first chapter. Ish happy. I came up with this one while I was doing "One Thousand Words" another one was supposed to come before it but I want to do this one first. Enjoy!

I don't recommend sex, drugs and insanity for everyone, but it works for me.

Hunter S. Thompson

He supposed insanity was a simple thing. He didn't know much about it at all. To him insanity seemed easily fixable. It wasn't even a reality, it was only something joked about and put on TV.

Insanity was absolutely curable.

But then again, he didn't know anything about it at all.

The teacher called the class to attention. She pushed her glasses up her nose and smiled brightly. "We've got fresh mea– I mean, a new student. Please come in."

In stepped the weirdest person he'd ever seen. Weird was a perfect word to describe him, as if that was what he wanted to be labeled as.

And here he'd thought insanity was fixable. It wasn't, he found out. Insanity is a curse and a poison that seeps deeper and infects everyone around.

His black high heeled boots were scuffed, probably normal black laces replaced with pink ones. His pants were tight and ripped in places and his shirt was drawn all over. In his hair were pink ribbons, he was smiling a large insane smile, his yellow eyes flashing with the artificial light. His pale lips shimmered with pink lip gloss. Beside him stood a strong looking male nurse.

"I'm Shirosaki Hichigo!" he introduced, bowing. "Do I look pretty?" collective 'huh?'s echoed around the room.

He didn't say anything. He didn't really care. He went back to math, his head bent over his work, aiming to finish so he didn't have it for homework.

"Kurosaki Ichigo." the teacher called, he looked up, face set in a scowl. "Would you please look after Hichigo for the rest of the school year? And please, join me outside." Ichigo got up, passing the new kid. He looked nice enough, if not a little strange.

What was strange again?

"Yes miss?" Ichigo asked, sliding the door shut behind him. The nurse joined them.

"Kurosaki-kun, Shirosaki-kun is joining us from an asylum in America. They wanted someone they knew they could trust with Shirosaki-kun as they will be leaving him here with his family. We know how patient you are, so we recommended you." the teacher paused, letting all of this sink in. "I'm sure you'll be able to handle him."

Ichigo went back inside the classroom. Everyone was staring at Hichigo, who was giggling as he wrote in a pink notebook. There was hearts and wings and knives doodled all over the cover. He sat down in his seat beside Hichigo, who turned and smiled sweetly at him, like an innocent child.

"You're pretty. I like you." he stated. Ichigo frowned, and decided to say nothing because he was insane. He lived in an asylum. Hichigo continued to draw and doodle as the teacher taught.

What did he know about insanity?

Was he even sane to start?