HI ya. This story is abotu Judai and Johan and thanks to Beautyheart18 for reading it and fixing it. Hope you like it.

Disclaimers: I do not own Yu-gi-oh GX

Chapter One

The fall season had finally arrived at Duel Academia and everybody in the academia was so happy, because for the first time, the academia was going to hold a culture festival. The Obelisk Boy Dorm was in charge of the food and drink stands. The Ra Yellow Dorm was charge of games and finally, the Osiris Red Dorm had charge of the school play. The Osiris Red Dorm had no idea how to run a play, however, so the Obelisk Girl Dorm decided to help the boys.

"Man, what made Principle Samejima think that we'd be able to do this?" sighed Judai, who was in the Osiris's cafeteria.

"You will be able to do this, Judai. Come on, it's not like you could ever make food or think of games," Asuka said, trying to comfort Judai. The cafeteria was full, with all the Osiris boys, including Kenzan and Sho.

"Yeah, you're right." Judai lifted his head. "Well, thanks to you and the others girls for the help."

"No problem, just remember your promise." Asuka turned her head to face the boys. "Now, everybody, listen here." Everyone stop talking to one another. There were two girls behind Judai and Asuka, who were taking notes for the other girls. "Ok, we girls are glad to help you guys, but there are some agreements you guys will have make with us." The boys exchanged looks with one other. "Judai said you wouldn't mind," all the boys gave Judai cold looks and Judai moved back some, "so here they are. The first one is we get chose the play and the parts for the play. The second one is that none of us girls will be in the play."

The boys started to shout. Judai look around and saw Kenzan and Sho yelling too. All the yelling gave Judai a headache, and he shouted, "Alright, shut up!" Everyone looked at Judai, who'd made the loudest scream. "Now look here; the girls decided to help us out. Now, be grateful and say 'I'm sorry to them." With that said, Judai went outside to cool his head off.

Judai leaned against the wall of the cafeteria. "Man, some people can be so ungrateful," sighed Judai, who was looking at his shoes.

"Well, forgive me for asking, but are you in a bad mood, Judai-kun," Judai looked up and saw the emerald-eyed duelist, "or are you just mad at me because I decided not to spend the night at your dorm?"

Judai smiled, "You can say that. You know it's bad to walk at night by yourself, Johan-chan."

Johan smiled and leaned his back against the wall, allowing Judai to move closer to him. "I heard your dorm is in charge of the play."

Judai nodded his head. "Johan-chan, I thought you were going to help the Obelisk Dorm?"

Johan sighed. "I was, but they've decided that they're just going to pay people to cook. Once I heard that, I wanted to help you out, Judai-kun, and the others too."

Judai was happy. Knowing that Johan was helping, how could things possibly go wrong? Judai sat down and grabbed Johan's hand. Johan felt Judai tugging on his hand, and so, he sat down to make Judai happy. Johan leaned his head on Judai's shoulder as Judai wrapped his arms around Johan.

They stayed like that until they heard the door open. Judai and Johan quickly got up, and Johan sighed. "I know Judai wants us to be a secret, but still, it's too much. Each time, if someone comes, by he'll let go of me."

Everyone came out the cafeteria and every boy seemed to have the same expression on his face; blank. Finally, Sho, Kenzan, and Asuka came out, followed by the two girls.

"Oh, hi Johan," Asuka said right when she noticed him. "What's up?"

Before Johan could answer, Judai spoke for him. "Johan wanted to help us out with the play."

Asuka turned to the others girls and they started giggle causing both Judai and Johan look at one other. "That would be great Judai," Asuka said after finishing her laughing. "Now, we need to go pick the parts for the play. Bye!" With that, Asuka left and so did the two girls.

Judai looked at Sho and Kenzan, who looked terrible. "The girls have something in mind already," they said in dull unison.

"So what type of play do they have in mind?" Judai asked them, puzzled.

Sho sighed and looked at Kenzan. Kenzan saw the look and told Judai what happened. "They said it's going to be a romance type of play."

Judai crossed his arm and asked, ignorantly, "What is romance?" That caused sweat drops to appear on Sho and Kenzan as they sighed. Johan just laughed at Judai's question.

"Come on, aniki, you really don't know what romance is?" Sho finally asked. Judai shook his head.

Johan smiled. "Romance is when a lover does something nice for his or her partner. It make the other fall more in love with them."

Johan blushed a little red and Judai couldn't help but grab Johan's chin as Johan's emerald eyes looked into Judai's golden-brown ones. Johan want to kiss but held the desire back, because Sho and Kenzan were still there. Sho looked at Kenzan with a questionable look. Kenzan was also wondering about Judai's action.

