Disclaimer: If I did own Harry Potter, I would have never written things I couldn't take back. Like certain deaths and that Epilogue.
Summery: When someone comes back from the dead, what do you expect to happen? What if this person was once the love of your life? Hermione loved him, he died and she moved on. Now, he's back and she doesn't know what to do anymore. Can she find her old roots?
A/N: This is DH compatible but not the Epilogue because I really hate that Epilogue. Read my profile.
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Filling in the Gap
Chapter 1
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He watched her, he did so everyday.
She was unaware that she had a stalker, well… he wouldn't say stalker. It was such a harsh word. He was more of an observer, a watcher, if you will. He longed for her, to touch her, to announce his presence. Five years away could do that to a person: make them seem completely insane when they weren't.
He hadn't lost his mind; he had lost his life… his old life. He wasn't dead, though many believed he was and he wanted nothing more to go back and redo all his mistakes. He had made a lot of mistakes through his life but the one he made to her was the biggest he could have ever done. He had hurt her; he had hurt himself. He had hurt everyone, when they saw him be put six feet underground. She didn't even know he was alive, literally.
Why did he leave? The reason didn't even exist anymore. How was he suppose to even tell them he was alive, that he wasn't the same person they saw in that coffin? He despised his new life and longed for his old one, he didn't mean for the new life to happen. It just did.
He watched her; she was with a pregnant girl with long red hair. He knew that girl as well, for he had watched her for just as long. It made it sound like he was a stalker, but he would swear he wasn't. But he probably wouldn't convince anyone of that when he was hiding in a bush, around the side of the house where the two young women were sitting on the front porch.
He listened in on their conversation, using a miraculous invention called Extendable Ears, which he had made invisible for obvious purposes.
'So you're coming tonight, right?' the youngest of the two whined.
'You know I will,' was the other witch's reply.
'But what about…?'
'What about him?'
'You broke up with him after rejecting his engagement. Won't that be weird for you to see him there?'
'Well… I would be a liar if I said it wouldn't bother me. But the night is going to be all about you and Harry.'
'Hermione,' Ginny breathed. 'Why did you say no? And then break-up with him? He's really torn up about it.'
Hermione let out a loud sigh, 'I don't love him, Ginny. I thought I did, but I sort of knew that deep down, I didn't share the same feelings as he did. I love him like I love Harry, like a brother. I was going to break-up with him that night, it didn't feel right to drag him along like that. I didn't know he was going to propose! It was so unexpected; we haven't even talked about settling down. But what's happened happened and nothing we do is going to change that.'
'But… it's Valentine's Day. If I were you, I would think it would be weird.'
'Do you want me to come tonight or not?'
'You already said you would: you pinkie-promised.'
'No I did-' in one swift movement, Ginny hooked her pinkie around Hermione's, with a triumphant look upon her face. 'No fair. That's very immature.'
'Shh! don't let him hear you. I want him to respect his mamma,' Ginny said in mock hurt, rubbing her pregnant stomach.
'So, it is a boy then?'
'I don't know, honestly. Harry doesn't want to know but I think it's a boy. It just feels like it.' Hermione smiled at her.
'Well, I guess I have no choice but to come tonight. It's your fault that you got married on Valentine's Day.'
'It was Harry's idea. He thought it would be more special that way.'
'But you agreed to it. It was your wedding day too.'
'Fine! But do you think that I was thinking that you would break up with Ron just 2 years after? I'm not a seer, Hermione dear.'
'OK. If you mention the break-up one more time, I'll hex you.'
'That's not a nice thing to say to a pregnant woman,' Ginny said in mock hurt. Hermione rolled her eyes at her.
'Then drop it,' Hermione snapped, her recently short temper getting the best of her. 'I'm coming tonight, for you and Harry – that's all you need to know.'
So she had dumped Ron. And after he proposed too – harsh. Right now, the fact that Hermione Granger had dumped Ron Weasley wasn't the only thing that was going on inside his mind. He had it all planned out now.
It was tonight he planned to return, he could only hope they would accept what he done and forgive him. What better way to celebrate Valentine's Day than a resurrection?
So what do you think?
Just a random moment in the day when this stroke of inspiration hit me. I was in the middle of writing the next chapter of the Magic of Lily and this just suddenly occurred to me. I was trying to resist the urge to write it because I wanted to get TW and MOL out first but obviously I gave in.
Hope you like it. Reviews are nice, flames not so much.
Creative Touch
P.S. Any of you guys wanna be a beta to this or any other of my stories. Tell me! Because I can't let you be it if I don't know you wanna be one!