Title: The Hogwarts Encounters

Author: Ashley

Disclaimer: Harry Potter…I wish I owned the characters but I don't sadly J.K Rowling does.

Rating: M

Summary: Draco and Hermione have a little fun in the shower.

Timeline: Seventh Year…

Note: Hey Everyone! If you haven't already guessed, I am re-posting my story. I went back and read the chapters and realized how horrible the grammar truly is. The good news is that, my grammar has been improving so I am doing some revising and will re-post the story with better grammar, I hope!

Note 2: I have written chapter 5 so the story WILL BE UPDATED! I am sorry for the long wait but between school and some bad reviews I received, it just really got to me. So as for right now, chapter one will be posted and I hope, chapters two, three, four, and FINALLY chapter five will follow.

For now, have fun re-reading with, mostly, the correct grammar.


The Shower

Hermione Granger sighed heavily, her loose curls falling in her face as she sat in her favorite oversized gold chair that was located towards the left of the fireplace. The fire cackled through the common room that she shared with the Head Boy, writing yet another paper, for her Advanced Potions class.

The amber glow from the fire radiated against her soft features as her hand worked profusely, jotting down key facts and quotes that will surely give her yet, another A.

This was the third paper, in two weeks, which she had to write for Professor Snape and she was convinced that he was after her, and all the Gryffindors that were taking the class. Everytime a paper was due, on a specific date, anyone from Gryffindor that didn't have the assignment in on time had an automatic detention and 10 points taken away from the house. However, if anyone from Slytherin didn't have the work in on time, they were expected to hand in the assignment next class without any points taken away from their final grade.

Hermione had thought numerous times to say something about the unfairness of the class, but she knew all to well, that it would only result in getting more points taken away from her house and a automatic detention for questioning a teacher.

She was glad that Ron and Harry dropped the class when they did. She didn't think that they would be able to handle the pressure. There were times where she thought she was going to crack, but she refused to give any of the Slytherins the satisfaction of dropping the course.

It wasn't like it was hard. She could do the work with ease; however, when you have to do three papers, in two weeks, for one class, on top of papers for her other classes as well, well, sleep had become somewhat of a luxury for her.

However, no matter how much work she had taken on, it was always to the best of her ability. In fact, she was proud that she was top of her class, in all of her classes really.

However, what really annoyed her was one certain Slytherin who wasn't far behind.


She wasn't stupid.

She knew full well that Professor Snape favored Malfoy among the rest. It seemed that he could do no wrong and even if he didn't get the work done, he seemed to be passing the class. Half the time, she could hear him snoring from the back of the room when she was writing constantly, making sure to get ever word that the Professor was saying. If Malfoy wasn't sleeping then he was flirting with Pansy Parkinson like a bloody fool. Pansy allowed anyone with a penis to touch her and really, she thought that Malfoy could do much better.

Then again…so could Pansy.

However, she couldn't discredit his other classes. When test scores were in and announced, a smile was plastered on her face when everyone was informed that yet again, she got the top scores. She would smile at her achievements but that smile would falter a bit when Draco Malfoys name was announced right after, informing that he wasn't far behind. She would feel his satisfied gaze piercing through her back and she would turn and glare at him with venom.

She may have been first in her class, but Malfoy was second, and quickly gaining on her and that angered her more than anything did.

The thing that got to her the most was that, it was now two days before the Potions paper was due and she was sitting by the fireplace working non-stop to finish it, when the Head Boy was off doing, Merlin knew what.

She still didn't understand how he managed to get the Head Boy position.

It was quite a shock to everyone at first when it was announced at the beginning of Seventh Year. Hermione knew she was going to get the top position.

Everyone knew.

She wanted to be modest, but ever since first year, she had a feeling that she was meant to be a leader, and she was right. However, when people found out that Malfoy was Head Boy, no one could really believe it.

His grades were impressive, yes, but getting the Head Boy position, you had to have some leadership qualities. She became Head Girl, so she'd like to think that she exemplified everything that meant to be a leader. She got top marks; she made sure that everything was done properly and never let anyone get away with anything.

She knew the rules and stood by them. She may not always be liked by her fellow peers, but she always thought if they didn't want to get detention or house points taken away, then they shouldn't put themselves in a position that would allow that to happen.

