Disclaimer: Not my characters. My plot, my world, not my characters. XD

Title: All I Want for Christmas
Chapter: The First Day
Pairings: Leon/Cloud, Axel/Roxas, Riku/Sora…
Summary: A week at a resort sounded like fun, but this will be a Christmas Leon, Cloud, Sora, Roxas, Riku and Axel will never forget… set in Australia. AU, yaoi.
Rating: Not kiddy safe…

This fanfiction is a co-write between me and my friend (who doesn't actually have an account on here… o.O;;;) Kalely. Mostly everything is based on true events… well, everything except the smutty stuff, which was left to our imaginations… 8D

It features boy on boy lovin' so if you're not into that stuff, DON'T READ IT, har har...


All I Want for Christmas

Chapter One: The First Day

Cloud could honestly admit to himself that against all the odds, he was, in fact, scared.

He was not often scared – scared was a word excluded from his vocabulary. It was not an adjective, not a verb, not even a lowly proverb. In Cloud's own exclusive language, you could not run-scared. Neither could you jog nor walk scared if you so desired. In fact, the only acceptable use of the word 'scared' was used when describing your friends as they laid eyes for the first time on your big, pointy sword…

Nope, scared was not a word ever associated with the blond in any way, shape or form.

Except when Leon looked like that.

Nobody else in the car noticed how tight Leon's grip on the steering wheel was, neither his increased breathing rate nor the random twitches of his eye. Cloud, however, was an expert Leon-reader, as he should be after three years of dating. This was why he was more than a little worried, because all the signs read the same.

Leon was going to implode.

This was not going to be pretty.

He was drawn away from the vein throbbing in Leon's forehead by the random bursts of song coming from the backseat.

"Toot toot chuga chuga big red car!"

Cloud couldn't decide which was worse: the volume of Sora's voice or the obvious lack of singing talent.

"We're gonna ride the WHOLE DAY LONG!"

The car sped up a little, making the blond quickly turn off the radio. The silence that followed was absolutely golden – until


"Shut it Sora."

Roxas, from his seat beside the brunet, huffed and glared moody daggers into the back of Cloud's headrest. He had honestly never hated anyone with such a passionate, burning hatred. Curse his stupid brother for bringing him along on this stupid trip… he could've at least been warned of what was coming. Of course Cloud had neglected to tell him, because he'd never have wanted to come if he'd known he'd be sitting beside the world's most annoying duo.

He thought Sora was bad enough, but he was nothing compared to-

"AXEL! Could you please reach over and put it back on?" Sora asked, fluttering his eyelids at the red head.

"Depends." A voice purred from his other side, over Sora's whining. Unlike Roxas, who had been fuming about being stuck in the middle of the two, Axel was quite happy with his current position. In fact, he delighted in spreading himself as far across the seat as he could, his hand lingering on the top of the seat behind the angry blond, itching to play with his hair.

"On what?" Roxas snapped, annoyed with the expectant silence.

"On what you, Sora, can tell me about the gorgeous blond sitting beside you." The red head licked his lips and smiled in a bemused fashion. "Any deep, dark secrets I should know about Roxy? Any… secret desires?" Axel leaned closer, forcing Roxas to shift closer to Sora.

"You know you're curious Rox…" he lowered his voice to a breathy whisper, smirking all the while at the obvious discomfort he was causing, "and I can teach you everything…"

Finally, the blond's resolve broke. Roxas shoved Axel backwards, causing the red head's flaming spikes to collide with the window – followed closely by a dull 'thud' as his skull connected seconds after.

"FOR THE LAST TIME AXEL, I'M NOT GAY!" Roxas yelled, struggling to get as far away as the seatbelt would allow, "AND EVEN IF I WAS GAY, I STILL WOULDN'T DATE YOU! What part about 'I hate you' don't you understand?!"

Axel forced the lazy smirk back onto his face, rubbing his head, not allowing the hurt to show in his eyes.

"Yeah yeah, so you keep saying." He muttered, but wasn't deterred, and soon returned to his previous position. Cloud was the only one to notice as the speedometer edged over 110…

"Uh guys?" He muttered, watching Leon warily… but Sora's wail prevented his words from being heard.

