So here we go this is story one of the bunch that there are going to be. They are all set in Nami's tangerine grove so that is why they are all here but they don't go together or anything which will be obvious since some characters will be in different pairings. I hope you enjoy! Oh and I do not own One Piece.

Love in the Tangerines

Pairing: LuNa

Rating: M – there is sex, so you've been warned.


"Luffy! That was the last of the flour."

"Gomu Gomu no Rocket"

Nami sighed as all the commotion woke her from her nap. She had been hoping to have a bit of a longer nap than that but she should have known that it was impossible for normal people to do so on this ship. She twisted in her chair to glare at the green haired swordsman who was asleep sitting against the rail of Sunny.

Nami stood up and stretched out some kinks before heading over to Bellemere-san's tangerines. She examined the grove and found a nice plump one which she picked for a snack. All of a sudden she was startled by a movement in between the bushes. She peered in hoping that some animal wasn't trying to eat her precious tangerines. Nami laughed at the sight she saw.

There nestled in between her tangerines sat Luffy pouting and he was absolutely covered in flour. He obviously had been pretending to be frozen again. Normally Nami would have scolded him for being in Bellemere-san's tangerines and kicked him out but he just looked so adorable that she decided to climb in beside him.

"What's wrong Luffy?"

"Sanji's real mad and he said he won't let me have any lunch" Nami noticed that that the fact that Sanji was mad was really bothering him. Luffy didn't like it when the rest of the crew was upset with him.

"Don't worry I'll talk to him and then he won't be mad and you'll get your lunch." She reassured her captain. For some reason this made Luffy look even sadder.

"Hey, wouldn't that be good?" Nami asked confused. Luffy mumbled something that Nami couldn't catch.

"What was that?"

"Sanji will listen to you because you like each other" he repeated quickly turning away. Nami almost laughed out loud at the thought of liking that ero-cook, he was just too obvious. But for some reason her captain thought she did and it had upset him, Nami's heart soared a little wondering why.

"Who said I liked him Luffy?" she asked the sulking boy.

"Usopp" came his soft reply and she groaned. She'd have to fine him for damage to her reputation. She looked over at Luffy who had pulled his hat down low in an attempt to cover his reddened face.

"Luffy I don't like Sanji" she told him softly.

"Really?" he asked hopefully. Nami smiled and leaned over and placed a soft kiss on his lips. He tasted like flour and something sweet. She lay back, pillowing her head with her arms and giggled at the stunned expression on Luffy's face. Suddenly his trademark grin broke out on his face and he lay down beside her. They lay like that in silence for a while, just basking in each others company.

"Nami?" Luffy asked hesitantly.

"Yes Luffy?"

"Do you think we could do that again?" he asked so sweetly that Nami couldn't help but smile.

"Of course"

Luffy leaned over her and slowly lowered his lips on to hers. Nami relished the feeling of his lips pressed against her own. He reached one of her hands up to his head and pushed his hat off so that she could run her fingers through his thick hair. Luffy's tongue flicked at her lips and she opened her mouth to him. As their tongues started to explore so did his hands. Luffy's hands roamed down her sides and back up under her shirt. Nami moaned as he fondled her breasts through her bra. She pulled back from Luffy breathing heavily.

"Too fast?" Luffy asked panting. His concern touched her and she shook her head smiling. She rolled him over to his back and straddled him. She peeled off her shirt and tossed it behind her.

"That's better"

Luffy grinned and greedily pulled her down. Nami started to undo the buttons on Luffy's vest kissing her way down. She pushed his vest off and continued to lavish attention on his thin but well-defined chest. She flicked her tongue over his left nipple and he moaned, she could feel him hard beneath her and it thrilled and excited her. Luffy reached up and unhooked her bra and she quickly tossed it aside. He tossed her a mischievous smile and before she could stop to think about it she was once again on her back.

She laughed huskily as his mouth captured hers once more. Luffy trailed hot kisses down her neck nipping lightly as he went. When he finally made his way to her breasts and slipped her hardened nipple into his mouth and slowly sucked Nami couldn't keep her hips from bucking. She felt Luffy grin into her chest. Nami took the smile as a challenge and slipped her hand under the waistband of his pants. Luffy gasped as she found her target and started to stroke it. With her free hand she drew Luffy's head up to hers and hungrily claimed his mouth swallowing his moans.

"You have to be quieter Luffy. If someone finds us I will kill you." Luffy pouted at her and Nami was amazed that despite everything going on he still managed to look adorably innocent. She couldn't resist that look and she fumbled to take his pants off.

"Are you sure Nami? We don't have to" Luffy asked her, his concern only making her want it more.

"I'm sure" she rasped and Luffy grinned and slipped her skirt down over her hips.

Within seconds they were both naked in the shadows of the grove. Nami quivered with pain and pleasure as Luffy entered her and started thrusting slowly. His slow rhythmic movements making her body react and her mind explode with pleasure. She gave a small whimper and lifted her hips to meet with Luffy's thrust. Luffy took this as his cue to speed up and his thrusts became quicker and deeper bringing Nami closer and closer to the edge. Not wanting to alert the entire crew as to their activities she drew Luffy's mouth onto hers to stifle her scream as she came in an explosion of pleasure so great that she lost any shred of remaining coherent thought. Luffy gave her one more lingering kiss before rolling over and collapsing beside her.

"Wow" he said once his breathing slowed some.


"I need to get Sanji mad more often" he laughed and Nami knocked him on the head. He leaned over and kissed her cheek.

"I was just kidding." Nami laughed and rested her head on his shoulder. She didn't know how long they lay there like that but eventually Sanji called out that lunch was ready. She felt Luffy perk up at the promise of food and she giggled.

"Go on, I'll be out in a second"

Luffy grinned and was in his clothes and gone in no time. Nami gathered up her clothes and put them back on making sure they were neat and clean. She crawled out of the grove and stretched before heading to the kitchen. She was just about to enter when she heard Robin from behind her.

"Miss Navigator, you have flour in your hair."