The setting sun danced across the darkening sky, casting a sanguine glow on the modest ninja village of Mizuho. Men were returning from their duties to spend the evening with their families. Children laughed and scurried into the arms of their mothers. The sun was gently framed between the leaves of two trees outside the village chief's hut. A gentle breeze teased the fields surrounding the village.

Sheena sighed and slumped backwards against the wall, scratching her head; she was incredibly frustrated. Gah…so much to do, so little time. She had been working non-stop since her last mission, which she had returned late from. With all the paperwork piling up on her, she estimated it to be around two weeks since she bid farewell to the gates of Meltokio, maybe more. She poured herself a cup of tea and sipped it gingerly. She heard a knock on the door. "Sheena, you almost done with that commission job?"

Sheena jumped and almost dropped her calligraphy brush right into her lap. "…Y-yeah! Just a second, Orochi!" Damn…he always knew when she was taking a break or slacking off. Well, at least he keeps me on my toes…

She went right back to work, scribbling furiously on the paper in front of her. She nearly snapped her brush as she was yet again interrupted by an eruption of high-pitched squeals coming from just outside her hut. Sheena rolled her eyes, taking another calm sip of tea.

"To think that you're visiting the countryside, we are so honored!"

"This is really such a boring place, but please, let me be your guide!"

"What are you saying? I called being his guide first!"

"No, it was me!"

"No, me!"

"Let's have him choose for himself!"

"Pick which one of us you think is the prettiest!"

"Yes, please pick one of us, Chosen!"

Sheena spat her tea out, soaking the paper under her fingertips. Coughing, she threw the paper aside and clutched her chest. HIM?! H-he's here right now?

"Ladies, ladies, please. I'm not the Chosen anymore. You can just call me the Great and Sexy Zelos-sama! Ah ha ha! But seriously…I came to see someone…"

Had it all been a dream? No, of course not. It was far too real. The memory of his lingering caresses continued to entice and scorch her body and mind. Sheena's heart throbbed in her chest. She wanted so badly to see his face again, but she was nervous. Really nervous. She wasn't quite ready to see him yet…


"Yes, who Zelos-sama?"

"Is it me?"

"Or me?"

"…Actually, I came to see your chief, and it's urgent. Strictly business, girls. You're going to have to let me through." Zelos winked. The girls screamed.

Someone clapped loudly from outside the crowd of fangirls. Everyone turned. "Break it up, break it up that's enough. I think all this attention is going to the Great and Sexy Zelos-sama's head." Sheena smiled teasingly, looking into the eyes of the ex-Chosen. The girls whined and dispersed while gossiping amongst one another, leaving the two alone in the empty center of the village. The wind whistled along the grass, brushing lightly against them. Sheena waited a few seconds for the redhead to say something, but Zelos just stood before here smiling all too bashfully.


"Eh?" he asked, seeming to snap out of a trance.

"So? What brings you here?" she crossed her arms and smiled sarcastically. He stepped towards her, now just inches away. Her breath quickened and she looked away, "You wouldn't be here to tell me you're lonely, because…"

Zelos lifted a gloved hand, placing it gently on her cheek, she shivered. He slid his hand down the side of her face and gripped her chin lightly so she could meet his gaze, "I just came…to see your face."

Sheena looked into his eyes; she was as red-faced as he'd ever seen her. That same smile of his…He pulled her close and her arms fell to her sides. His breath was soft and touchable against her. She let herself sink into him. The hollows of his body were familiar to her, like a path she could walk for all eternity and never grow tired of.

"You…idiot..." she whispered quietly into the warm nape of his neck.

I loved him. It was a love made up of a thousand touches, a million conversations, a trillion shared looks. A love made of danger shared, enemies conquered, a determination to keep the people that depended on us safe at almost any cost, and a certain knowledge that neither of us could change the other even if we tried. I loved him because no matter what, we would find a way to be together…

These are the things I'll never say.



Wow, that took a lot of time to write and plan, but I'm really happy the way it turned out. .

I give credit to the ToS crew and their Rodeo Ride Tour drama cd's...they gave me an idea for the last part (and Winged Dancer did a great translation of it as well)I hope I did my OTP some justice ;;;

Thanks for reading! 3