Its been some time since Ive updated, so here it is, chapter 11, hope you like it. plus this is a sort of filler for the next part of the story.

Chapter 11: Peace or no peace, thats the question.

Its a cold day in Hi no Kuni. A clearskyed, cresent moon night, about 1 A.M in the morning. Crickets singing, wind blowing in the trees, rivers running with water, banditcamp,

set in a cirkel around a crackling campfires... wait, banditcamp around a campfire?

(this is a commentors PoV, not a characters view, So you know, S.Y.K)

Zooming back to the campsite, tents are set around the fire. Its a pretty big campsite for a banditcamp. Suddenly a scream is heard within the camp.
As we zoom throught the camp, we come up on a open space in the middle. Looking there we find a group of bandits and 3 young girls,
hands tied behind their backs, on the ground. (switch to a normal PoV, okay)

"Please let us go" one of the girls cried, but the bandits just laugh at her, ignoring her pleading.
"Oh why should we do that, we haven't had our fun yet, right boss" the bandits said, smirking and chuckling evilly, as their 'boss',
sitting on his makeshift 'throne' on top of a scene, outright laugh, as the rest of the bandits followed.
Suddenly on of the bandits hoisted the girl in the middle up on her feet.

"Please, no. We'll give you anything, but please not that" the other girls cried, as she knew what they were after,
cause they were saying a lot of 'things they could do to them' after they had been kidnapped.

As the goons started to advance on them, suddenly explosions erupt all around the camp.
As the bandits stare at the clouds from the explosions, one of them falls to the ground, dead standing.
At this the bandits start to yell, and scream. Or at least thats what would have happened, if not they as well fell over dead.

Watching his goons drop like flies his eyes flash all over the place trying to find the source.
Finding none, he dashes towards the girls, reaching one of them and takes her hostage.

"Were the hell are you, you bastard, show yourself!" he screams out into the night, though he shouldn't have done that,
as a light buzzing sound came from different directions.

Snapping his eyes to the one to his left, he sees... a metal man? No more like a metal suit, but its strange.
Like muscles covering the entire body. In his hands was a... gun? No they call it a rifle.

Raising his eyes to the persons face, he recoils at the red visor covering the persons face.
As he spun round, with the girl in his grip, he saw 3 more of the same persons around him, each with a gun, and each aiming at him.
Steading his grip on the girl he prepped himself.

"Who the hell are you people, coming here, killing my men?" he yelled at one of them.
None of the persons did anything or said anything. It was a killer standoff.
Either he got killed, or both the girl or him got killed. He tried to think of a plan when...

"Cause you kidnapped a daimios daughter, you dumb ass." along with a smooth buzzing,
was all he heard, cause as soon as his eyes expanded in shock, he was chopped in the back of his neck and darkness took him,
taking him down, along with the hostage.

"Are you okay miss?" the man asked her, as he held out his hand, which she took, and helped her up.
Looking at her friends, she saw the other 'metal-men' untying them, and helping them up as well.

"Yeah, im okay" she answered, relived that nothing was going to happen, she hoped.

"Good." was all the man said, as he put his index finger on his ear.
"Eve, we've got the hostage, proceeding to EZ. Have transport ready within 15 minuets to take of at the EZ to LZ, over." he said as they moved towards the north.
"Confirmed" Was heard from him, but it was a womans voice.
The girls looked at him a bit confused, and he just shrugged, then got back to business

"Okay team, let go. Aztec, Scout out the EZ, we don't want surprises, Phoenix, search the camp for any info on id's, then follow up,
Psycho, your with me, Nomad, you cover the rear. Get moving, soldiers!" he yelled as each of the 'men', did a quick salute, then did what they were told.
Two of them disappeared into thin air, startling the girls, while the other two followed the apparent leader of the team northwards.

"Come on now, loves, we've got a ride to catch, so let go." said the soldier behind the leader, in a funny British accent.
"Psycho!" the leader yelled "What, Boss, I was just polite" he said.
"Well be polite to them in a better way, they've just had a really bad experience today, okay". The leader, now named Kane, said as they walked thought the woods towards a clearing. "Sorry Kane" Psycho said as they entered the clearing.

"Eve, transport on my location, secure evac confirmed, confirm order" Kane said to himself again, when suddenly a loud humming sound was made,
as a machine suddenly appeared in the sky. "Secure evac order confirmed" was heard as the air craft landed with a roar from the engines,
as the back of the machine was opened. Turning around, Kane looked at the girls.

"Alright ladies, all aboard, buckle up, head against the neck rest, keep your hands within the seating area, and no barfing during flight, please" he said as they helped them into the seats, inside the machine. Making sure the girls were strapped in, the rest of the team sat down in the chairs, as the door closed up. The man called Kane sat down in a seat in the back, looking backwards towards all of them.