"Leeeeoooon, put the Wiggles back on!"

Roxas shook his head furiously, "Sora, the Wiggles are for five year olds and people in denial about getting above that. People like you Sora!"

"I'm not in denial!" Sora shot back.

"Are too!"

"Are not!"

"Are too!"

"Are not!"

"Are to- I AM NOT HAVING THIS CONVERSATION WITH YOU SORA, YOU ARE IN DENIAL AND THAT'S THAT!" Roxas finished, his infamous temper boiling murderously, eyes flashing as he stared down his almost step-brother. Usually Roxas and Sora were so close, they got along famously. Roxas appreciated Sora's ability to just enjoy life and Sora appreciated Roxas' ability to bring him back down to Earth.

It was rare for Roxas to become this easily angry with Sora, but he was so upset with Axel and Cloud that he couldn't help himself. The blond glanced over at his unusually silent best friend, ready to apologise, when another voice cut in.

"Can I have this conversation with you?" The red head purred.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" Roxas struggled to move away from Axel, but couldn't quite maneuver himself with Sora in the way.

"OW! Roxas! That hurts…"


"Okay so no conversation… would you prefer I whisper sweet nothings into your ear?"

"YOU PERVERT!" Roxas yelled.

"ROXAAAAAS!" Sora whined, squirming.

"All of you, SHUT UP!" Cloud tried, desperate to calm them all down before-

The harsh squealing of brakes cut through the air.

The car skidded to a halt. The resulting jolt knocked Roxas into Axel's lap, but he barely noticed. Sora shrunk down as low as he could go into his seat – and Axel merely gulped. All they could focus on was the back of the brunet's head as Leon closed his eyes and counted slowly to ten. Each of them waited, their hearts pounding with the adrenaline from the sudden braking, and Cloud wondered whether the brunet would realize that they were stopped in the middle of a highway.

It wasn't a particularly busy highway, but still… cautiously, while his boyfriend was still counting, he flicked the hazard lights on. Well, he could still be careful…

Leon seemed to take a deep, final breath, and turned slowly to look at the three teenagers, fixing them with an ice cold gaze.

"Two hours." He grated, eyes sweeping from Axel, to Roxas, to Sora, who pretended he was invisible. "Two fucking hours I have had to put up with the three of you. Two hours of the Wiggles, two hours of complaining and arguments, two of the worst hours of my life."

Somehow, the hard tone was worse than if Leon had shouted.

"If I have to put up with this for the next two hours, I will personally see to your punishment – and it will be worse than anything you could imagine. I will put you through hell and when you come out, you will tremble at my feet and beg for my forgiveness… and then..."

A lengthy pause. Breathless silence.

"I'll do it again."

Leon schooled his expression, turned back around, and set the car into motion again, turning off the hazard lights with a casual flick of his finger. Cloud let the air escape his lungs and leant back into his seat. He stretched his arm across the gap between them and slipped his hand in between the back of Leon's head and his headrest, his fingers idly twisting and fiddling with his hair.

The effect of the simple action caused the tension to ease several degrees as Leon sighed heavily.

And Axel, Roxas and Sora found themselves able to breathe again.

"What was that all about?" Axel whispered to Roxas, ignoring the glare Cloud threw over his shoulder. Roxas, who had scrambled back into his seat, frowned darkly.

"Leon doesn't usually get mad. Cloud's the one who yells at us and then Leon calms him down before we get castrated. I guess we just pushed him over the limit."

Sora looked thoughtful, but whatever he was thinking, he kept it to himself.

Then Roxas looked out the window.

"Hey! A gas station! Ya reckon we could stop there Cloud?"

Cloud hesitated. Leon nodded lightly and obediently changed lanes, never taking his eyes off the road. Roxas breathed a sigh of relief as four sets of eyes turned to the sanctuary of the simple building. The fifth pair never left his ass.

Less than a minute later (though it seemed much longer than that), they were pulling in and everyone piled out of the car like it was on fire. Cloud immediately headed for the station itself to get some take away, Roxas following to put in his order. Leon pumped fuel into the car while Axel opened the boot and rummaged in his bag for his smokes.


Sora, meanwhile, only had one thought on his mind.


