Harry Potter and the Gem of Life
Chapter 1: A new start
It happened just a week ago. Dumbledore had died and Harry was blaming himself. If only I had caught Snapehe kept thinking. He wanted to be ready for the end. He wanted to do something for once in his life, to stop letting everyone die for him, to live his life without having to worry about Voldemort around every bend. He wanted to be a teenager…and to be with Ginny.
That's not possible until I finish him off, Harry thought.
Harry lay in bed, day after day night after night, hardly eating, ignoring the letters that were starting to pile up.
Finally, after another week of sulking around and forming a plan in his head, he decided to go through his room and get rid of any junk that had piled up over the years.
He sat up in his bed and looked around. He decided to look through his letters and send short replies to everyone to tell them he was okay. He picked up the pile and started reading. He'd be able to send them out after Hedwig came back from hunting since it was still night.
He read the ones from Ron and Hermione first, getting through the most unbearable. His best friends knew him well, so their letters were predictable. Next he went though the letters from Remus and another from Tonks, Fred and George (telling him about business and the expansion at Hogsmade they were thinking about), and one surprising one from Ginny. He hadn't expected her to write him. As he read the letter his heart went out to her.
Dear Harry,
I know you said that we couldn't be together but I'm hoping we can talk through everything and work something out. I know sending this letter is probably not the smart thing to do but I really don't care. Harry I want to help you through this, and don't tell me that you're fine because I know you're not. Harry, you know exactly what Dumbledore would have said about us being together and there's ALWAYS a risk, there's even a risk if we were just friends. Harry, you mean so much to me, I don't want to let it go, never. You mean so much to me and the rest of the family. Don't go blaming yourself for anything. I have some other things to tell you but I don't think putting it on paper would be smart. As soon as I see you again, I plan on talking to you about quite a few things, including something Ron and Hermione felt compelled to tell me (don't be mad at them, I threatened, and used, my famous, and improved, Bat Bogey Hex on both).
With all my love,
Harry sat after reading Ginny's letter and rethought his plans with her. Maybe he was just being noble and stupid for not being with her. Dumbledore did say the power he had was the one to love, and how could he use it if he pushed it away and out of his life.
The letters he wrote to Ron, Hermione, and Ginny all said the same thing: Hi, I'm doing better than I was. I can't wait to see you so that we can talk. I've got a lot of plans and ideas of what to do next, and it would be helpful if you could think up something to. He knew it'd be best if they thought they were helping too.
The letters he wrote to Remus and Tonks were a bit different in nature and would explain his plans and would hopefully work out soon.
Soon after dawn, Harry finished all his letters and just as Hedwig swooped into the window he heard a soft pop outside on the sidewalk.
Going over to his window, and standing slightly to the side so that no one would see him, he peeked out and saw a flash of vibrant pink hair, as if someone had just fallen.
Smiling, Harry gave Hedwig his letters. She nipped his ear in affection and went out the window as fast as she came.
Harry then proceeded to clean out all junk and rearrange the stuff in his trunk so that the stuff he needed would fit.
Chapter 2: Setting Plans
Author notes: This is my first fanfiction so I hope you enjoyed what you read. I will give you the title of the next chapter after every chapter I do so you'll have an idea of what coming up. Please review b/c I will probably need help. If you want more of something, then just ask and I'll try to work it into my story. I'm not very good at details yet, but I'm getting there (one of the reasons I'm doing this fanfiction is to help me with that). I know that this was a short chapter, but chapter two is over 4000 words and it has a few shockers. Don't forget to review!