"Um…aniki?" asked Sho, breaking the silence.

Judai snapped back and let go of Johan's chin. "Sorry about that, Sho."

Johan looked down and sighed. "So, does that mean it's going to be about lovers?"

Sho and Kenzan nodded. "And since the girls won't be in the play, that means two boys are going to have to be the two lovers!"

Judai then finally realized what Sho and Kenzan were so upset about. "Well, I guess that's why the girls wanted to help us out; they're all a bunch of Yaoi fans." All four boys sighed.

"Well, it can't really be that bad, can it?" Johan asked, all the while looking at Judai.

At the Girl Dorm…

"So it's decided then!" Asuka looked around the room. "We'll do this play, and these are the parts." Asuka held a piece of paper with names on them. The girls nod their heads and Asuka smiled. "Alright, then I will call the director and tell him we've figured it all out."

Asuka left the room all the girls started to talk to one another, except for one girl with long black hair and glasses who simply walked away and pulled out a phone. "Hello, yeah, it's me. I just want to tell you that the plan is a go. The first phase is done, and I just need you to send the message." She shut her phone and a wicked smile immediately appeared on her face.

With Judai and Johan…

The night sky took over the evening landscape. Judai was in the shower, getting ready for bed. Johan was sleeping over. He was on the top bunk, reading a manga volume. Judai came in while drying off his hair. Johan looked down at his Judai.

"Judai-kun, are you ready for bed?" Judai nodded. Johan handed Judai the manga to put it away. Judai turned off the light and got into bed.

"Johan-chan, are you mad?"

Johan took a few minutes to answer. "Not really; I just want to be with you when other people are around."

Judai sighed. "I told you; I want to talk to them first and that's going to take a while."

"Really? Then why don't you tell them tomorrow?"

Judai was beginning to become a little upset. "Why tomorrow?"

"Because, to begin with, you grabbed my chin today in front of Sho and Kenzan. And, when I was scratched earlier today, you decided to lick my wound in front of O'Brien. Now, if I'm not mistaken, O'Brien is no idiot and even Sho and Kenzan can tell something was up."

Judai frowned. "Well, it's not like I wanted to, but the way you look when you blush, and when you wince at the pain you feel… it just made me felt like there was something inside me that wanted to pounce on you."

Johan quickly looked down at Judai. "Like what, Judai-kun?"

Judai looked back at him. "No clue. Well, in any case, good night, my Johan-chan."

Johan lay back on his bed. "Good night, Judai-kun." Johan finally closed his eyed and went to bed.

Everything around Johan was pitch-dark blackness. The only thing Johan heard was an evil laugh. Johan looked to his right and there was nothing to be seen there but the blackness. He heard it again. This time, he turned to his left, and still saw nothing.

"What's going on?" Johan asked aloud, wondering where he was. "Is this a dream?"

Suddenly, a bright stage light went on, causing Johan to cover his eyes. "You are somewhat correct."

Johan removed his hand from his eyes and looked around for the voice he'd just heard. Johan then noticed that he wasn't wearing his normal clothes, but instead a dress and knee-high socks. The knee-highs were turquoise with white stripes, and the dress came down to his knees. It was also turquoise and white, but with pink bows. Johan looked at what he was wearing, confused.

"What a wired dream," he said to himself.

"This is not a dream."

Johan turned around and saw the card, Chaos Sorcerer, yet in physical form. "Are…you a duel spirit?"

Chaos Sorcerer laughed evilly. "Yes, I am. I was one who served under Haou."

Johan's eyes widened as he remembered what Judai had told him. "But Judai said that Haou was no longer a part of him! He said that he'd gotten rid of him for good!"

Chaos Sorcerer laughed again. "He can't get rid of him. He'll be a part of him until the day Judai dies. What he did was close him off again. Still, every Judai becomes angry or is overtaken by pleasure, he will appear."

Johan thought again about when Judai said he couldn't help it when he was near him. Johan turned his head and looked at Chaos Sorcerer. "So what do you want with me?"

Chaos Sorcerer grabbed Johan's left arm roughly. "We are no fools, boy. Tell Haou that we are going to free him no matter what we have to do."

Chaos Sorcerer tightened his grip, and Johan thought his arm was going to break. Finally, Johan couldn't help it anymore and he screamed in pain. Finding that terribly amusing, Chaos Sorcerer smirked and released Johan's arm, fading back into the darkness.