It was that simple.

She remembered that Harry and Ron were walking back from who knows where and frankly, she didn't care. It was way past curfew and when they begged her to let them pass because they were best friends she felt a bit offended and instead of taking the normal 10 points off she took an extra 5 points.

They argued that she was taking points off her own house, but in that moment, she was ashamed to call herself a Gryffindor.

Rules were rules.

After another half an hour she was finally done with her Potions paper. She rubbed her tired eyes, profusely, with the back of her hands, yawning, noting that it was close to one in the morning. She had already done her rounds and realized she had been working for two hours straight. It was way past curfew, however she didn't notice Malfoy ever coming in.

It was true that having the Head position they were allowed out of the rooms past curfew, but in order for your classmates to follow and accept you as an authority figure, you needed to show that you were one. How do you get everyone to his or her rooms on time when you, yourself, didn't do the same thing?

She realized there were times where you needed to be out for official business, but knowing Malfoy, his reasons was less then honest.

As if on cue, Hermione turned her head at the sound of the Portrait swinging open.

Hermione observed Malfoy walking in, his slick blond hair falling into his eyes and his robes following behind him as he walked past her with a satisfied smirk, without so much a glance to her and headed to his room, where he slammed the oak wood door behind him.

She sighed heavily.

She hated sharing the same space as him, but felt better about the fact that they had there own bedrooms. Not only that, but she felt comforted about the fact that she could magically keep Malfoy out of her room. It was the same basic spell when it came to the portraits. You had to mutter a spell to get in and that was the surest way to keep Malfoy out.

Malfoy picked up on it after awhile and cursed his own door, so she knew if she was going to scold him, she needed to do it before he went to bed and locked her out completely.

Hermione took the few steps needed to his room and entered, but quickly scolded herself after seeing the sight before her.

"Oi, Granger, what is the meaning of barging in my room like this? I distinctly remember closing my door."

Malfoy had already changed out of his school robes and now wore green silk pajama pants with nothing else to match.

Her instincts were to run out the door as her eyes roamed over his chiseled pale stomach that seemed so defined in a way she never imagined. She had seen Harry and Ron without their shirts on many times before but for some reason it was different with Malfoy.

He clearly had an eight pack and she soon scolded herself for counting. But she couldn't help it. They were so defined and it was clear that he got a great workout playing Quddich. Her eyes then started roaming up his long toned neck, then over his pointy but toned chin that she assumed was a Malfoy trait and finally landed on lips that had formed into a scowl.

Hermiones cheeks flushed profusely and Draco couldn't help but feel satisfied that he had managed to embarrass the prude. She had a stick up her ass the size of his penis and knowing his length, he knew the stick must really hurt.

Hermione saw the smirk and quickly snapped out of it. She crossed her arms in front of her and a permanent scowl started to form. "Do you realize that it is why past curfew and your just now coming back to the room."

Draco rolled his eyes at her holier than now attitude and took a step forward, not being the type to back down to her accusations. He licked his lips when she flinched a bit, but was impressed when she didn't move away.

He loved a girl with fire.

"Sorry, Granger, but I was busy." Draco simply said as he hooked his hands behind his back, interlacing his fingers together.

Hermione scoffed as she stared into his blue-gray color eyes, another Malfoy trait. She never realized how intense they were or how hypnotic the color was before. She swallowed hard and shook her head a bit to concentrate. "What could you possibly be doing at one in the…" Hermione trailed off, seeing him smirk, and he chuckled a bit at her realization.

The bloody arse was laughing at her.

"Gee, Granger, aren't we supposed to the first in our class? I think even in that virgin head of yours, you could imagine where my attentions were directed tonight."

"Or with whom." Hermione added as an afterthought. "We are supposed to be setting an example to the rest of the students, especially the first years. You can't just roam around as you please, unless you are doing prefect duties."

He smirked. "I was in fact doing prefect duties."

Hermione eyed him suspiciously. "And what did these duties entail?" She asked, raising her eyebrows at him. "I already did the rounds."

Draco took an another step forward, and suddenly they were so close that you couldn't put another hand between them.

Hermione felt her body involuntary react to his very close proximity. She didn't know what he was doing, but she refused to back down.

Maybe he was trying to scare her?

