-1Ok well we took a little bit of time, but Finally its all good. Right Ryuk?

Ryuk: (nods) Ya just so you all know I wrote most of this chapter.

Blix: But I thought you were out of paper?

Ryuk: It's ok I used paper from this. (holds up death note)

Blix: O O

(Deidara, Keji, and Tobi have heart attacks)


Ryuk: sorry.


Keji stared in horror, entranced by the glowing red ruby eyes eerily glaring at him in the dimmed light. He was helpless as he watched a hand raise in the darkness. Keji paled as a light shone off the razor sharp tip of a kunai in the hand of his attacker. "Any last words, chum?" asked the shadowy figure in front of him poised to strike. Keji could say nothing, still unable to fully comprehend his coming demise and shut his eyes waiting for his fate. Why me? Why not some other god in human form? Will my reign as king of the apes really end like this? Without warning, Keji felt the weight lifted off of him and opened his eyes to find his reaper had swiftly retreated to the opposite side of the room. Keji gave a start when a large paw grabbed his arm and pulled him up, but gave a sigh of relief at the paw's owner. "Jouhi! Thank my fatherly gods!" Keji made to hug his big jolly friend, but was pushed aside as Jouhi glared at Keji's attacker, butcher knife in hand. Taking a deep breath and pushing his hand through his long blonde hair, Keji took a cocky stance and grinned wildly at his attacker. "You may have surprised me once dude, but it's not happening again." Clapping his hands twice, Keji looked on with confidence as the lights came on again in full force, revealing the attacker's true identity to be… "HAH! It's the retarded guy with the doll!" Keji rocked his head back and roared with laughter. Tobi only stood in place, glaring silently at his foe but ready to attack at any moment. "Stand aside, Jouhi! I've got this sucker. Take him out with my good old' one-two!" Throwing his cape to the side, Keji revealed a pair of boxer gloves labeled '一' and '二 'on the surface of the gloves. Putting them on, Keji stood bare-chested with naught on but athletic shorts and a pair of sandals, and slowly walked over to Tobi with his muscular chest held out and a wild look on his face. He stopped in front of Tobi, standing at an intimidating 6 foot 5 inches with a ripped upper body, bulging muscular arms, and a confident look in his eyes that promised immortal pain for his opponents. "Ready to be taken out, twit?" Pulling an arm back for a charged up punch of fury, Keji stared deep into Tobi's emotionless Sharingan eye and flew his fist forward.

Deidara's POV

Slowly waking from unconsciousness, Deidara took in her surroundings. Ah, my head's killing me, yea. What happened? Deidara gave a visible jump as she noticed the wreaked place. What in the name of-! Deidara suddenly felt a small pulse of chakra as a large blonde gorilla launched an attack at a short man in black and red clothing. How did I end up at a zoo? She was fully awake seconds later when said ape went flying past her in the opposite direction through the wall of the restaurant as the man in red and black withdrew his out-stretched leg and shunshin'ed away. O shit! What the hell? The orange mask on the fellow's face suddenly jogged her memory as well, and her jaw dropped for the second time today (though she still struggled to remember the first). "…Tobi?!!?"

On the busy streets of the village

Stepping slowly from the wreckage as nearby pedestrians fled the scene, Tobi continued to stare right at Keji's slowly rising form in the parking lot. Said person had gone been launched without enough force to demolish a couple of food stands that had been unfortunately placed adjacent to the now agape restaurant wall. WTF, hit me? Geez, like a bould- Keji put a hand to his head to rub a vicious bump on his head but stopped and after touching his hair. His eyes opened wide. Is this…RAMEN…IN MY HAIR?!?!? Looking up, he realized his flight through the air had in fact landed him directly into the side of a ramen pot, launching the contents of the bucket into his wild blonde mane which now seemed browner in comparison. It was definitely not shining though in the sunlight, and that, in of itself, seemed to pose a problem.

"RRRAAAWWWWWRRRR!!!" Leaping into the air, Keji landed back onto the ground, light on his feet. His previous wounds and injuries were still present on his body but any pain caused by them was not apparent by the berserk-like expression on Keji's current face. His eyes danced madly though they primarily focused on the black-and-red figure on the horizon. His grin was split open into a snarl, with his side fangs exposed and dripping with drool. He was slumped over a little as well as if carrying a large weight on his back, but his tensed legs showed that he was ready to attack at any given moment. "You are dead, maggot!" Keji shouted in rage before bounding madly at Tobi, on all four limbs.

However, Keji had barely taken a single step before a black boot hit him squarely in the face, toppling him over on his back and seemingly into another power flight. However, it was canceled as he met a sharp elbow at his back and a swift kick to his posterior that launched him straight up into the air. Keji's eyes only barely registered a bright light that his barely functioning mind assumed to be the sun before his body was awash with scalding pain.