He crossed the small car park and found the block with little difficulty, pushed hesitantly on the door. It swung open slowly and Sora found the noise strangely befitting as he stepped inside. The first thing that hit him was the smell – the stench of sewage and rotting… something, made him wrinkle his nose. The cubicles themselves were disgusting. A mystery puddle of ... something on the floor, toilet paper, used and not used, was strewn all over the place.

A couple of the toilets hadn't been flushed in weeks.

Sora wriggled from side to side in his desperation, a quick glance at the urinal telling him that it was probably permanently out of order. It could've been due to the fact that there was nothing to flush it with – or the fact that the urinal itself was hanging half off the wall… so it had to be a cubicle…

The brunet bit his lip and sprinted into a random one, shutting and locking the door behind him.

A minute later and he flushed, his hand already on the lock so that he could get out of this disgusting place.

But it wouldn't turn.

"You've got to be kidding me," Sora moaned, struggling with the thing, but to no avail. Finally, he butted the door with his shoulder, but the door was like rock and the only thing it did was make his shoulder ache. The lock didn't budge.

"Shit." Sora swore, for the first time in months. His only other option was to crawl out from underneath the door, but there was used toilet paper in his way. On his right was another puddle, and he didn't even want to risk the left.

So he was stuck.

Oh well, he'd just wait until someone got him. They would realize he wasn't there and go looking. Yeah, then they'd let him out and he'd continue on his merry way.

They wouldn't forget him.


…. Right?



Leon was already sitting impatiently in the car by the time Roxas and Cloud got back.

"Check in is at two." The brunet reminded them. Cloud shrugged lightly, throwing Axel and Sora's share of the food onto the back seat.

"We'll get there in time." He assured his boyfriend, but he knew this wasn't true, and sighed inwardly. Nothing like this ever seemed to go right. They couldn't take a holiday without SOMETHING happening. Once, when they'd been fishing, Sora had accidentally speared his hand with his hook and had to be taken to hospital to get it surgically removed.

Another time Leon had been attacked by jellyfish and had had at least three wrapped around his thigh, the stinging, almost burning pain turning his entire leg red, swollen and sore. He'd had to peel each tentacle off one by one and untangle the jellyfish before he could remove them – and that process alone had taken over half an hour.

Cloud could go on and on about their disastrous holidays – he'd just wanted this one to be different – but it looked like he was never going to get his wish.

Not with Axel and Roxas stuck together, anyway.

Cloud pinched the bridge of his nose in a typically Leon gesture, forcing the brunet himself to draw his gaze away from the thin plume of smoke rising from Axel's lit cigarette and settle on his blond boyfriend.

"What?" He asked; the concern obvious in his voice.

Cloud drew his hand away. "I don't know if I want to go on this holiday anymore." He said steadily, catching Leon's imploring gaze.

A strange contest of wills seemed to break out between them, until Cloud finally looked away and stared unseeingly out the window.

Leon frowned and leaned over the handbrake, using his hand to turn his boyfriend's head and bring into sight the amazing blue eyes he couldn't help but fall madly and deeply in love with.

"No." He whispered seriously, "you deserve a break."

His lips came into contact with Clouds' and the blond sighed lightly into the kiss. He would never, ever, get sick of those lips. Leon's eyes slipped shut as he ran his tongue across Cloud's lip, the blond biting back a moan. His hand slipped around the back of his head and pulled him desperately closer, slipping his tongue into the parted lips.

Cloud broke the kiss for a moment, long enough to climb over onto Leon's lap, straddling the brunet.

He leaned forward and captured Leon's lips in another passionate kiss, his hands sliding underneath the brunet's shirt and running his finger lightly along his spine. One of Leon's hands pulled Cloud closer, the other slipping down to the front of his pants and expertly undoing the button.

Cloud moaned into the kiss, grinding down, making them both gasp with the electricity that it caused. Leon's hand dipped down into Cloud's boxers, searching for, finding and tightening around-


They jumped. Blushing lightly, both turned and looked out the window, to see the back of Roxas' head as he steadily faced the other direction.

