A/N:yah yah I know it's really stupid to start another Fic when you aren't down with the others yet…but this idea was fresh in m head and I had to write it down. DON'T worry Just Because I'm starting this it does not mean I will be stop writing the seas be ours so to my few faithful readers no worries
Disclaimer: I do not own Danny Phantom or any of the characters this work of fiction is however mine
Please note that I will not be writing disclaimers in any other chapter
The beginning of this tale is almost flash backing to tell the story after this chapter everything will be in normal time.
Blood Filled Night.
Chapter 1.preface
I stopped thinking about it long ago, when you're immortal it's not something you think about often, and besides I already lived through Death once so it's not like I'm missing some divine thing.
Yah I'm dead yet… still alive.
I'm a Vampire
I am 658 years old even though I look like I'm 18; I was born during the renaissance period in 1331 and became a vampire in 1349.
My name is Samantha Manson at least that's the name I'm going by now, my original Name was Samantha Salvatore.
As you can Guess Being a Vampire is a pretty lonely Life, I can't live anywhere for long because they would notice that I don't age. My skin is paler then a normal Humans and my body temperature Runs at a cold 50.9 degrees.
As a vampire I do drink blood I only have to feed once a month on the full moon. I try to stay away from humans, Preferring Wild animals I call it (in my own twisted way) being a vegetarian.
I don't have any problem with crosses or holy water that's all fake, I do have a problem with Garlic though…but hey If you had the senses that were 5 times stronger then that of a blood hound you would have problems with Garlic too.
The Myth about vampires not being able to walk around in sunlight is a lie, well a slight lie, I can walk around in the sun no problem, but like too much of anything it can be harmful if I'm out in the sun to long. That's why I live here In Amity Park a peaceful town, surrounded mostly by wilderness and cloudy on most days.
I live In a small house on the outskirts of the town. I try not to go into town to often, Even though the Humans don't know upfront what I am, I'm Pretty certain that the instincts in the back of there head are warning them that I am A predator even though I stay away from Human Blood.
I guess they also Stay away from me Because of the way I look.
A long time ago this look would probably be called freakish now a days' they have A much Nicer word for it. Goth…I am Very proud of this look. It blends me slightly into the background but still lets me be stand out giving me sense of Being human again… something that to this Day I still long to be.
Being a vampire is not a fun life, all things considered I would much rather be dead.
But then again…
If I was dead
I would never have met Him.
A/N: ok so here is the first chapter
Yah I know its short, but you are going to have to deal with it.
Ok so the rating it T that most likely will Change to M. it depends.
So please R&R and tell me what you think of this first chapter.