Fire Release: Grand Fireball Technique! Keji screamed in primal terror as the burning flames racked at his body but a swift axe kick to the face shut him up before he landed into the ramen pot below. A couple of seconds passed before Keji's head burst from inside the pot to the surface and he fell unceremoniously into the ruins of the ramen shop. Although badly burned by the fireball, Keji's eyes still retained their murderous intent as he again locked onto Tobi's still figure in the distance. Still up and about? Tobi's dark voice called out. Tobi can fix that. Without warning, Tobi vanished only to reappear in front of Keji, foot pulled back ready for a boot kick to send his opponent halfway across town. Keji clenched his arm around the nearest object, his savior ramen pot, and threw it at Tobi, hoping blindly to catch him off guard. However, as soon as the object left Keji's hand, it was replaced by Tobi's levitating figure with his two hands forming a ninja symbol.

Earth Release: Earth Dragon Bullet! The head of a dragon manifested from the ground below, its ruby eyes shining with a ferocity that outdid the gorilla's own. Keji had barely enough to reach out his fist and grab a hold of Tobi's cloak before he was hit point-blank in the chest by a solid force of earth. Said mud ball propelled the man clear across the village, crashing him into foliage surrounding the village and throwing up a large dust cloud. Tobi gave no response to a small crowd of villagers that formed up to watch the massacre-I mean, action as Tobi walked silently towards the outskirts of the village. The crowd quickly parted to allow the warrior passage, but a small child entranced by the calm and calculated combat of the ninja was not quick enough to move and stood in the path of the ninja. Before he could comprehend it, the kid was flat on his back, a short distance from the stupefied crowd. As Tobi vanished into the distance and the crowd slowly dispersed in disbelief, most replied believing that that no-good hoodlum gorilla had finally gone too far in his flirting ambitions and called this wraith upon him. Some couldn't understand how the fight had been unleashed from the restaurant, especially seeing as the gap in fighting prowess between the two was farther than the distance between the Leaf Village and the Snow Village, so a simple ambush would've been suitable. Only the child, who had been fortunate (AN: or unfortunate shudders) enough to sneak a peek into the ninja's eyehole, would forever have the image of the Sharingan implanted in the far reaches of his memory and yet never understand the trail of tears leaking from the eye.

On the outskirts of the village

Downed trees, uprooted rocks and debris, and a line of dirt stretched out to meet a medium-sized crater were the scene of destruction caused by Tobi's attack on Keji. Birds and other occupants of the forest had long since fled the outskirts of the village, frightened to no end by the killing intent that had exploded out from the village. All of the forest seemed to be dead of life until a bloody hand reached out from underneath the rubble in the crater. The hand froze a little while before falling forward and grasping a tree that had been upended during the chaos. Clenching tightly and flexing the muscles in the forearm despite the multiple wounds seen over it alone, a head and the upper torso of a beaten man were upended as well. A blood red stain mixed with the once-proud blonde mane of the man to create a horrifying red-orange color that matched that of a sunset and covered his entire scalp. The hair had been brutally thrashed, leaving a complete mess compared to the shining brilliance it once was. All in all, it was a complete miracle Keji was still even…

Alive? Keji's eyes opened wide before he was painfully wrenched from the ground and suspended in air from the face by a single outstretched right arm. The deep guttural chuckle escaped Tobi's orange mask before he pulled his head back and the chuckle became full-throttle laughter, shaking his upper body immensely. After a few seconds, Tobi stopped laughing and moved his right forefinger to glare menacingly into the now-exposed and terrified eye of Keji. With this amount of endurance, you would make for a fine shinobi. So, out of 'respect', Tobi said that word with a sneer, Tobi will give you a good death. And without hesitation in either his voice or his movement, Tobi's Sharingan eye morphed into the Mangekyou and Keji's world turned red and black.

Deidara's POV

Her mouth was so agape birds could've laid eggs and made a nest inside and she would never had batted an eye. In fact, anyone could've come over and plucked an eye from her socket, and she'd keep staring straight ahead. Only a hard hit to her head would've been enough to break the stone statue shock apparent on Deidara's face. Luckily for her, there was more than enough of that amongst the debris of the restaurant and the ceiling fan didn't feel like hanging around anymore. BOP! "What the hell?!?" shouted Deidara jumping from her position in the chair looking madly for whoever hit her. Seeing a large figure in the dark restaurant, she quickly threw a couple of clay bats at the unsuspecting person. Jouhi had no time to respond before he was blown into the kitchen with the rest of the restaurant collapsing on top of him. "Hmm. Serves him right, ya. Throwing rocks at a lady and paying costumer." Deidara stopped outside the ruins of the restaurant to witness the devastation her partner had caused on his deadly path of destruction. But, DAMN. I had no idea Tobi could go AWOL like that. It's really S-Rank worthy. Leader really never makes mistakes.