As the sound around outside the machine got louder, the girls felt a weird sensation of being pushed down into the seat, as the machine took off skywards. During the trek to the clearing they were quiet, not wanting to cause trouble for the men who saved them. But as they now were safe, they could talk again. Thats when the daughter of the daimio suddenly asked a question.

"Who do you work for, your not ninja, and your not any sort of mercenary Ive ever heard of. So who are you guys." she asked. The soldiers just chuckled, in a mechanic voice from the breathing masks. Kane, leaning forward in his seat, looking at her, before he went for his mask undoing it, and slipping the visor of, and the helmet.

As he did, a mop of blond hair waived around as he shook his head, while smiling. When he stopped, he opened his eyes, showing stunning blue eyes, and scars on his cheeks. As they took flight toward Konoha, he smiled. "We are Konoha special military forces, SOF, and yeah, we are like nothing out there"

Back at the Hokage-tower, Naruto stood in front of Tsunade, the Godaim Hokage.

It had been about 2 years since the the surprise attack on Konoha.

After the Sound-sand attack, the Sandaim thought it would do him good to retire,

again. So, the Hokage position was open for a week or so before a new one could be chosen.

First people tried to recruit Jiraya, oh come on. The guy would have legalized peeking on the woman baths, and a whole other sets of stupid laws, all perverted, sadly.

So, they tried with Naruto, but he shocked the village when he declined as well.

World going under, somebody. Well he had a reason. He felt like he wasn't ready for the position, and that someone else was more worthy of it at the time, hence Tsunade of the Sannin, Godaime Hokage of Konohagakure.

A little information on what had happened these 2 years might be useful so lets look back, shall we.

During the immediate time after the attack, several of Orochimaru's servants were captured, sadly though, Kabuto remains elusive, as he escaped. No one knew how, he just did, typical ninja village.

1 year after the incident, Sound, with a new kage, declared war on Konoha. Most Intel said Kabuto took the leadership. Casualties had been going up a bit after that, but not dangerously much.

Out of the sound four, only one was willing to repent, that being the most foulmouth girl Naruto ever had the pleasure, or displeasure, to meet. But after a few, 'dead if uncooperative' and 'provisionally free if behaving good', she was persuaded, after a lot of bad words from her, she swore, no pun, to help Naruto. With some effort, of course, but the language stuck. The other three, eh, well they wont see daylight ever again, if thats what your asking.

Then theres the machines that Naruto had unleashed on the sound nins, which had been implemented into the Konoha defense. No matter the time, day, weather or season, the 'squids' made short work of any attackers, or spy's attempting to enter the village.

Of course, Danzo, along with the civilian council, had demanded an own squad of 'squid's', claiming, in Danzo's case, to 'eliminate any threat to Konoha' and 'Right to have such marvelous weapons'. When he was denied this, he of course tried something stupid. He tried to order someone to hijack one. Lets just say that there wasn't much left of the poor soul that tried. And he denied any involvement in it, of course. What a woos, no spine at all.

A few months after the attack, Jiraya returned to the village with some very disturbing news. The rain village, Amegakure, which had been in civil war up until now, had fallen silent. The last he had gotten out of the spy inside the village was a name, Akatsuki. Which to him, and the rest of the world meant nothing in particular. Probably the name of some blues club that survived or something, he thought.

And on the other side of the continent someone sneezed, yelling how his 'blues is loose' (sorry just had to)

Back on track now, within a month, the information about Akatsuki had been increased, to that they sought the biju for power. This, of course, was bad, real bad. But Naruto had other plans, as he couldn't just care about the Akatsuki threat, as they found out about the three year waiting period.

(What the hell, are they on rehab or something)

Big sneeze from Amekagure, and a shriek about pooky being wasted and money flying around. (Again sorry)

About a year after the attack, Naruto had made a decision, which he had taken up with Tsunade. It involved a few things he wanted to do to the village...

"Flashback, of course" If the following is not satisfying then press page down 3 times, maybe.

"You want to do what?" was the disbelief filled words of the Hokage. She had been in the position of Hokage for a year, and now her greatest supporter, three clans together, stood before her with an insane suggestion.

"Its just as I told you, and the report of it is lying right in front of you. I want to create a special squad under my command, to help with some of the more, 'difficult' missions that we get." he said while sitting in the couch on the side of the room, while scratching Rikka under her chin, causing her to purr in his lap. Looking up he stared her in the eyes.

"Of course, if they are under my command, you think I will do as Danzo..." she winced at the accusation she almost thought about "...cause, you of all people should know by now, that I listen to you and do what you order me to. I have never gone against your will, neither with or without meaning it, and you know it" he said irritated at her possible thoughts at the moment.

