chappie nine? Wow...how many days? Three right? I got a way better story after this... enjoy!

Insanity; a perfectly rational adjustment to an insane world.

R. D. Laing

there was incense lit there for her already. They could both tell that people came there for her often. Hichigo looked at the grave. Her name was engraved in pretty Kanji.

Remiyu Shirosaki.

He couldn't say much about how Hichigo was feeling. And he was scared that Hichigo would do something stupid. But he didn't regret bringing Hichigo here. He didn't regret it at all.

He knew he loved Hichigo now. It seemed weird to accept, a different concept. Yet it made absolute sense. It was what he had been feeling from the beginning.

It was absolutely insane.

"I'm going to pray for her." Hichigo announced. He knelt down and put his hands together, his eyes closed.

Ichigo didn't know what Hichigo was praying about. Maybe he was telling his mother how much he hated her for abandoning him. Maybe he was telling her that she was beautiful. Who knew? He was getting a little confusing nowadays. Maybe Hichigo was the sane one, and he was crazy.

It wouldn't have made a difference.

Hichigo got back up again, turning and kissing Ichigo with wild passion. "We can go now."

The train ride home was slow, endless. Hichigo was lost, and Ichigo was searching for him. Hichigo lay his head against Ichigo's shoulder. "We can come back and visit her again, if you want." Ichigo suggested.

"No. She had people who loved her. She didn't need me." Some people found that Hichigo's logic made a lot of sense. And it did, because they were both insane, Ichigo was sure. "But you need me, right Ichigo?"

Ichigo nodded. It was the truth. He knew it and accepted it and loved it and was confused by it. Hichigo right now was his everything. The empty and quiet train made his thoughts louder until they were ringing around his head.

"I know you love me, so I think I'm fine." Hichigo looked thoughtful, confused. "I don't want to have to deal with it anymore. And I don't want to have to hate." the words my mother hung unspoken between them.

"Yea. I definitely love you. So you're not sad anymore, right?" Ichigo's arm found it's way around Hichigo's shoulder. They kissed again. They were really going to have to stop doing that in public.

Ask for a definition of insanity and what do you get? Someone who has less love than necessary, someone who needs more.

There's no such thing as insane. But they must have both been crazy.


one chapter short but I really don't mind. I love clementines. They're delicious... review please!