Akatsuki Hideout

Stifling a small sneeze that threatened to break his normally shadowy genjutsu, Leader only shook his head, knowing that everything was still going according to plan.

Deidara's POV

"But, I'd better go save his ass before he gets us in too much trouble, ya. Even if we're feared, we're supposed to conceal our activities a bit more than this." Deidara stopped at a kid who seemed to be paralyzed with fear though the street was quickly deserting. And I guess tormenting kids runs in the blood. I'll make sure to fix that. (AN: Fix the Uchiha bloodline or Tobi, which one, I wonder…) A flash of anger went across Deidara's face before she masked it, and jumped to the rooftops, intent on waking Tobi from his madness. However, she barely got a few blocks before her head began ringing like a siren and Deidara fell in pain. What…the…hell? She barely registered the sound of a slither overwhelming her senses before three swirling commas appeared in her mind's eye and Deidara fell into darkness…only to reawaken moments later staring into a red sky with an even redder moon hanging ominously within it. Where-? Her thought was suddenly cut off by a bloodcurdling scream.

Tobi-controlled Tsukiyomi

Without another pause, Tobi took Keji's right hand and channeling electricity into his own hand, crushed Keij's, the electricity staunching the wound and turning any blood or filth into dust. Keji's following violent scream of agony was overpowered by the commanding voice of Tobi's domain. Maybe Tobi was wrong in my judgment. Shinobi are told to mask their emotions at all times after all. Tobi paced in front of Keji as he clutched his now useless limb to his body and began to give into unconsciousness as the pain was too great… Giggle, pay attention now! Keji gave another stilled cry of pain as his nose was violently bent to the side and he was pushed to the ground. Keji whimpered to himself when he came to the small conclusion that he would in no way be spared mental anguish. There we go. Can't have you missing out on the fun though we've got all the time in the world! Then again, what happened to that spunk from earlier? Couldn't get enough of my sempai, could you?!? A series of powerful kicks to Keji's side threw him into the side of a boulder, eliciting a sharp crack from his broken ribs. You womanizing, Kick monstrous, kick piece of crap kick BARBARIAN! Tobi dealt a powerful blow to Keji, sliding him across the floor where he stopped unmoving. NEVER lay a hand on my sempai! Locking on to his target Tobi began to flash through hand signs. Never touch my love! AMATERA-! Tobi lost all sense when a jolting knee came crashing into the side of his face, shattering his mask in the process and throwing his mind into a tumble. Keji's body vanished from the scene as Tobi struggled to recover from the powerful hit. Where did that come fr-?! "Tobi you fucking idiot! What the hell were you about to do?!?" Tobi could only stand in awe at the sudden sight of his Deidara-sempai standing above him in the world of Tsukiyomi. I-I- it was all for you…, said Tobi as he suddenly lurched forward. Deidara rushed to catch him before he hit the floor and stared at his battle-weary face. "What are you talking about, you fool?"

Tobi put a hand to his sempai's face. "Tobi didn't want to see you get hurt. I care too much to let someone else ever take advantage of you." Tobi coughed briefly before their surroundings began to shimmer and fade like a projector reaching the end of a movie. "I don't have long." Tobi said before summoning the rest of his strength and pulling his face close to Deidara's and kissing her. She blushed at the suddenness but gave into the immense passion she felt well up from within her as well as from her surroundings. Before the two lovers could fully reach the pinical of their passion the world of Tsukiyomi slowly vanished in a flash of light, and sound. As Deidara's mind separated from Tobi's, she could have sworn she heard a soft male voice utter '大好き'…

Deidara's POV

Deidara awoke from her sweet dream atop a random rooftop in the village. What…? Where am I…? She slowly rose to her feet before realizing she was still in the village. "Oh no! Tobi!" Shaking her head to wake herself, she rushed to the crater outside the village that marked Tobi's current location. Seeing his trademark orange mask, she landed next to his prone body and checked his pulse to see if he still lived. After affirming that he was, she picked him up, and spared a glance at the still corpse of Keji. Dumbass. Least my humiliation has been avenged…even if a bit more strongly than I intended. Turning her head back towards the village, she shunshin'ed away heading to the nearest hospital.

Ten minutes later

A silver-haired man landed in the crater, walking up to the corpse of Keji. Checking it out, the man gasped in amazement. Wow! Still alive, too! Can't pass up this offer; Orochimaru-sama will be very pleased with a live missing link to experiment on! Gathering up the body of Keji, Kabuto shunshin'ed away, leaving no trace of his appearance behind.

HOPE YOU ALL ENJOYED! SORRY THIS WAS A BIT DARK, BUT IT'S BACK TO THE STUFF YOU ENJOYED NEXT CHAP! (and if your confused don't be, everything will be explained) READ AND REVIEW!