Maybe he was trying to make her so uncomfortable that she would turn and leave but whatever the reason, she was not going to let him win.

Draco walked her backwards, pushing his weight against her, until her back hit the wall with a small thud. The closeness allowed her to feel his breath against her skin. Involuntary, goose bumps broke out, and she couldn't understand for the life of her why she was receiving this reaction.

She didn't understand for the life of her, why she wasn't pushing him away.

Maybe it was because she was so distracted as she felt his hands start to creep up her right leg. His hand felt like fire against her creamy skin and his touch was sending shivers up her spine.

She should feel disgusted.

She should have felt outraged.

But really…

She couldn't help but feel, turned on.

Draco inwardly smirked, smelling the arousal on her. "Do you really want to know what I was doing Granger?" Draco asked, in a seductive tone.

She cursed herself.

She had changed out of her school robes right after she patrolled and instead of putting on her long gold pajama pants like she usually did, she wore her red baggy shorts, with a gold strips going down the sides, that were very comfortable for bed. She also wore a gold tank top that hugged her curves nicely. She didn't even realize how revealing she must have looked till now.

Really, what was going through her mind was that, she felt very overheated sitting by the fireplace. She wanted to wear something comfortable, some clothes that would let her skin breathe, but as Dracos hand eased up her shaky leg and felt his cold, yet heated stare against her skin, she suddenly felt like she was suffocating.

Draco smirked at her reaction. Her skin felt so smooth and so silky that it literally surprised him. Her blood was dirty, but her skin felt like heaven.

The truth was, he had been out in Pansy's bed, shagging her senseless.

It wasn't like he had a permanent attachment to Pansy but she was there, a soft body that he could release his tension on.


He didn't know the meaning of the word till now.

Too bad she was filthy.

He could sense that her breathing was quickening as his hand ventured higher, and he didn't know if she realized she had dropped her arms to the side. Seeing her lower her defenses as a result of his effect on her, he thrusted his hips forward a bit, rubbing his obvious erection against her middle and she closed her eyes at contact. Quickly, he took a step back, smiling as she moaned and slightly hissed at the loss of contact.

Hermione let out a breath that she didn't know she was holding and looked up at Draco in confusion.

He looked at her with hate.

"Don't worry, Granger," He began as he smirked dangerously. "I would never touch dirty blood. But it's not a surprise to see that you want me."

Hermiones shield went up higher than ever, her blood boiling as she crossed her arms back in front of her again. "You arrogant ferret. How dare you speak to me like that! How dare you speak to me as if your pureblood makes you better than me."

Draco leaned down and sneered. "I am better. Your dirty blood makes me better."

Hermione felt her bottom lip quiver as tears started to form in her eyes.

But she wasn't going to let them fall.

She wasn't going to give him the satisfaction.

"Now, you better come back to the room on time from now on, or I am going to the Headmaster." She yelled loudly as she turned to leave. However, Draco was quicker, grabbing her arm pulling her back to him.

"Come off it Granger. I saw the way your body reacted to me. The only reason why you are upset is not because I stayed out past curfew but because you want me."

"What!" she exclaimed, "I loathe you." I loathe the very ground you walk on. Why would you ever think I would want you?"

"Because you do," he drawled. "You want me bad and you know that I would never touch someone with dirty blood." He looked her over and sneered. "Filthy little Mudblood."

She smacked him.

She smacked him so hard that the sound echoed throughout his room. He kept his face to the side and he tried to get his breathing under control. He felt the sting and if he looked in the mirror, he would no doubt, see a red handprint forming.

In her anger, she yanked her arm out of his grasp and ran into the bathroom making sure to lock the door behind her. She quickly stripped down to nothing and let the hot water wash away his touch.

Being alone, she released the tears that threatened to fall earlier and let them cascade down her cheeks, mixing in with the water as the it fell over her hair, flattening her curls and down her body. She grabbed the soap and started washing her body, making sure to scrub at every part that he had touched.

How dare he speak to her the way he did?

It was her fault.

She gave him an opening.

She knew that she couldn't have a civilized conversation with him when they were alone. Instead of waiting the next day to confront Malfoy with Ron and Harry by her side, she just barged into his room and gave him the opening.

