Disclaimer:No, I do not own Wicked, but please, give it to me?! I'm just here to play with the characters a little :D Don't sue.
Authors Note: Basically, I got this idea in my head and wrote it down. I don't like it but my friend does . . Anyway this story is basically Fiyeraba smoochies and a tiny bit of Glog thrown in later on. No real plot, just some fun. Enjoy. Please. And this is an AU I suppose.
Chapter 1 - Let's go camping.
There they sat, the four of them, bored and with absolutely nothing to do to stop them being bored. It was raining heavily outside so they couldn't even go anywhere.
Boq sighed heavily and look around the room, all pink and fluffy on one side, with shoes everywhere and magazines pilled around, a glance at the other side of the room and his eyes were instantly bored, there was a few books on the shelf, some homework on the desk and that was it.
Galinda and Elphaba's room was probably the strangest dorm room in all of Shiz. Pink and pretty, very girly on one side and boring and grey on the other side. He sighed again then took a glance at his friends.
Galinda, sat a few feet away from him was reading Ozmopolitan but she didn't seem that interested, Elphaba had a book opened in front of her but even she seemed to be struggling to concentrate, shocking for her, she always studied, nothing could usually tear her away from it.
Fiyero was lying at the bottom of Elphaba's bed, staring up at her, he appeared to be watching her read and Boq was surprised Elphaba hadn't noticed and scolded him, she didn't like being stared at, it always made her uncomfortable, even though Boq knew that Fiyero was not staring in a cruel way. He was just bored.
Fiyero hadn't noticed Boq looking around, he'd been busy staring at Elphaba, watching her eyes slowly drag across the page, he was convinced that the book was boring her and it surprised him slightly, still she seemed quite interesting to watch, better than anything else in the room anyways. Why was it so boring? They had classes for the next week and then a two week break, was those two weeks going to be as boring as this single day? With a grunt he dropped his head onto the bed.
Galinda was trying so hard to be engrossed in her copy of Ozmopolitan but she had read it cover to cover about four times, she done all the quizzes several times and was getting quite bored of it, she looked over to Elphaba's bed, Elphaba appeared engrossed in her book, Fiyero was lying on the bottom of the bed, his head buried in the quilt, she looked down at Boq to see him looking around the room just as bored as she, he caught her gaze and smiled softly, she smiled back sweetly.
After reading the same sentence about seven times Elphaba huffed and slammed her book shut, it was no use, it was boring and there was just no way she was going to be able to concentrate. She growled low in her throat and looked down the bed at Fiyero who had hidden himself in the blanket, probably sleeping, she smiled and then waved softly to catch the other two's attention, Galinda and Boq broke away from their gaze and turned to face her, she pointed to Fiyero and made a tickling motion with her hands. Getting the idea Boq and Galina stood quietly and made their way over to Elphaba's bed and the male body laying atop it.
The three pounced, Fiyero screamed, rather unmanly and lay there kicking and thrashing about until he begged they stop. Their attack ended Galinda and Boq perched themselves back on Galinda's bed and stared at the other two.
"Why is it so boring?" Galinda complained.
"Surely there is something we can do." Boq grouched.
"I can't even get into my book!" Elphaba exclaimed.
"Is our break going to be this boring?" Fiyero mused.
"No!" Galinda squealed. "We must do something for the break we simply must!" Her face broke into a smile as an idea occurred to her. "We could visit my parents, I could get them to throw parties and everything!" Then her face fell. "Oh no, I forgot, they'll be in the Emerald City, daddy has some business or other to attend to." She pouted, upset that her idea hadn't been good enough.
"Wait, I know! No seriously I have a great idea, the four of us, it'll be great fun!" Fiyero said. "We could go camping! There's a little forest not far from here and a lake and everything, we could leave on Saturday morning and go for the two weeks!" He looked at each of his friends faces, Elphaba seemed to be pondering the idea, Boq appeared up for it, and Galinda looked appalled.
"Fiyero Tiggular! What has come over you? I can not go camping, rolling around in the mud and sleeping outdoors for two weeks! Imagine my reputation and my clothes – do you really think I have any clothes appropriatous for camping!?" She practically screamed at him, thinking the idea totally banished she picked her Ozmopolitan back up and tried to find something to read.
"Wait...Galinda, this could actually work." Elphaba's voice brought the blonde out of her reverie, when Galinda looked up at her she had a look on her face that plainly said don't-be-stupid. "Just listen to me, I'm sure you can purchase clothes that would be deemed – appropriate – for camping in, and you needn't tell anyone, just tell them your off home or something. We couldn't go for two weeks anyway, we all have studying to do and no doubt we'll get some homework assignments to do, but we could go for a week, it could be fun, if we can get tents, pack some food and stuff, you'll just have to learn to go a week without your hairdryer, that's all." Galinda looked horrified at the thought and was about to say no when Elphaba finished off "please Galinda, I'll let you give me a makeover." At this Galinda jumped with a squeal.
"SOLD! As long as you promise!" Elphaba nodded grimly. Fiyero and Bog smiled and the four began making the plans. Throughout the week they made all possible preparations, packed and doubled packed, made checklists and checked them over and over, all the while attending classes and doing their homework, well mostly. None of them told anyone of their plans, as far as anyone else knew they were all going home for a week or so. Galinda dragged Elphaba shopping so as to find her appropriate clothes, all still fancy dresses, but at least plainer than her ball gowns. Elphaba also talked her into purchasing a pair of plain flat shoes, she could hardly trudge around in mud in heels now could she?
When Friday rolled around Elphaba was awoken before the sun had even risen by a screaming giggling Galinda. "Wake up! Wake up you lazy thing you! You promised I could give you a makeover so now I'm going to!" She dragged Elphaba out of her bed and sat her in front of her vanity table. Elphaba groaned but knew there was no way she was getting out of this one, she let herself doze while Galinda attacked her hair and face but she had to admit that Galinda didn't go to overboard, some light makeup here and there, hardly noticeable really, she made her promise to leave her hair down though which nagged at Elphaba slightly, she preferred her hair back in a nice tight braid.
When it came to her outfit she dressed herself in the bathroom and then flatly refused to come out. "No, Galinda, no, I can't be seen like this, I look awful." She stared down at the shirt Galinda had made her put on, she didn't even know why she owned this shirt, it was something she'd never worn, a gift for Nessa who hadn't wanted it, well Elphaba didn't want it then and she didn't want it now, the sleeves were almost non-existent and the buttons didn't run all the way up to the neck, they stopped about midway up her chest, and she hated showing even the slightest bit of skin. The skirt was almost okay, it stopped just above her knees but she figured she could learn to deal with it if she had to, which it turned out, she did.
"If you even think about changing, I'm not coming tomorrow." Galinda's voice came through the door. So, Elphaba gave up and opened the bathroom door, she supposed she did look okay, or she would have, if it hadn't been for her green skin. She glared at Galinda and then left for class. She got a few odd looks, but that was hardly surprising, nobody had ever seen her in anything other than her plain, boring, black dress. Elphaba endured the day, promising herself that she'd push Galinda in the mud the first chance she had.
AN - Love it? Hate it? Review and let me know - constructive criticism welcome. Oh, and I won't update unless I get a good review, want to know that people are reading that and want to continue - no point uploading it all otherwise.