Shaking her head, she picked up the report. "No, I haven't forgotten about it, and I never will. But what has brought this up anyway." she asked as she read the start of the file, then looked up, to find the two 'kids' in her office smooching each other, giving her a tick mark on her forehead.

"Oy playboy, knock it off" she yelled as she threw the paperweight, which he caught, and threw back, causing it to land and skid back to were it was originally, all while not breaking the kiss, which ended anyway. "Two points" Rikka giggled while still liplocked, as a clone appeared next to them in the couch.

"Reason to be, is that I feel that I need a personal squad, and hold it grandma" tick,tick "but I mean a different squad, with people I can trust, plus the don't have to be ninjas." this caught her attention. "but aren't ninjas good enough" she asked. 'hook,line and now' "Because, it will not be ninjas in this squad, even if they get the same results" 'and sinker' he thought as Tsunades eyes widened.

"How will you make that possible, it saying here that it will only take about a year to complete the program" she said, now intrigued at what he would say for an answer.

"Simple, they will be allowed access to the Nano suit and any firearms that I find doable" okay a bullet would have been slowmo, compared to the speed that her facial expression changed from confused, to stunned.

"The Nano Suit!! But I thought you said there only was yours" she stuttered heavily. Just the thought of the suits shear ability was mind boggling.

"Yes, and thats why the program" he said simply, canceling himself, as the real one had broken the kiss and started to rise, as Rikka did as well. As they walked towards the door, he turned his head towards the Hokage. "So?"

She just sat there, contemplating, before smiling. She just nodded, she didn't need to say anything this time as she smiled. 'Kids these days sure get strong, so were's the sake I hid?'

"End of Flashback"

After the meeting the program had begun about a week after...


All around the village, rumors had circulated that the Yondaime legacy, the 'The Iron Devil of Konoha', had been setting up posters about recruitment to for some sort of assignment to help Konoha, and the big buzz was that it said anyone who wanted could sign up, but here was the catch, no ninjas, as it said 'you already have an assignment, to protect Konoha.'

So about a thousand or more of the villagers signed up for it. And within a week they were given orders to go about 8 clicks to the east of the village, right into the middle of the forest. But on the letter it said that it was there, so those that dared went there.

When they got to the place, with some help of a clone of Naruto, for directions, they arrived at a large clearing, about 6-7 acres. As the hundreds of people came, they were all met with a weird sight. The entire clearing was surrounded by a 12 foot brick wall, and triple layers of barbed wire another 3 feet. As people passed a large gate in the middle of the wall they immediately noticed another thing.

On the north side of the place was curved metal houses, with small windows. To the south was a sort of training course. (imaging the worst and hardest kind of military training course in history and take a hand full of 'completely crazy' and voila, 'Welcome to hell'. Well it said so on the sign next to the course.

And in front of them was Naruto. Not in his usual clothing but a full military outfit. Military pants with pockets, pockets, pockets and pockets. Military Flak jacket, same thing like the pants, pockets, a black t-shirt, no pockets, a military style green beret, and his usual orange shades. Next to him, Rikka, same style, but a womans size.

"ATTENSHUU!!!" He yelled as the crowd started to whisper, making them stop talking. "I want 12 lines" he yelled, causing the crowd to get confused. "Did you not hear, dirtbags, I said, I want 12 lines away from me, you dirtbags!!" he yelled. Some got angry at what he said, the other just did what he said.

"What is is recruits" he ask as they glared at him. "Who the hell do you think you are?" they yelled back. He glared at them, before he spoke. "Me, I am, as long as you are here, the equivalent of god" he said, shocking them. "Thought, you have the possibility to go home, IF you want to. I wont stop you." At this the gang just left through the gate.

Turning his attention to the rest, he spoke. "Tell me, why are you here" he asked, getting confused looks. "Are you here, because of my reputation only" a few wiggled a bit in the back of the lines, as he walked past them. "Are you here, for the sake of power, glory, honor or wealth" he asked again, and got a few greedy look as the word wealth. "Then I must ask you dirtbags to wake up" he spoke, making a few look at him weirdly.

"You are not here to gain any of the former things. You are here, because I have chosen each of you 240 people, to be part of a training program, that has the Hokages blessing. Each and every one of you, have been given the chance, and opportunity to become more than just civilians, more than just ninjas, more than anything you would have or could have gained in the past, present and future." he said as he stopped at random lines, looking at the person in front of him.

"But know this, not everyone here will finish what you have started" he spoke, getting the desired effect, confusion and fear. "Half of you will have gone home by the end of the month, and half of that half wont make it, either by injury, dismissal, or that you've given up" he said as he looked a large man right in the face.

"Simply, out of 'that' 120, only 30 of you will continue. And when this is over, only 4 of you will reach the absolute top. The last 4, these 4, I shall tell you, will have to endure the greatest of challenges, as they shall take the place..." he said as he walked up on the platform in front of the lines

" personal squad"

Now this set of a racket.