"I'm counting to ten," he said, reminding Cloud eerily of Leon, "and when I get there, my brother will have his pants done up, and be sitting in his seat. He will NOT be being publicly molested by his boyfriend, because, if he hasn't noticed already, there are quite a few people watching, including me, and we're quite emotionally scarred enough as it is thank-you-very-much."

Roxas took a deep breath.

"One… two…. three…"

Cloud withdrew Leon's hand from his pants and zipped them up, trying to ignore the brunet's angry and disappointed expression.

"We'll continue this later." Cloud whispered into Leon's ear, licking his earlobe and nibbling at it lightly. The brunet finally nodded as Roxas neared the end of his countdown.

"Seven… eight… nine…"

Cloud withdrew hastily into the passenger seat.


Roxas stalked into the back seat and almost sat on Axel's share of the food. Scowling, he took his own bag of chips from the seat… then he really did sit on Axel's share, and wiggled a bit too, for good measure.

He just hoped this wouldn't somehow get the red head off…

Cloud leaned out the window, scowling at his smoking cousin, slightly frustrated at the speed their company seemed to be traveling. He couldn't wait to get to the resort.

The frustration eased slightly, as he realized that he really did want to go, if only spend some alone time with Leon. They could get some things sorted out, anyway.

Not that there was anything wrong with their relationship, per say… it was just…

They had never acted much like a couple, never told each other how much they loved the other and never been all over each other in public (on purpose anyway. When lust took over, well, anything could happen…).

They did love each other. At least, Cloud loved Leon… more than he would ever know, and they'd been dating for three years so it was obvious that the brunet felt the same way. He just seemed to take it as a mutual understanding though – it was something that he'd never said out loud. It was just unspoken…

But Cloud had said it and he hadn't heard it back. That was where their troubles had REALLY started – and now…

"HURRY UP AXEL!" Roxas hollered out the window, towards the vibrant red spikes. The smoke coming up looked like his hair was on fire, not the stick dangling from between his lips.

"I'm coming." Axel said.

Then he paused.

Thought about it.

And smirked evilly.

Roxas scowled and returned to his meal.

The red head sighed and threw the cigarette down on the ground, preparing to stomp it out… when he realized that it hadn't landed on the ground. It had landed in a puddle, a small flame bursting to life. Axel stared, wide eyed, panicking, down at the fire. Mentally connected that puddle to the next puddle.

To the next, slightly bigger puddle.

To the largest puddle of them all…

Right next to the petrol pump.

"Oh SHIT!" He yelped, sprinting over to the car and wrenching open the car door.

"DRIVE!" Axel ordered as he dived in, slamming the door frantically behind him, glancing back at the slowly spreading flames… but the car didn't move. Cloud, Roxas and Leon all stared at him like he had suddenly grown an extra head – which he couldn't be sure he hadn't.

Then Leon happened to see the flickering flames out of the corner of his eye and swore.


He floored it and the car burst to life, roaring out of the gas station. He swerved onto the road in front of a Holden, the owner of which honked loudly at him. But Leon ignored it and kept up the speed until he'd rejoined the highway, and even then didn't slow down much.

Neither Roxas, Axel or Cloud, pale and slowly disengaging themselves to the various things they grabbed on to, realized they were missing something.

Or someone...


"I don't want a lot for Christmas, there is just one thing I need…"

A slender hand crashed down on the radio, but there was nothing he could do to change the song. The car was a bomb, pre-ruined by his cousin, and nothing worked. The tape player had a tape permanently stuck in it and the radio had so much soft drink spilled on it that it had ceased to function… except for one station.

"I don't care about the presents underneath the Christmas tree…"

The one station that played Christmas carols all year long.

It was just Riku's luck.

He switched off the radio angrily, swearing under his breath that if he had to listen to 'Jingle Bells' one more time, he'd snap the antenna off the front and ram it somewhere his cousin would regret. Although, knowing Axel…

Riku sighed lightly and followed the highway around a sweeping corner, seeing a gas station up ahead that he could take a break. He lived even further away from the place than Axel and reasoned that it had taken him three hours to get to this point, where as it had probably taken his cousin a maximum of two. He felt instantly sorry for the people stuck with his cousin for that long.

