Disclaimer- Hi! My name's Jasmine, not Masashi Kishimoto. He owns Naruto, not me.

A/N- …Nothing to say except…Enjoy!

Redrawing My Love

Chapter 6

The morning sun was now currently in the middle of the sky and everyone in Kohona was busy with different duties. The rays of the sun leaked through the window that belonged to Sakura and Sai's room. As soon as the bright light hit Sakura's flawless face, her eyes slowly opened.

A small groan passed her lips and her emerald orbs fell on the sleeping male at her side. Her right hand quickly flew to her mouth, holding back a gasp that wished to pass. Sasuke Uchiha is in her bed. She sat up quickly, pinching herself to see if this was all a dream.

She frowned to herself when she didn't wake up. This is real! Last night wasn't a dream at all! Guilt flowed throughout her body. She slept with Sasuke, even though she is still currently together with Sai! What if Sai comes home and see her and Sasuke!? He might just kill them both!

The pink haired kunoichi jumped out of her bed, suppressing a scream that wanted to be released from her throat. She quickly grabbed some clothing; a blue and pink shirt with blue shorts. Along with white underwear. She ran inside of her shower and locked herself inside.

Tears trailed own her cheeks as soon as she shut the door. She kept herself from sobbing loudly in fear that she'd wake the Uchiha. She felt satisfied, yet so dirty. She's still a married woman and she just cheated on Sai. Some wife she is.

She wiped her tears as she stepped inside of the shower. She had to stop feeling sad for herself. Crying could do nothing for her. Nothing at all. The fact still remains that she slept with Sasuke and no matter how many tears that fell from her emerald orbs, she couldn't change the past.

She washed herself slowly. Making sure to clean in-between her legs well to get rid of Sasuke's seed from her ivory thighs.

'Alright, Sai shouldn't be home until late tonight. That gives me enough time.'

Sakura thought to herself while she rinsed off her fragile body. Once she was done, she grabbed her towel and slowly dried her body off. She felt so much fresher and cleaner now. She quickly slid on her clothing and walked out of the bathroom.

As soon as she did, she found Sasuke sitting up on the bed with his clothing back on. His onyx orbs locked with her emerald ones and she got weak under his gaze. What was Sasuke doing to her to make her feel this way? Whatever it was, he had a strong hold on her.

"Good morning, Sasuke-kun."

Sakura said in an almost cheerful tone, despite all the way she was feeling at the moment. Sasuke nodded his head to her and stood up, stretching. He slowly walked over to her, giving her a gentle kiss on her lips. A small smile formed on Sakura's lips at the kiss. It wasn't to arouse her, but just a way of saying good-morning to her without words.

"I'll make some breakfast."

Sakura offered before walking out of the room. As soon as she made it to the kitchen, someone knocked on her door. Her heart instantly dropped and started to race with fear. What if it was Sai? She took a deep breath before walking to the door and slowly opening it.

Once the door was opened, she came face to face with one of Sai's teammates; Aina. Sadness showed all over the girl's features, and Sakura knew something terrible must have happened.

"Sai…where is he?"

The question made Aina's forest green eyes drift to the floor, her black bangs hiding the tears that formed inside of them.

"Sakura-san…I'm so sorry, but Sai's dead. He died on the mission trying to protect us."

Sakura's eyes widen with disbelief and shock. Sai…was dead? No! It couldn't be! Sai is one of the strongest shinobis she knew and now…he's dead? Tears fell out of her eyes and she instantly started sobbing.

"No! Tell me it's not true!!"

Sakura cried, shaking her head. He said he would never die as long as she was around! He told her that about a few weeks ago when he went on a dangerous mission and now…he's gone! More guilt ran through her body. Sai was dying while she was having sex with Sasuke! How could she be so despicable!?

"I'm sorry, Sakura-san."

Aina apologized before closing the door and leaving. Sakura fell to her knees, her hands hiding her face. One of her best friends was now dead and she couldn't do a thing to bring him back. Tears couldn't bring back the dead, but she couldn't help but cry.

Sasuke had heard the news from the hallway and slowly walked over to Sakura's crying form. He felt a bit sad that Sai was now gone, but why should he cry over the boy? He never felt any connection at all with Sai. The only thing Sai was to him was a rival and nothing more.

The Uchiha bent down at Sakura's side, gently pulling her into his arms. Sakura let out a loud sob and wrapped her arms back around him, burying her head in Sasuke's chest. Her grip was tight. She thought that if she let him go, he would leave her too. Then she'd be left with no one.

"S-Sasuke-kun…he's gone!"

Sakura cried, gripping him tighter. Sasuke stared down at her crying form, and held back a smile. They had only each other now. Sasuke had no one after he left his team, but now he had her. Now that Sai was gone, Sakura only had him left.

"P-promise...promise me Sasuke-kun. Promise me that you won't ever leave me."

Sakura looked up at Sasuke with tear filled green pools. Sasuke gave her a rare gentle smile. He knew all to well he wasn't going to leave her. Now that Itachi was dead, not many could defeat Sasuke and his Sharingan. Orochimaru couldn't even kill him. The only person that might even stand a chance against Sasuke is maybe Naruto.

"I promise, Sakura-chan. I'll never leave you."

Sakura let a small smile form on her lips as she nuzzled Sasuke's chest. Her eyes slowly closed as she enjoyed his warmth. Sasuke closed his eyes as well, knowing that Sakura was now, finally his.

A/N- Finally, I'm done with this story! My first story is complete! I'm soo proud of myself! I liked this story so much that I might even do a sequel sometime soon! Be on the look out for my next story and the sequel for this.