Author Note: This is my first Ouran fanfic, please treat me gently.It's kind of weird but it has a plot somewhat.

Haruhi: 14

Kyouya: 16

Tamaki: 16

Summary: Haruhi is "a doll". Like a doll, she doesn't express her emotions or rather they are sealed due to being away from reality so long. Like a doll she has different owners, each abandoning her or selling her away, her beauty remaining. Although she is a doll, she is also human, and unlike dolls, humans can learn to love.

Chapter Summary: When does a doll know that she is a doll? When someone that owns the doll tells her

Pairing: Haruhi x various members of the Host Club

Disclaimer: I do not own Ouran Host Club.

The Doll

Chapter 1


Haruhi Fujioka doesn't remember how her mom looked. The face of her father has longed escaped her memory since the last time she saw him when she was eight, or so she believes.

All her life Haruhi, who is now fourteen, lived in a room, which was within a mansion, to someone's rich estate for six years. Six years she was oblivious to the outside world, only to have a chance and get news from one person. She never saw the owner, but she always saw the owner's son. Well he must've been the house owner's son, too young to be the owner. Oh yes, the raven haired boy with a smile that never reached his grey, stormy eyes. Such a dark beauty

He had always checked up on her ever since she moved into the household. Haruhi had a feeling it wasn't to check for her own personal enjoyment but to make sure she wasn't dead. She would question him about why she was there in the room; he would frown but then smile again as if he didn't hear her. Same with any other question she asked him like how was her family? Then the dark beauty, which fitted him very well due to his dark midnight hair and violet absorbing eyes, would leave with out a word. Only when she came down with the flu at the age of eight did the boy ever did say a word to her.


And in a flurry he left the room sending in countless female doctors. To her shock, each one of those doctors and nurses, didn't say a word to her, so no matter how many times she asked them a question, they would ignore her. Haruhi realized that no one was allowed to talk to her, well anyone that went to her room that is.

To idle most of her days, in her gallant room, she would gaze out the window. All she could see was the large garden that, even though it isn't much, satisfies her urge to see something different each day. Spring, summer, fall, winter, all the seasons she would watch the miracle outside of Mother Nature. Occasionally, she would the see the owner's family go outside with strangers she never seen before. Only then does she ever actually see the owner. 'He must doesn't get out much' Haruhi concluded. She looked at the family again, which consisted of three sons and daughter, the youngest son she knew was the one that always visited her. 'Such pale skins…no they all don't get out much'

Other days like rainy weathers and such, Haruhi would read books to learn about the world she'd forgotten long ago. Well, the books were quite old so she had no clue how everyone acted now, but the books made her quite bright and not too slow as to what kind of situation she was in. She was trapped in a room in which she can't get out. Yes, she had tried every single possible escape. Door, locked from the inside; Windows, sealed shut wit dry paint; her room was on the second floor so even if she broke the window chances of not being damaged was slim. She even attempted going through a vent but realized even though that worked in her books it was impossible to do it in real life. Her ceiling was too tall.

One day, Haruhi was reading a book she actually hasn't read and was engrossed into it until she heard a peal of laughter outside her door which caused her to jump. Haruhi didn't mind gossip, but this occasion caused her curiosity to perk. Her book became uninteresting after awhile, what doesn't in the room?

"Hee Hee, I say Kagura, I agree master's sons are very attractive but it's the youngest that is most good looking.' Haruhi sat next to the door now, bringing out her dress from under her. These must be the maids Haruhi believed. Who else would say master?

"OH yes, but in fact, I believe the youngest son best friend is the better looking one, truly captivating isn't he?" She blinked. The owner's son had a friend did he? Haruhi strained her ear to the door only to hear the slippery sounds of water. They must be mopping the floors.

Giggles erupted and a lengthy sigh came afterwards. 'Did you know it's his best friend's birthday today? They say the master is holding the special occasion in the garden since his friend is from France and loves roses!' Haruhi mouthed the word France. She heard of that place in one of her series, the story describe France to be quite beautiful.

'Oh how exciting! I hope the head maid chooses us to go serve them, I would love to see that blonde again…' It then suddenly became silent except for the mopping, unknown foot steps came from her left. The maids she realized were still there, but quiet. It was extremely quiet yet Haruhi could hear her own gulp. Did they know she was at the door? Even worse, did the owner's son decide to check on her early? The question was answered as the door nudged open knocking the poor girl backwards. Uh-oh

An elderly woman stood with Haruhi's lunch tray in her hands. It was the same woman that always gave her food, in fact the first time Haruhi met the lady it was for a shoulder to cry on when she was eight. The woman's face was gentle, but now it became creased with frown marks as she turned around stealthily to the dead silent maids. Then out of nowhere, she pushed the door all the way open so that Haruhi could see the gossiping maids face. Rather it was for the maids to see her face, when they did their eyes bulged open in shock.

'You know the rules ladies' the elderly woman whispered out at the now trembling girls. One of the girls began talking and Haruhi mused that this girl was Kagura.

"S-she didn't talk to us, I-I swear. We didn't talk to her! She probably over heard us speaki—"

"Please don't tell Kyouya!" The other girl interrupted, Kagura turned to her in horror. Haruhi held her breath. Was that the name of the house owner's son? Kyouya…it rang a bell for she heard it before. The elderly woman let out a growl of frustration, clenching the tray of food.