She bloody well, loathed the ground that he walked on and was waiting for the day where Draco Malfoy got what he deserved.

In her haze, she hadn't heard the bathroom door opening. She only turned around when she saw a shadow against the glass door that acted like a shield between her and the intruder. Her eyes widened with fear, and her breathing quickened in frightful anticipation, when she saw them begin to strip down.

She had locked the door hadn't she?

Before she could answer herself, Malfoy flung the door open and locked eyes with her as he entered forcing her to take a step back.

She quickly brought her hands up to her chest to cover herself but before she could say a word he pushed her hands out of the way and caressed her breasts. He cascaded them down to her ass and lifted her up, forcing her to wrap her petite legs around his now wet and slim waist.

"Malfoy! What is the meaning of-" But before Hermione could finish her sentence, Draco brought them under the hot plundering of the spray, pushimg her against the shower wall with a thud, where he proceeded to plunge his tongue deep into her mouth.

Hermiones eyes widened at the feeling of his tongue caressing hers as the water splashed off their naked bodies.

She quickly brought her hands to his shoulders and pushed as she started to squirm to get him to release her. She twisted her head to the side but that only allowed him to attack her neck with a vengeance

As Hermione twisted her body, Draco shifted her weight to his right arm and slid his left arm over her left breast, tweaking her nipple in between his thumb and forefinger, then to her stomach, and finally, landed on center.

His hand brushed over her pussy curls until his long, cold slender fingers, found her cilt, and began to rub profusely against it.

Hermiones breathing quickened as she moaned loudly and jerked her head back. Her hands stopped pushing and started to hold on to dear life as the sensations started flowing through her. The mixture between the hotness of the water, and coldness of his fingers, made her stomach feel warm and made her throat constrict, making it hard for her to swallow. She felt his mouth attack her neck again and felt him suck so hard on her pulse point and she knew that was going to leave a mark.

"Malfoy, please," she begged. "I'm with Ron."

He brought his head up and forced her to look into his hot, heated eyes.

"Don't you ever slap me again! Do you understand me Granger?" He asked forcefully, with voice laced with menace.

Hermione could do nothing but stare into his heated gaze. She was mesmerized at the fact that his eyes were actually grey, but were very quickly turning black with passion. She felt him remove his hand from her throbbing cilt as a warning, and she hissed from the loss of contact. "I promise…" She gasped as she bounced in his arms. She reached for his hand and brought it back down to her center. "I promise."

Draco smirked as he went back to sucking on her neck. "Good girl."

He was aware that she was with Weasley.

Disgustingly, aware.

Granger and Weasley walked around school hand in hand for everyone to see. During dinner, they would constantly peck each other, and caress each other, when they thought no one was looking.

Yes, he knew very well that she was with Weasley.

That's what was making this that much sweeter. He raised his lips to hers and sucked on her bottom lip with his teeth, making her moan.

"Please Malfoy-" she tried again. "Ron-"

"Tell me that you don't love getting away with this." He began, nipping at her lips as he spoke. "Tell me that you don't love the fact that Weasley is off somewhere else, while you are in here, about to shag his enemy. Admit it Hermione, this turns you on. You are just waiting to feel my hard throbbing cock inside of you. Stretching you, massaging you, fucking you until you scream my name!

He knew that he was punishing her.

She had slapped him.

A fucking mudblood slapped him and then walked away like she was better than he was.

He knew that he couldn't have that.

She walked around school like the virgin princess, knowing very well the farthest that she ever went with Weasley was light snogging.

He wanted to be the first to bring her down from her pedestal.

He wanted to taste her.

He wanted to claim her.

And Malfoys always get what they want.

"Tell me, Hermione." He demanded, "Tell me you want me." He breathed. "That you want this."

This was not happening.

She was not wrapped around her enemy, letting him touch her in places that she felt embarrassed to let Ron touch. However, hearing him say her name she knew that was her undoing. The water relentlessly cascaded down their bodies and the steam intensified the scent of Draco. She didn't know what it was about the heat, but it heightened everything. He was a combination of his seductive cologne and just plain Draco and that scent was intoxicating.

She was with Ron and she knew that she should stop. She should push him out and then hex him with all the curses that she could think of. Then she should tell Ron and Harry and have them have a turn with him but she knew that if she stopped now, she was going to go insane.