About a month later, just as he predicted, half the group was left, the rest, either were kicked out, as a few ninjas tried to sneak in, or one ROOT member -- dead. The rest were civis who couldn't take the pressure, or got injured, the rest were thrown out as they didnt approve to the rules Naruto set up.

The rest of the 5 months were spent on training, and choosing the 30 prospective members of the group. They would get an even harder schedule than the rest, all to prepare them for what they would do. Behind the line action, sabotage, hostage situations, elimination, and counter-terrorism, and in the worst case, outright war.

When half the 12 months were done, Naruto started to look into the 4 chosen ones. Each one was special in its own way. The first one was the big guy from the beginning.

Major M. Sykes. Features around his face were pretty sharp, as was his tung, at least his humors British accent made up for his spontaneous funny comments, no bad ones, but still. He was also one hell of a gunner. Any kind of weapon given, he'd fire it like a mad man and still hit the target.

First chosen. Codename... 'Psycho'

Major J. Dunn. The guy is a survivor. The man could survive being thrown on a deserted island with only a coconut tree as food source and he'd make it home in one piece on a tree raft. Hes not as good like Psycho at weapons, but uses tactics and the environment to his advantage. Also a long time friend with Sykes, hes willing to do what it takes to get the job done.

Second chosen. Codename 'Nomad'.

Private Shiroi Kosaki. No known military records in the family, but the girl knows her information gathering. The girl could tell what you ate for breakfast, out of a footprint, and when you did. And those red eyes she has along with her red hair, makes her kind of scary actually. Even so, she's a bright girl, and she isn't afraid to get her hands dirty if needed.

Third chosen. Codename 'Phoenix'.

The last guy I chose, was really out of chance. Ive always said fate has nothing to do with our lifes, but he saved a group of the trainees, with his path finding skills, who during an exercise, got stuck, on a 90 degree cliff, in a rainstorm, at night, with no light at all. So Ill say it once only, it was pure fate that he was there to save the day.

Fourth chosen, Codename 'Aztec'

And my self, the teamleader, Uzumaki Namikaze Kazama Naruto,

Squad leader of the Special forces.

Codename... 'Kane'.

(Just so you know, simplicity about the layout is key, and Ive tried. So, i hope its satisfying).

End of flashback

The rest of the 6 months had been training, both with weapons, armed combat and hand to hand combat, but not ninja style, but military, with a sparkle of ninja in it. Safe to say, when the squad members were chosen, there was a lot of hot air coming from the others who wasn't chosen. But they didn't dare say it anyway as they were informed about the requirements to achieve that level.

As time passed the team started to take up on missions, simple ones, like clearing a bandit camp, or elimination of a confirmed hostile nin who would cause harm to the village. And as time went, it grew to escorts of VIP's, who were threatened by rouge's, to nuke-nin huntdowns, and infiltration of different villages that were suspected of illegal activities.

One thing that many villages around the world learnt was that, if you were hunted by the "Iron 5" as some came to call them, you could just turn yourself in, as they always found you, no matter were you were. Especially traitors of Konoha. There wasn't a question of doubt about it.

But there was something that people didn't anticipate.

Do you know Newtons theorie, that every action has an equal but opposite reaction.

Well, everything has a price. pain, pleasure, glory, strength, power... life itself.

For every good thing done, equal evil grew from such actions.

And the payback day was growing closer by the day.

And in the end, all the good given, will have to be payed in full.

Usually... with ones life.

And no one knew, until the end was upon them.

For, 1 man, hiding in the dark, plotting against the world, was all it would take. All it would take, to bring the world to a new rebirth. But for a phoenix to be reborn... it first must die... the count down has started, a countdown to a new 'Last stand'.

The last battle of the human world was soon upon them.

And no one had anticipated it, especially not Naruto.

And here I stop this one. Ive got some real explaining to do about the very long delay. Short story, collage. Computer Animation for SFX and movies. And that has literally 'soaked' up all my time, around 7am to 9 pm, every day, and some serious chores at home, but Ive got about 3 weeks now of snowy holiday to use for writing.

So I'm really sorry about the inconvenience, and probable loss of fans of my story. And my story's heading. Well... Naruto will live, that much I can tell, the rest, ehm... well with what Ive written, you might get an idea about the world populations fate. And to those that don't like what Ive written, ehm... cheerio laddie, be cool, not chilly.

Ps: I'm thinking of using the ending (if I get so far) to use as a base for my next one. That means, Naruto → some other anime, though Ive already got an idea, or I could spread it into several possible path storys, none connected to each other. (don't get me wrong, I'm not tired of this story, it still gets my eyes all soaked when I read it. But I must. Its in my blood to try new things, so I will)