Ha, ha," she gloated like a six year-old. I narrowed my eyes when she turned around. I got up quietly and went behind her back and seized it once more. "Hey!" she growled. I ran off with the toy in my hand and found Alice staring at a perfume bottle.

"Run, Alice," I said breathlessly. She turned around to see the lady chasing after me. Her eyes widened.

"Jump in the cart," she ordered me. I hopped in, and she pushed it over to the Christmas trees. We hid behind them, and she finally gave up looking for us.

"That was close; I didn't know you were a crazy shopper. I thought that would be me," Alice said.

"I'm not! It was the last one, and she went all wild over it," I explained to her. She nodded, and we went to check-out.

We headed off towards the next store.

"Who else do we have left?" I asked her.

"Rosalie, Emmett, Jasper, and Edward," she answered.

"Okay. I'm going to look in the sports section for Emmett," I told her.

"I will be in the cosmetics for Rosalie," she informed me.

I looked at all the things in the sports section. I didn't think he played basketball or soccer, but I wasn't sure. I found something I knew he would like, and I went to the cosmetics to find Alice.

"Guess what I got Emmett," I said to her. She was looking at different brands of designer clothing.

"I don't really have to guess, but you can tell me anyway," she said.

"Boxing gloves!" I chirped showing them to her.

"That's good! I got Rosalie some make-up. I'm looking for a present you can give her. These jeans are perfect!" she exclaimed. I picked out the dark wash jeans and decided to get them.

"Alright, now we have Jasper and Edward," she said.

"Does Jasper want a watch?" I asked, and she smiled.

"He'll like it," she told me. She followed me over to the jewelry section. I saw a gold watch that was a lot of money.

"Don't worry," she assured me, "I'm paying."

"Are you sure?" I asked. I really didn't like her spending money on me, and I had some left over from working at Newton's.

"Yes, I'm positive," she said. Although I didn't like the idea I agree reluctantly. I really wanted everyone to get the best gift I could this year. "We kind of already got you a bank account anyway," she added quietly.

"What?" I asked.

"Well, we figured you were going to be one of us so we got you your own account. You have a lot of money in there," Alice explained. I didn't know whether to be touched or angry.

"Thanks," I said finally. I started looking at jewelry with Alice.

"I love it!" she squealed pointing to a bracelet with diamonds on it. She looked at it longingly for a moment then turned to go back. One of the salesperson walked by and I tapped her shoulder.

"Can I help you?" she asked.

"Yes; can I please purchase this bracelet?" I asked. She nodded and pulled it out.

"This is a great bracelet; you have good taste," she told me. I nodded and bought it. I shoved it into my pocket so Alice couldn't see it.

I only had Edward left. I decided to try and find a good C.D. that he liked, and Alice tagged along.

"Does he like the Beatles?" I asked.

"Hey Jude drove him crazy," Alice told me, and I frowned.

"What about Michael Jackson?" I asked. She started giggling again.

"He hates him! He threw a fit about Rosalie, Emmett, and I doing the thriller dance around the house," she told me. I smiled, and I continued to search the house for any songs.

"Vanilla Ice," Alice said.

"Since Edward is so cold, he's ice ice baby," I added, and we chuckled.

"Oh! How about U Can't Touch This by MC Hammer," Alice suggested. I started laughing uncontrollably now.

"I could even buy him matching pants!" she exclaimed. After we had calmed down a bit I found the perfect CD for him.

"I found the one!" I shouted excitedly. Alice looked over at the song and started giggling.

"Interesting choice, Bella," she snickered.

"It's so true, though," I protested. We checked out with all our gifts. Everyone on my list was taken care of.

"You!" I heard a deep woman voice snarl. I turned around to see the middle-aged woman who had chased after me earlier today for the doctor toy.

"Go!" I shouted running in the direction of Edward's Volvo, and we ran and jumped in. Alice gunned the engine and we were out of the parking lot in no time.

"That was close," I gasped; she just nodded.

Alice drove me to my house so I could talk to Charlie about going to Alice's house for a Christmas party.

"We would love Bella to come," Alice persuaded.

"Sure, there is some big Christmas game on I was going to try and watch. You go right ahead," he granted permission. Alice thanked him, and we headed upstairs to wrap our gifts. I put each of them in a different color with matching bows on top. Alice was really starting to rub off on me. Rosalie's jeans were in red. Carlisle's was in a dark green. Esme's candle was in maroon. I put Emmett's in blue, and I wrapped Edward's in topaz. I was going to put Alice's bracelet in a light green when she left. It only took her four seconds to wrap each gift. The whole wrapping process for her took only two minutes. She left saying, "Edward's here!"

A few seconds after she left, Edward was in my window.

"Hello, love. Have fun shopping with Alice?" he asked wearily. I smiled; for once I had actually enjoyed myself.

"Yes. It was…interesting," I told him. He raised one eyebrow at me, but I pretended to ignore it. I pulled Alice's bracelet out of my pocket and showed it to Edward.

"Do you think she will like it?" I asked him.

"She'll love it," he told me. I began to wrap it. He came over to me, and he kissed my neck.

"Edward! It's Christmas tomorrow! Do you want to be on the naughty or nice list?" I asked irritated. He couldn't keep distracting me while I was wrapping.

"Naughty list is fine for me," he whispered in my ear causing me to shiver. He started kissing my neck up and down.

"I give up!" I finally announced turning around to face him. He was staring into my eyes with his topaz ones. He had a crooked smile on his face and yet again I was dazzled. I tried to think of something to say to change the subject so I could finish my wrapping without him kissing me every five seconds. Even though I didn't mind. I just really needed to end my wrapping.

"You'll never guess what I bought you," I said. It worked, his face held confusion and frustration.

"You're right- I won't. I can't read your mind," he sighed. I smiled widely.

"How could you have ever celebrated Christmas without ruining the surprise of finding out what someone got you?" I asked him.

"This is actually the first year we have celebrated Christmas. The other years it was more of just giving each other gifts. This year we are actually calling it 'Christmas.' Alice even got a tree," he told me. "But everyone is keeping there thoughts on other things," he winced slightly. I could just imagine some of the things Jasper and Emmett could be thinking. "And I'm trying to stay out of them. Alice is focusing her visions on different things; like people's reactions to her gifts," he explained. I put the finishing touch on Alice's gift and put it by the other gifts. I changed clothes in the bathroom and came back. I crawled into bed exhausted, and I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

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