"You two young ladies are just digging your hole deeper! It's too late to let you off easy for you already spoke the master's name in front of his-"

"Doll" Everyone swiveled their head to the direction to the voice, Haruhi concluded that there was a 50 chance she would faint. It was the owner's son, the master, Kyouya. His presences was all but absorbed, his piercing violet eyes gazed behind his spectacles at Haruhi shaking form. Why was she intimidated? Standing up, the girl kept her eyes solely on the raven haired boy to show she was not afraid. Too her shock, he smirked a little before he frowned again, the usual quick display of emotions. "She is my doll. You broke my rule as to never speak to her about anything."

It was surprising after all these years she even heard him speak, more than one word that is.

Kyouya then turned his head towards Kagura's companion who, although was blushing to Haruhi's you-got-to-be-kidding me dismay, kept her head down to show respect.

"Servants, I believe we are not on the same level to use each others name in the general public are we?" He spoke with menace and he began to smile which wasn't reaching his eyes. With out batting an eye he turned toward the other maid who as well, didn't lift her head up. "Even when I'm not around or my family, I expect those who work in this household to work by the rules of the Ootori family and do work as they were meant too. You two ladies already broke one of my rules and one of the Ootori family rules."

"They didn't do anything I was the one that listened too them." Haruhi butted in to the shock of the maids and Kyouya. Haruhi stood her grounds and pointed towards the door.

"I overheard them speaking whil—"

"Doll" The raven haired boy barked. For a 16 year old he was quite intimidating, it probably ran in the family. And what was with this doll business? Last time she checked, Haruhi was quite human. "You do not have authorization to speak."

Haruhi, who forgot how to feel anger, felt the bubbling sensation of something in her chest. The last time she felt like this was a long time ago towards someone…but she forgotten over the years. She glared at Kyouya, who stared back for what seemed like eternity before she broke away. The need to argue was strong, but something about that look he gave, sent a message of 'I will speak to you later'. After all these years, will he explain what's going on?


She was quite attractive when arguing, though he preferred if she kept quiet, although, it was her fault to begin with.

In the midst of his close friend Tamaki's party, he felt the need to check up on the girl. When he reached the second floor, he heard the waiter who brought Haruhi's food scolding some one. He was going to yell at her for talking about anything in front of "his doll's" room, but once he heard his name, it was too late. More than likely, his doll heard it.

The maids were dismissing their status as servants and were even bold enough to say his name out loud, in which only his close friends and family were aloud to do. He was about to fire them on the spot but when the "doll" spoke for their behalf he cut in.

She didn't know who these maids were either but she decided to help them, or she thought she was helping them but in fact she was making matters worse. Her chocolate orbs were narrowed at him with something akin to anger, and he stared back. As long as she been in that room he never saw her display emotions in her features, but as soon as it came it disappeared.

He remembered when she first came to the house when he was ten. Her long cinnamon hair was down to her shoulders and her cheeks were tear-stained from endless crying, she was escorted by one of his father's private body guard. Her dress gave all indications of that she was poor but he couldn't deny she was pretty.

When asking his older sister Fuyumi why was the commoner here at their household, his sister gave a sad smile.

"Her father sold her off to pay for all his funds. If he didn't pay them, he would be sent to prison." Kyouya nodded in understanding for he was very mature for his age.

"I see, but why is she here? We have enough maids as it is, so what use is she possibly to us?" he asked with genuine curiosity. He was raised in a family that has everything so what use a little girl would be. The twenty-year old looked down to the floor, her smile disappearing.

"Kyouya…father has great expectations for you. Although he is scouting a suitor for me, he believes you should be active with more people and be social…If you ever want to take over the family business." He stared with apprehension at his sister's word in shock. "In other words, he wants you to have the girl as a companion so you can open up more." He stared in disbelief at his sister before turning back to the poor girl who looked just about empty.

"Father believes that she…" the girl's empty eyes looked up at his unbelieving ones and he felt that she could be an important benefactor or a downfall to taking over the family business."…can change me"

Kyouya never spoke to her. He visited her everyday without one word to make sure she was healthy, and had something to do. He left her in a room where there were books so she wouldn't be too behind in society and she can catch up on education. Kyouya caught her once reading Little Women and concluded that she was brighter than normal commoners.

Every time he went to her room he expected something out of place like the girl killing herself or a window broken for escapade, instead all he got from her were questions. Like, why was she there? How was her family? Will she ever leave?

Kyouya frowned, not because the questions were annoying but the fact he had a slight obsession over her. When she had questions he believed that if he answered at least one of them, she would try to escape or worse kill herself. "His doll" had a name but he never bother to ask content to not knowing, or rather he felt it wasn't very important.

She became more beautiful as the years past and didn't want anyone talking to her, especially males. So when she got the flu, a feeling of dread came over him, and instead of showing weakness he fled the room calling in the family doctors, which were all experts in their own field.

After that event he realized he wouldn't want anything to happen to her, instead of learning how to be more social, he learned how to care for someone else, namely the lovely brunette in front of him who's turning her head away. He sent her a message through his gaze that he would reveal everything later.

"Tomoe-san" he addressed the elderly woman who gazed at the food tray. "Please escort her back into her room." He didn't know what he said but his doll looked up like a deer caught in a headlight. Wait, why is she looking like that?

The brunette looked up at Kyouya briefly before she bolted. Crap. The door was the only thing blocking her freedom before, now it was open. His face twisted in shock before he chased after her.

"Tomoe-san, call the guards!"

Dun dun dun. Please review. ;o;