Disclaimer:I don't own hannah montana

Warning theres a sorta kinda almost sex scene in this chapter so ... just a warning to be safe.

"You slut!" This was all that Lilly and Miley heard as they turned around to see who had gasped. Mikayla was standing there clenching her jaw and her face was dark red. Miley had only seen her this angry once before, and that was a long time ago, before they were together. "Mikayla, I -" Miley tried to calm her down but she held her hand up and said shut it. Miley looked like a puppy that had just gotten kicked across the room, when she stepped back and flinched because Mikayla was walking toward her and Lilly.'

She thought that Mikayla was going to hit her or somthing, but instead she grabbed Lilly's arm, dragged her out the door, and then they started screaming at eachother. At first it was just Mikayla screaming at Lilly and the blond trying to explain, but then it escalated into Lilly arguing back, saying that she was better for Miley than she would ever be, even if they married already. Miley just sat down on the couch and rested her chin on the palm of her hand as she heard them arguing back and forth, unable to stop them, so she didn't even try. They were so alike, with their attitudes and their temper tantrums, she had never noticed it before, but Mikayla was a slightly sweeter version of Lilly, as hard to believe as that is.

They will probably be out there for a few hours knowing them... Miley did them well, and she was going to let them continue to argue untill they grew tired of it and gave up, but that only happens in shows. They aren't going to learn a lesson., and become bestfriends and hang out together and laugh about it. If I don't go out there, one of them is going to end up dead. Miley realized, and jumped up off the couch and ran out the door, unnoticed by the brunette standing on their porch waving her arms around, yelling at the blonde fidling with her keys and standing next to her car screaming back at her. How do I stop them? I don't want to hurt them.. I did hurt them, but I love them. Especially Mikayla, why can't she see that? Why won't she just trust me?

Miley was watching them, standing there speechless, and all of a sudden Mikayla stopped in mid sentance when she realized she was there. "And you know what? I - I- Um..." She had caught sight of Miley out of the corner of her eye and turned her head and locked eyes with her. When they made eye contact, their eyes has this sparkle in them that both of them saw. It was like this electric shock... Miley ran over and grabbed Mikayla's head in her hands and kissed her as hard as she could. She jumped up and wrapped her legs around her waist and felt her kissing back with just as much passion. "I love you... I love you, I love you so much." Miley kept repeating in between each kiss, as she kissed her all over her face.

Lilly just shook her head and got into her car and drove off. "I don't want to lose you, I was telling her goodbye, and she wished me luck and kissed me on the cheek goodbye, that's it Mickey, do you believe me? please say you believe me..." She begged her as she jumped off her, but kept their embrace.

"Yes, I do, I really, really, do. I left and got half way around the block and I was thinking to myself and I realized that every single relationship has that point where you're unsure wether or not it's going to work. Things are bound to come up that make us question it. The kids came and changed how we live, and we still love eachother. We moved into this beautiful house and we still love eachother. I was... Oliver is in jail, you're best friend... and I love you, and you still love me.Lilly was one of those things that made me sure about it. I was too scared to tell you that I knew exactly what you did with her while you were out having coffee, I knew all along that she was going to try to get you back, and I told myself I was just being paranoid... I didn't want to lose you so I lied to myself... " She eyes had started watering and now there were tears, Miley wiped them with her sleave and rubbed her face against Mikayla's neck and whispered things to her to calm her down and reassure her.

"You told her you'd stop seeing her?" Mikayla asked as she rubbed Mileys back. "Yes, I would do anything for you mickey, where are the kids, anyways." Miley was trying to soothe her but then suddenly felt panicked because the kids would be terrified if they heard all the yelling and screaming that went on. She ran inside the house and started to go up the stairs but Mikayla grabbed her by the waist and kissed her ear. "They went to grandpas when you went to talk to Oliver..." Miley a sound sort of like a groan and a wimper at the same time. Having not felt Mikayla touch her like that in a long time.

Miley turned around, Kissed her, and instantly shoved her tongue in her mouth. their tongues were practically grinding against eachother very hard. They never wanted to stop, they were so glad that they hadn't lost eachother, they had been distant the last two and a half weeks and barely touched eachother at all, and hadn't made love and both were so tense and unsure whenever they were around eachother that they thought they'd go insane. They wanted to change that, all of that, right now.

