I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh
Ryou just asked Bakura what item he wants and Bakura smirked. Ryou sighs and thought to himself 'Why did I bother asking?'
Bakura repiled "Hmm what I want...That Ra damn Pharaoh tied up under my tree gagged, 12 boxes of match's, 2 gallons of gas and two feet of rope. Also I want Malik to stop stealing my damn hidden house keys, the freindship freak to become mute, You to not be such a wuss and to have 2,000 dollars. Then I want Seto's brother to stop stalking me, the shrimp to stop smiling, Marik and Malik to stop taking pictures of me then adding it to their freaky shrine of me. Finally for there to be world peace so I can easily enslave everyone and everything."
Ryou stated "Bakura I just wanted to know what item...Not your 12 wishes...that will not come true."
Bakura sneered "So what I had to say it and it needed to be said."
Ryou snickered and said to him "To answer your 'wish list' in order.Okay for starters You can't kill Yami---"
Bakura snapped "I will get him some leather that will choke him as a gift then let him die."
Ryou sighs and muttered "And that is why no one trust's your gift's."
Ryou stated "I would not trust you with match's, 2 gallons of gas and rope...Malik will not stop your wish is in vain.I wish Tea would shut up---"
Bakura smirked and said to Ryou "I could cut out her voice box and her to---"
Ryou stated "No because Yugi is Tea's friend..."
Bakura rolled his eyes and stated "So what who cares."
Ryou stated "I'm not a wuss. Who would give you 2,000 dollars? I highly doubt Seto's brother will stop stalking you because you saved his life."
Bakura sneered "I was after the money damnit. If I knew this would of happen...I should of left him to die."
Ryou sighs and repiled "Your one cold hearted bitch. Yugi will not stop smiling cause he is my boy fr---"
Bakura shudders and then said to Ryou "Gross...I can't believe you have someone like that...Wait I do because your a wuss...Hmm Wuss plus Annoying equals an annoying wuss...Great pairing."
Ryou said to him "Stop laughing already. Now Malik and Marik will not stop until you screw one of them or both of them...Hah like there will ever be world peace Bakura...Keep on dreaming on. Hah think it will happen?"
Bakura yelled "World peace will happen and when it does I'm ready!"
Ryou sighs then asked him "Why did I even bother asking?"
Bakura repiled while smirking "You are not the brightest of people."
Ryou snapped "Shut up Bakura. Look who is talking. You didn't even know what a lawyer does at all until Malik's sister told you."
Bakura flips Ryou off and then yelled "My wishes shall come true!"
Ryou yelled back "No they won't Bakura!"
Bakura slammed the door shut and went to Malik's house.
Please Review and No Flames. Thank You.