-1Hello ladies and hopefully gentleman! Blix here with my friend Ryuk. We put this story together for you all. Um it's a TobixDiedara fic, but before you guys go running WAIT! This is NOT a gay fic. We're both guys who like Deidara so he's gonna be a girl eventually. Ladies you should like it too.

Disclaimer: We don't own Naruto because if we did Tsunade, and Ino would be ours. Muwahahah!

"This is boring", Thought Deidara as he slowly blew some air on his freshly painted nails. After capturing the Sanbi the two had not yet received their next orders from the

leader, and so here he was sitting in a village in the middle of nowhere with a child… Well he's sweet if nothing, else, and I do… Never mind Deidara quickly stopped his

thinking process before he was in dangerous Territory. It was common knowledge that he had some sort of feelings for Tobi, but after the loss of Sasori Deidara had always had

a bad taste in his mouth, about moving forward. Where was Tobi anyway. (Deidara looked around suspiciously) He's been quiet for a long time now…Not even I take

showers this long. "SEMPAI!", Tobi's voice rang throughout the small room as Deidara felt soaking wet arms wrap around his neck putting a lot of pressure on his body.

"GET THE HE OFF OF ME!", Deidara screamed throwing the shaken Tobi off him. "GWAA!",Tobi let out a small shriek as he tripped banging his head against the back

wall, and causing his mask to fall around his neck. "Ow Sempai your mean", Tobi rubbed the back of his head. Deidara turned around and let his mouth hang open shocked.

Tobi was laying against the wall soaking wet in a towel his mask around his neck, and aside from a bit of bandages covering his left eye he was gorgeous. His black hair was still

wet and clung to his neck, that gave off the perfectly sculpted shape. The eye that was visible was of course the sharing an and looked like a small dot of ink swirling around in a

pool of blood. Deidara started to clench his fist a little. I can't its not write…not to Sasori-Dono..It would betray him, but..but.. That was it. Deidara walked around the

couch and placing his hand across Tobi's now red face, he stuck out his tongue running it across Tobi's neck. "Err. Sempai what..what are you doing", Tobi was shocked t say

the slightest, but there was no way he'd ask Deidara to stop. I must be dreaming. Is she touching me? The most amazing woman in the world is on top of me right

now. Tobi's thoughts were crushed as Deidara's lips slammed against his harshly causing him to wince for a second before returning the kiss. "I can't take it any more." Deidara

breathed out between harsh kisses. "I know I'm betraying Sasori..But I think I'm in love with you, and I need to find out...Tell me you love me?" Deidara asked hopefully

breaking a second to get some air…Tobi smiled the best he could. Of course he loved her with all his heart. This was a dream what was the catch. "Sempai of course I love..err

what's that?" Tobi asked blinking slightly with his visible eye. Deidara looked frustrated at the lack of an answer, but asked anyway. "What's what?". Tobi motioned downward

with his finger at which Deidara turned a bit red. "What do you think Dumba$$ when a guy's put in this situation usually, u know. O.O Tobi stared for a second

speechless.."You're a guy?" Tobi half chocked out feeling physically sick. "OFCOURSE I'M A GUY WHAT ELSE WOULD I BE TEME?!", Deidara got off Tobi and

looked down at the half naked man a look of anger and confusion on his face. "I'm..er I'm sorry Deidara-Sempai but I cant do that.." Tobi stood up flustered pulling up his

towel and placing his mask over his face. "Wait what so you mean? where the He are you going", Deidara yelled as Tobi began to leave the room still clad only in a towel.

"Gomen Sempai its just. I'm not like that. I like woman and I thought…I'm gonna get some ice cream I'll bring you some back." Tobi held up his finger trying to create his usual

façade as he ran out of the room half naked. Deidara stood there his face completely from embarrassment, and hurt and anger and.."Well SCREW YOU!" Deidara yelled out

of the building hoping Tobi would here. Deidara sat down on the couch again tears threatening to brake loose. This is just my fing luck. Leave it to me to fall in love with

the only straight guy in the Akatsuki.