Just as he reached the entrance of the station, a black car rocketed out of the driveway. Riku swerved violently, swearing as the idiot accelerated onto the highway. "ASSHOLE!" He called out his window, beeping his horn, but the car was long gone.

He swept his silver hair behind one ear and pulled into a carpark. That was one more stupid driver the world didn't need…

Riku grimaced as he got out and moved his aching legs. The movement also seemed to remind him he had an incredible urge to pee, and without further adue, he started towards the toilets.


Sora's voice was hoarse from yelling, the boy himself sitting on the toilet seat, legs drawn up to his chest and clutching his knees.

But he wouldn't cry… he refused to cry. Crying would mean that he'd be admitting to himself that yes, he had been forgotten and no, nobody was coming for him… and he just couldn't loose hope like that. It wasn't Sora. So, with complete faith in his friends and his brother, Sora continued to wait.

And heard the sound he'd been longing to hear.

"LEON?!" Sora yelled, certain that the heavy footfalls belonged to his older brother. He attempted to look through the door's crack but could see nothing but a flash of platinum hair.

Oh. Not Leon.

"… no.. not Leon…" the stranger said with a little hesitance, as the footsteps paused outside Sora's cubicle. "Are... you okay in there?" He sounded concerned.

"NO!" Sora bit his lip anxiously, "I'm stuck…"


He could almost hear the laughter.

"Not like that! I mean, the lock rust shut… and the door won't open… and and..." he choked back a sob.

"It's okay! Calm down… I'll get you out." The stranger assured him, and Sora instantly felt better.

"Stand back beside the toilet or on the seat, and I'll ram it open."

The brunet did as he was told, and as soon as he gave the okay the door shuddered mightily… but didn't budge.

"Hang on..." The voice grunted, out of breath.

The second time his shoulder connected, the door flew open and Sora saw the same flash of platinum, before the stranger fell straight onto him and knocked them both to the floor. The brunet's eyes widened at the guy on top of him. Up this close, the silver hair was beautiful. It shined and dazzled his eyes and was soft against his chest.

The stranger got his hands on either side of Sora and pushed himself up and back onto his knees, flushed.

"I'm sorry," The guy mumbled, standing and offering a hand down to him.

Sora took it and stood up, finding him taller than he'd first imagined. He smiled up into the guy's face and saw he couldn't have been any more than two years older than himself… and he had the most dazzling blue eyes that Sora had ever seen.

"Are you... gonna be alright now?" The stranger asked hesitantly. Sora smiled and nodded, rubbing the back of his head.

"Yeah, thanks so much… my name's Sora, by the way." He offered.

"I'm Riku." The str- Riku - replied.

There was an uncomfortable moment of silence that followed, in which Sora looked everywhere but at his saviour.

"Well... I guess I'll get back to my friends." He said lightly, shooting a smile at Riku and slipping past him out of the cubicle. "Thanks again!"

And with that, Sora left the bathroom, never seeing the blue eyed gaze burning intently into his back.


Riku was still in shock.

When he'd entered the bathroom, he never expected someone to be stuck there… and then, even when he'd rescued the kid, he'd never expected it to be someone that cute. The brunet was practically oozing the stuff. The way he talked, the way his lip was sore and red from being bitten, the blush that had covered his face when he'd fallen in…


And now what had happened? He'd just let him walk off – walk out of his life with nothing less than a 'thank you'. The thought was appalling.

So, as soon as Riku finished his business, he darted quickly outside… and found the kid still standing around. He was staring at one of the gas tanks, with the most forlorn expression he'd ever seen and his arms wrapped tightly around himself. He couldn't help but walk up to him.

"Hey... again." He said lightly.

Sora's gaze darted anxiously to him, and he let out a hoarse laugh. "Oh, hi Riku."

Riku observed the gas station. The other car that had been there when he pulled in was gone, and the place was empty except for his own and an attendant with a fire blanket eyeing a puddle suspiciously.

"… they're gone, aren't they?" He said softly, glancing at Sora. The brunet nodded, his eyes shimmering.

"You can borrow my phone if you want," he continued gently, taking out his mobile and offering it to Sora. Sora took it with a small whisper of thanks and started punching in numbers. He held it to his ear as Riku waited patiently.


