Hi, everybody! Guess what? I'm not dead! I hope nobody missed me. Of course, none of you even remember me, probably. Oh well, I'm still not dead.

Disclaimer: Zumaka doen't own Harvest Moon or any of it's characters.

And sorry if this is lacking in detail, or if there are spelling mistakes. Spell check isn't working.


That's all that was said. They stood in silence, the only sound the pitter-patter of rain on the roof.

Minutes passed.

Finally, Mary looked up. Her expression was anxious.

"Who-who is this for?" No matter what she said, it was obvious.

Come on, Claire thought. No stalling...

"Well, it's for the first person you show it to, right?"

Mary nodded slightly. "Then, uh... you." Claire held it up a little higher. "So, whaddaya say?"

Mary sighed. "Claire... You're joking... right? ...Okay, I know you aren't. But you know that you should not have even thought about this."

"I know it's a little... strange," Claire sputtered. "but... I thought that you... ya know, l-"

"No." Mary said firmly.

"You don't...?"

"It's not that." Claire looked up hopefully. "It's just that it's not socially... acceptable," Mary finished.

"But what about your books? ...With their happy, storybook endings? This wouldn't stop them." Claire asked.

"I know! But what would the town say? What would everyone say, Claire?"

"Forget about them..."


Claire looked up, fire burning in her eyes. "Forget them! Who cares what they'll say! I don't!"

Mary sighed again. "It's not what they will say. The town would be furious... Manna might rally everyone into a riot!"

"Oh, come on, that'd be funny... kinda." Mary glared. Claire ignored her. "What kind of town is this, then? If it really would bother them that much, then let's run off! We can go to the mainland!" Claire said excitedly.

"No. Stop being silly." Claire fell silent. After thinking for a bit, she looked up.

"I-I guess I am being a little silly." Claire said with a sigh.

Mary smiled a bit. "So... are we still on for tomorrow?"

Claire didn't smile. "Yeah."

Mary patted Claire's shoulder and kissed her on the cheek. "Don't worry, maybe it will happen someday."

Mary stepped back into her library and shut the door.

Claire stared at her feet sadly.


And there was only the sound of rain.

Please review! Tell me if you hate it, because I would like to know.