This is going to be a prettymuch random collection of drabble-like chapters about Natsume being a pervert. Because it may just be me but I think it's rather cute :P (and he so is, anyway, see the Wikipedia entry on him.)

Ratings/ages of the characters will change at random, so don't expect all that much consistancy (or logic) between things.

Mikan is fifteen.

One of the more annoying aspects of the Academy's High-school building was all the extra floors, as somehow Mikan's timetable had managed to conspire against her and almost every classroom change meant climbing two or three flights of stairs. Sure, her thighs got a good workout, but she was always late and her feet tended to ache by the end of the day.

She tried to think of it as an integrated workout – she could exercise andstudy at the same time (although of the two she was certainly better at the former), and designed different ways to make the chore more interesting and productive: running up the stairs, only treading on every other stair, placing both feet on ever step… and simply jumping down as far as she could (for the final bell).

Now it was on one occasion after lunch, when she had two precious minutes to make it to her next lesson, and was employing her renowned high-speed-multi-step-sprint (which could scale the building in just under a minute on a good day), when she passed on the stairwell a familiar blur of dark hair and an aura of smoke – if she'd been thinking (which to be honest she rarely did) about it she might've realized Natsume had the same lesson as her and was in nowhere near as much of a hurry.

But as it was, she continued to climb the steps at a rate of knots, a to-hell-with-it attitude towards her appearance taking presidence (most importantly over her skirt), and only slowing when a low chuckle pulled at her attention.

It was a certain snigger that had been haunting her for going on five years now.

"Ai!" she cried while bouncing to a halt, panting heavily as she leant over the rail and stared down at the source of the noise, "who's laughing?"

"You really don't care…" a familiar voice echoed up the stairwell, and a dark-haired and fiery-eyed teenager stared poignantly up at her, "…if people see your underwear, do you?"

Blank for a few seconds, then with a rush of heat to her face, Mikan snapped her legs together and tried to stretch her pleated skirt down to her ankles – unfortunately no such feat was accomplished.

"Natsume!" she squealed, going redder and redder at the thought of him lookingthere yet again, although she was still aware enough to notice his rather amused expression lessening as she took her underwear out of sight, "you are always looking!"

Laughing in that conceited little way again, he shrugged and began to ascend the steps behind her, which she naively took to mean he wasn't ogling her any more. But that notion was corrected when she realized (upon continuing her dash to the classroom) that he seemed to be making a point of always being about four steps behind her… which put his eye-level right at…

"Natsume!!" She screamed again, upon quickly glancing around only to find his eyes riveted on the back of her skirt, sometimes taking the odd couple of seconds out to scale her thighs before returning to her rear.

"What,pink-and-red-hearts print?" he retorted dryly, obviously unimpressed that she was distracting his full attention from the task at hand.

"That's it!" She yelled defiantly, stopping suddenly on the staircase and whipping round to glare at him, "You walk in front!" He raised one eyebrow at her, as if to imply simple measures like that would stop him finding out exactly what underwear she wore every single day.

"Whatever, pink-'n-red-hearts…" he muttered, strolling on ahead with another careless shrug, "you're the one who's going to be late…"

"AHH!!!" Mikan Sakura screamed, returning to her all-be-dammed sprint and bouncing up three-steps-at-a-time, past the same Natsume Hyuuga, who merely allowed a smirk to crawl onto his face and counted the benefits of being late… one pink, two red… two pink, one red…

Reviews, opinions, ideas and requests are all welcome :D