"Draco please." she murmured, her mind spinning out of control.

"Tell me!" He hissed as he rubbed his hard erection against her opening, letting her feel him.

"Yes," She yelled loudly, her voice giving off an echo. "Is that what you need to hear?" Her heart was beating fast as her chest heaved up and down rapidly, her pussy throbbing with need. "I want you!"

That was all he wanted to hear.

Reciting a quick contraceptive spell, he gripped her ass with both hands, and lowered her down a bit swiftly, thrusting his hard throbbing penis inside of her, breaking the barrier that claimed her virginity.

"Ugh." Hermione gasped, jerking her head back and closed her eyes as she felt a slight pain that was quickly washed away by pleasure that was following through her blood as he eased out of her and plunged back inside, not giving her time to get used to his size.

Draco could feel her nails digging in his skin and he welcomed the pain. The mixture between that and the pleasure of being inside of her was beyond anything he ever felt.

"Bloody hell, Granger, " he grunted as he thrusted in and out of her. "You are so bloody tight."

Hermione gripped Dracos shoulders tightly as she let the pleasure wash over her.





"God, Draco." Her whole body shook with the force of him thrusting into her.




"Fuck Granger, you feel so bloody good…so bloody good."

Draco kissed her neck and then captured her lips again as they both swallowed each other's moans.

Draco didn't understand what was happening.

He had just come back from a shag with Pansy but Granger was invoking feelings inside of him that he never felt before.

This was just sex…

A shag…

Then why did he have a feeling that she was ruining him? That he wasn't going to be satisfied to the extreme unless it was Granger's pussy he was fucking.

Hermiones hands roamed down his arms and back up again. She reached down to his stomach and caressed him as she brought her lips to his neck and sucked.

"Merlin, you are so wet!" Draco cursed as he easily entered and pulled back. His hot throbbing penis felt so good rubbing against her constricting walls.

She could feel herself on the brink. Draco was bringing her higher and higher and she was helpless to fight it. She felt a pull above her pussy and knew that she wasn't going to last.

"Faster Draco…I'm going to come." She moaned loudly as she braced her hand over her head.

Draco obliged heatedly by nodding as he brought his head to the crook of her neck. He lifted her a bit and started thrusting faster. So fast that Hermione feared the shower wall was going to give. However, she didn't care. She needed to come.

Draco felt his penis starting to twitch and with one final, hard thrust, both Draco and Hermione saw white as he exploded inside of her and she came, their screams mixing together as their bodies convulsed together.

Feeling his legs give out, Draco lowered them down the shower wall and allowed her to straddle him as the water relentlessly still pondered down on them.

Hermione and Draco both held onto each other, both of them trying to catch their breaths. They both placed their head at the crook of each other's neck, as they held each other desperately.

Draco could feel Hermione caress his back with her petite hands as her breathing started to subside.

Feeling her shiver a bit, but from the orgasm or the water he didn't know, he pulled out of her slowly and lifted her up, where she proceeded to wrap her legs around his waist and kissed his shoulders as he shut off the shower and carried her out.

Softly he set her down and grabbed a towel nearby and wrapped it around her petite body. He then grabbed a towel and wrapped it around himself.

He watched Hermione bite her bottom lip, not knowing what to do. He watched her glance at the door and then discreetly at him.

When Draco didn't say anything she turned to leave, not knowing what to say after what had happened but as she turned to leave Draco pulled her back and grabbed her waist and hoisted her up onto the smooth marble counter.

"Ugh," Hermione gasped. "Malfoy, what…" but her sentence was cut off as he brought his lips down to hers in one swift motion, making her involuntary moan deep in her throat.

When Draco pulled back, she looked at him with a heated glaze and felt herself get horny all over again.

She couldn't believe how just one kiss made her feel like this.

"After this moment, Granger, you are mine," He said seriously. "I have fucked you…I have claimed you, and I swear to merlin, if I ever see you touching Weasley the way you just touched me," he paused as he glared, making Hermione feel his words in her soul, "I will kill him."

Hermione slightly gasped as her eyes widened.

Before another word was said, he was out the door, leaving a shaken, but satisfied Hermione, pondering his words on the counter as she bit her lip with wonder.