Miley kep kissing Mikayla as she pushed her back and kep walking her backwards unil she hit their bedroom door. She reashed behind her and fumbled with the knob, because it wa s hard to concentrate. Miley broke the kiss because she laughed. "Well, I'm under the influence sorry." Mikayla mumbled and pushed the door open, she grabbed Miley and threw her onto the bed. This was new. She had never been rough before like this, and Miley liked it. She practically tackled her as she pinned her down,kissed her neck, and licked her collarbone all over. Miley had her hand in the brunette's hair as she went and raised Miley's shirt up so that she could kiss her stomach. She kissed it all over and swirled her tongue around her belly button and sent tingles all through her lover.

Miley couldn't take it any more, she ripped her shirt off and grabbed Mikayla by her collar. She tore all of their cloths off so fast that it surprised Mikayla because she was always the agressive one. "Fuck me." Miley said through gritted teeth almost as if she were angry, but then she laughed and smiled at her. "Woah... when did Mommy become such a potty mouth?" Mikayla breathed out as she talked. she was almost exhausted already because of the kissing and then the panting for air as Miley continued to take all of her dominance. Her face was almost purple because she was so hot.

"Sorry, Maybe you'll have to punish me by forcing me into some mommy time with you." She pouted and she tried to look innocent when she did it. "Mmm, I don't think so baby, Mommy time is for making love, and you said a naughty word... so I guess that means daddy time." The naughty seductive grin that was on Miley's face was replaced by a conused look.

Mikayla suddenly without warning bit her neck hard and grabbed her inner thigh, so hard that her nails lightly dug into her. The pain was barely noticed because she was so turned on that sweet little Mikayla, of all people could do this to her... THIS was the girl that she fell in love with while she argued with Hannah. Not the girl that she fell in love with while she was gossiping with Miley. Miley groaned and threw her head back as she sucked on her neck harder and flicked her tongue all over her pulse point. She grabbed the headboard with both hands as Mikayla's hand wandered. They had retreated from almost making permanent marks in her thingh and she started to rub it hard and every time she would come closer and closer to Miley's secret place, or Mommy place,(lol I wanted to call it a undirty name hahahah)

"Ooh, I'm surprised you didn't go get a whip, baby this is tortue." Miley let out, practically moaning it, Mikayla just chuckled and stopped her assalt on her neck and Locked eyes with her. She smiled devilishly and then kissed her, her tongue pushing past her lips, and she licked Mileys two top teeth, somthing she'd always loved to do, oddly, then teased her by rubbing her, while their tongues fought. Ofcourse she won though, she always did. " Ooh just do it, otherwise I'll have to go throw you out and do it myself." Miley whined, her voice hoarse and her breathe extremely shallow.

"Oh, well in that case."Mikayla retracted her hand and started to get up. "No, nononono." Miley grabbed her so fast before she could get up and grabbed her hand and placed it on her middle again. At the same time she kissed her passionately and moaned into her mouth as she finally entered her.

Later, very very much later, after all of their tensions were let out they layed there, exhausted beyond belief, with miley's head on Mikayla's chest, and her arm thrown across the tiny brunettes body. "You know how we promised we would say I love you, every chance we got untill we don't mean it anymore?" Miley asked, breathlessley. "Yeah." Mikayla managed to get out, she was so lightheaded that she could barely think straight... it was almost as if she were really actullay 'under the influence' as she would say. " Well..." Miley started but then stopped and put her hand on Mikayla's face, and rubbed her chin. "I love you."

They layed there for what seemed like minutes but was only a few seconds, untill, Mikayla swallowed hard and looked at her lover with watery eyes and choked out, "I love you too, Miley, I never doubted it for a second, I just wanted you to know what it felt like to not know If the love of your life loves you anymore. It hurt, so bad, I thought you were going to leave me...and the kids too. I went upstairs and kissed them on their foreheads every night after you left to be with her, incase you decided to leave me, and that you were going to come back and take them from me. I don't want her to take you from me either, ever, I'd go crazy without you. " She started crying and Miley had already started crying halfway through her confession. She buried her face in Mikayla's chest and sobbed as she buried her hand in her hair and soothed her.

"Mickey... she's not taking me. I won't let her, she's a different person now, so am I, and I love you. I love you, and you know what, I'm never going to stop saying it because I'll never stop meaning it. I love you." Miley kissed her on the lips and looked adoringly into her eyes. "I love you too." Mikayla said, and then kissed Miley's hand and pulled her closer so that they could fall asleep in eachother's arms.

Author's note: this may be the end... dunno.. but hey maybe there will be a sequel, oliver could break outta jail or something and become a stone cold killer, haha that wont happen, well maybe, just wait and find out lol.