Disclaimer: I don't own Drake and Josh, but I do own the original character of Jesse.

A/N: Rated M for later chapters of yaoi, possible vocabulary, and whatnot. Note, Josh is depicted as in current episodes (skinny, cropped hair and all that).


Drake Parker was the hottest guy in school. He of course, had bad grades because he's as smart as a door when it comes to academics. But when it comes to flirtation, he's smarter than the average. He knows exactly what to do to get the girl, what to say, what to do. But as of last month, Drake Parker (let me remind you, the hottest guy in school) was gay. No one believed him at first. His friends laughed, the girls were confused, and his parents were surprised.

At first, no one believed him, but as the week went on, he stopped flirting with the girls, focused more on his school work, and started checking out guys. Not any of the general guys in his school, but random guys that he saw at the Premiere, the mall, or walking down the street. The guys at school started to believe him, the girls tried their hardest to turn him straight again, and his parents were supportive of it all. The school population didn't care. They didn't make fun of him, they didn't mock him or anything. Just the way he wanted it.

But then of course, things started to get boring since none of the guys were gay. But then, Drake met Jesse. A boy that went to his school who he had never met nor seen before. He was gorgeous. Jesse reminded everyone of Jesse McCartney.

Jesse wasn't interested though. He liked the fact that Drake loved him, and that he could toy with him whenever he wanted. But Jesse wasn't fully gay like Drake. Jesse was bisexual, and he thought Drake was hot, but he wasn't really interested. Deep down, he wanted to be with Drake, but he wasn't sure. I mean, sure he could always go out with the hottest guy in school, but just by saying yes? That would be ridiculously easy. Maybe Jesse would have a change of heart. Maybe he'd choose to go out with Drakeā€¦or perhaps let the pursuit begin.

Thanks for reading and please review!