A/N: A short ending this time, I want to leave it fairly open in case I decide to do that sequal.

Thank you to my readers and reviewers, without you this story would have never gotten done, and I'm not just saying that.

"Fai?" Kurogane looked around the corner of the wall, and sure enough, there stood Fai. "It's late." He came forward, placing his hand on the blond's shoulder. Fai had been standing in that spot for at least five hours. He hadn't even eaten dinner, or even spoken in all the time he had stood on this balcony overlooking the kingdom of Chatile. "Come on. Please, let's go to bed."

They weren't in Kurogane's home. They were in the castle with all it's splendor. The cool night's air came in off the sea, and Kurogane could see Fai's bright hair flutter slightly in the wind. He could see that Fai's blue jewel eyes were open as he stared out over the kingdom. He knew Fai had heard him, and still the now thirty year-old man who only looked twenty would not speak. "Fai, please...I'm begging you, and I don't beg. Come to bed with me. It can't be healthy for you to just stand there."

Still Fai did not speak. He moved. His hand lifted up, and reached out toward the moon as if to touch it. From his fingers came sparkles that illuminated the Prince's face beautifully. Fai seemed to breathe out once and all the sparkles scattered like firefly's, flying over the city below the castle, each one going into a different home.

If you had asked Kurogane what this was before Fai's memories had been fulfilled, he wouldn't have been able to tell you. Now he could. This was one of Fai's two original special powers. Moon Healing. Now that Yuui was completely gone, Fai had all the powers of the Celestial Twins, but this one was obviously Moon Healing. It healed the body or mind of those the controller wished. Kurogane guessed that Fai had just used it over the entire town, if that were possible.


Kurogane squeezed at the other's shoulder and at last, Fai turned his head to look at Kurogane. "Kuro-koi. How many years has it now been since you told me that I was a full mage?"

"You were twenty-two, so it's been eight years."

Fai looked back out over the city, after a moment his chin tilted up and he looked at the moon. "That's a long time."

"Not really."

"Was I scared?"

Kurogane frowned, "Scared of what?"

"The responsibility. Of being a full mage. Did I fear it?" Fai spoke with knowledge that anyone who had known the guy back when he was 'incomplete' would have never guessed was possible for him, but ever since that long sleep Fai had been able to be deep, and understanding of things that others could not understand.

"No. You were very happy to hear it."

"I see." Fai's eyes drifted down to the ocean. "Tomorrow I will be crowned King of this country."

Kurogane wrapped his arms around Fai's waist, but did not pull him closer, instead, resting his head on Fai's shoulder so that he could see what Fai saw. "I know. I'm proud of you, but what does that have to do with you being a full mage?"

"It...doesn't. It's something else. Kuro-chu?"


For a moment the blond bit his lip and jammed his eyes shut. Slowly, two words came from his lips in such a whisper that Kurogane was glad he was right next to him, or else he wouldn't have heard the words. "I'm scared."

Kurogane looked at Fai in surprise. Fai had always been so happy that he was heir. He had always thought that it would be wonderful, and that he could do so much good for his kingdom. "You're scared?" Fai nodded. "Why? You're going to be great, just as, if not better than your Father."

"But what if I screw up? I have all these people's lives in my two small hands. I can't let them down."

Kurogane's arms tightened around the Prince's waist. "You won't. You won't because you know better. You know what to do." Kurogane placed a kiss on Fai's neck. "I believe in you. Your Father believes in you." The former king wasn't dead. Far from it, but he had stepped down, saying it was time for his son to take his place 'among the stars,' and that was why they were here. Tomorrow Fai would stop being a prince, and start being a king.

"I can't do it alone, even if it's a small country, it looks so big from up here..."

"You won't have to. I'll be here. I'm always here. I'll help you."

Kurogane felt Fai's body relax a little. "I know. I still feel like I'm going to fail somehow."

"You won't. You'll see. In two years, even the people in the Northern Cities will be raving about you. After all, you went from being a good luck twin, to being a prince, to being an heir, to being a mage who was also an heir. This is just another step up."

The blond sighed and at last a small smile appeared on Fai's face, his body relaxing completely against his lover, "Perhaps you're right Kuro-chan."

"I'm your master, your friend, your lover, and soon to be your assistant. Of course I'm right. Now come on. Bed." Kurogane hoisted Fai up by the waist and slung him over his shoulder, causing the blond to squeal and squirm. "You need to get a good night's rest for tomorrow."

Even if Fai didn't believe it, Kurogane and all the other people in Chatile knew that Fai would do well. Just like his Father had told him, he had lived among the common people, lived a common life, knew what commoners wanted. He was kind, and would treat every person equally and make good decisions based on personal experiences. If Fai was ever in doubt, he would ask Kurogane, who knew just as much about the commoner's world, and Fai would listen to him, not just because they were in love, but because Kurogane was experienced, and everyone knew it.

Because of Fai and the people around him, everyone knew that the small kingdom would grow.