'I love you, you love me, we're a happy family…'

The shrill tone was loud and piercing in the air in the car, the tinny voice almost a shout in the ears of the occupants. There was barely any conversation to stifle the sound – Cloud was listening to his IPOD and Leon preferred driving in silence and concentrating wholly on the road. The only so called conversation was Axel as he tried to get into Roxas' pants for the fiftieth time that day, and that ceased abruptly as Roxas heard the tone and promptly burst out laughing.

'with a great big hug and a kiss from me to you!'

Axel, who was currently looming over Roxas with a predatory expression, flushed with embarrassment. He didn't know who had set his ring tone to… that… and he really didn't care, more focused on getting through to Roxas than bothering to yell at whichever his friends had infiltrated the device.

'won't you say you love me too?...'

The blond gasped for air through his tears. "Aren't…" he breathed, stifling his laughter for a moment longer to choke out, "aren't you going to answer that? And change that stupid ringtone?"

"Nope." He said, admiring the panting blond and leaning even closer. Maybe he'd even thank whoever had done it – now that Roxas as suitably amused, he hadn't yet pushed Axel away. As the phone cut off and fell silent, he closed the distance between them by a little bit more.

"I'd rather keep you breathless."

Roxas really hadn't noticed just how close Axel was until he'd uttered those words (as he was usually pretty close anyway). At that point he pushed Axel violently away again. He was quickly getting even more agitated, and would have exploded again by this point if not for Leon's presence and his value for his own life.

And so the vicious cycle continued.


Sora lowered the phone and stared at it, as though wishing Axel's voice to emanate from it at any second. He didn't know Leon's number; he didn't call his brother that often. He didn't even know if Cloud had a phone, let alone his number, and Roxas' phone was in the boot. His own was on the back seat, but it was switched off…

Sighing, he flipped it shut and handed it back to Riku, wrapping his arms around himself around. He felt like the lowliest person on Earth – just how little did his friends think of him to just forget him like this? Let alone Leon, but then, he was stressed enough to forget…

"I'm sorry." Riku said softly, his voice cutting into Sora's thoughts… but it was far from unwelcome, "If there's anything I could do? Anywhere I could take you?"

He bit his lip again and stole a sideways glance at the guy he'd only just met. He met the blue eyes and found genuine concern in the other's gaze… but getting into a car with a stranger?

Then again, did he have a choice?

He could've just stayed here and waited – but if they didn't realized until they got there, then he'd be here over two hours… just him and the attendant until it was dark. He didn't even know the greasy old guy with the fire blanket, let alone trust him, but Riku looked around his own age… plus he'd rescued him from the bathroom – so how bad could he be?

The wind tossed Sora's hair over his face and tugged at his clothes as he opened his mouth again.

"I'm… going to the coast." He said, looking slyly sideways. "Have you heard of the Camarghue? It's a resort. It's along the Esplanade at… Mar… something."

Riku blinked and grinned at Sora. "That's where I'm going!"

Sora's eyes widened dramatically. "Are you serious?!"

He nodded.

Sora squealed and threw himself on the elder. "I'm so glad I met you Riku! You can hang out with us and everything! We're planning on just getting pizza tonight but I think tomorrow we might have a barbecue and I'm sure Leon won't mind if you come along, considering you saved me and all…"

Riku looked down at the top of the brunette head with nothing short of amazement. The transformation from the hurt, abandoned, quiet Sora to this… energetic, excitable, happy teenager had taking him aback. He had no idea anyone's mood could change so quickly, like someone had flicked a switch.

Nevertheless, it was a nice change, and he felt a smile tugging at his lips.

"No worries." Riku said as Sora pulled away.

"Thank you again Riku! I really owe you for this!" The brunet said, and without knowing quite what he was doing, he planted a quick peck on Riku's cheek and bounced off towards the only car in the station.

Riku was shocked, but not in a bad way and quickly followed Sora to his car.

This… was going to be an extremely interesting vacation.


yes, there is a reason for Sora being the way he is - and yes, even why he listened to the Wiggles - but you'll have to wait until you find out. XD

110 kilometres per hour. The speed limit on Aussie highways is 100, so Leon's just a TEENY bit over…