A raven haired girl walked down the lonely heartless filled streets of The World That Never Was, she was told by a girl that the guy she had been searching for, for over a year, would be in that white castle hovering in the sky, she hoped it was true, she needed to find him. She knew he was a Nobody now, after all, she watched it happen, and she couldn't do anything about it.


"hey, remember Dem's brother, Even?" He asked her, he was getting dressed, he had just woken up.

"Yeah, what about him?" She asked, as she lay on his bed, she had came in to wake him up after his parents had called her, because she was the only one capable of doing so, she was the only one he would respond to.

"You know he was in this scientific group, right?" he asked, pulling his green shirt on.

"Yeah." She replied, as she walked towards him and gave him a sweet kiss on the cheek, he turned around to face her and kissed her.

"Well, he hasn't gone home for a week now, and I promised Dem that I'll go with him to check out their lab so we can see what's up." He said, then he quickly added at the frown on her face, "I promise I'll be back!"

"What happens if you don't?"

"Don't worry, I will, I'll be back for your birthday! Besides I can take care of myself!" he said as he hugged her.

"Promise?" she said, she needed to be reassured, she felt like something wrong was going to happen, she looked into his eyes, as red orbs met green, her eyes were begging him not to go.

"I promise!" he said as he gave her a passionate kiss, "I promise..."

A few days passed, along with her birthday, the day she turned eighteen, and he still wasn't back, she chose to go and find him, she walked into the Castle, her footsteps echoed as she looked around for any sign of the red head, but found none. She continued to roam around until she went into the basement of the place, she found a staircase that she had not seen before, she went down, and turned to the left as she continued to go down, down and deeper into the unknown abyss.

Soon after she found a place full of an assortment of books and computers, she approached one of the computers, it had a familiar person on the screen, she looked closely at it and came to realize that it was him, she gasped, one hand covering her mouth, how was she supposed to get him out?

A loud beep sounded as a voice could be heard from the speakers, it clearly stated that some unknown creatures had overflowed the place, she looked at the screen and saw that his grip on his Chakrams tightened, he looked up at the camera, as if he knew she was there and mouthed a couple of words ' I'm sorry...', he threw one of his chakrams at the surveillance camera, the last thing she saw was a smile on his face, and the screen went black, and words began to form on it, 'CAMERA IN ROOM EIGHT: DAMAGED'.

At least now she knew in which room he was in, she looked around to find a door to her left, it seemed to need some sort of password to open, she pressed the letters to form the word that seemed to haunt her, 'Kingdom Hearts'. The doors opened to reveal a set of thirteen doors, she walked in and passed some of them hurriedly as she reached the door with the number eight on it, she typed in the same password from before and it opened to reveal the remains of the red-haired guy she was searching for, by remains I mean what's left of him, he was laying on the floor, his chakrams by his side and his head lolled to the left, as soon as he heard the door opening he looked in the direction of it, and saw the raven-haired beauty standing there, her hand to her mouth, with tears streaming down her face, the reason of her tears was the fact that five or more black blobs with yellow eyes were eating at him, he groaned in pain, as he closed his eyes loosing consciousness, those black blobs had drained all his energy and it was too painful for him to bear, the main reason he passed out cold was because he felt like they ripped his heart out, right before he passed out, he let a blood curdling howl, it echoed throughout the world, and was ingrained in the memory of the girl standing near him.

End Flashback.

She continued to walk down the streets of the skyscraper-filled world, her red orbs focused on the heart shaped moon, and she smiled as she thought I'll get you your heart back! I promise. She stopped walking as she sensed someone watching her, she turned towards her 'stalker', and found him standing a couple of meters away from her, she smiled even though she knew her smile could not be seen, for her red silk hood was covering her face and dropping at her sides, underneath said cape, was a black and red dress, reaching just above her knees, and covering all the necessary places.

"Are you the one they sent out to get me?" she asked, her sweet voice could never be forgotten, and no one would ever want to.

"Yes." He answered flatly. She covered her mouth with a soft chuckle.

"Well? Aren't you going to teleport us there?" she asked.

"Yes." He answered again. But this time he walked towards her and held her by the upper arm, rather painfully, but he took no notice and she knew that even if she told him he was hurting her he wouldn't give a damn. He disappeared into the darkness with her by his side and reappeared with her in the meeting room that had the usual thirteen chairs.

"Miss Silvertongue. You said we could be of some use to you... why is that?" Said a man from the highest chair, obviously the leader, she remembered his voice and his face as he had been an acquaintance of hers. she had never liked Xehanort, not one bit.

"Yes, Superior. I, as well, have been learning of the matters of the heart, and now I need to be among Nobodies to see if I can help you with getting your hearts back."

"More scientific dudes? Just great!" said a man with a strange accent.

"No one asked your opinion Xigbar!" said another.

"Very well. Number four, will test you for any form of anomalies, and I'll consider you staying here."

"Yes, Sir." She said.

"Polite too!" said a female. One of them, who was probably the man who was going to test her, appeared beside her.

"Dismissed." said Xehanort's nobody. Every one of them left the room, and the man who stood beside her turned to her and threw his hood back, "Vexen, the Chilly Academic."

"Pleased to meet you." she said politely, and recognized him as Even. He disappeared and reappeared in another room with her at his side, and he began to test her. He took some of her blood with a needle, and filled a small vile with it, he put a name tag on it, and placed it with the others. He checked her heart beat, and made her drink an assortment of potions and elixirs. In the end he portalled her back to where they were. As they entered, Xehanort's nobody and another cloaked man, both turned to face the newcomers.

"Miss Silvertongue-" began Xehanort's nobody, but she interrupted him.

"Call me Serena." She said.

"Serena, this is Demyx, he'll be your guide..." he said, as he pointed to the man who stood beside him. The cloaked man threw off his hood, to reveal a familiar face, dirty blond hair in a mullet, and blue-green eyes, with a smile on his face.

"Hey Serena, I'm Demyx, number nine, the Melodious Nocturne." The familiar man, who looked no older than her, said.

"Hey." She said, and smiled at having finally found someone she had known personally.

"I will inform you once I've decided on whether or not you'll be staying here, Dismissed." Xehanort's nobody said. And both he and Vexen portalled away. Then suddenly, two strong arms wrapped themselves around her waist, she looked up to see who the owner was, to see Demyx.

"D-Dem?" the girl said.

"yup it's me Rena! It's so good to see you!" he said, as she hugged him back, when they broke away, he looked at her and said "you would've been married to him by now."

"Yeah. If it wasn't for their stupid experiments." She said sadly.

"Do you think he remembers?" he asked.

"I don't know, didn't you talk about it with him?" She asked.

"Not really..." he said, as he scratched the back of his head nervously. She chucked and said.

"We'll see. Come on, let's go." he stuck his arm out for her and she wrapped her arms around his.

As they began to walk around the empty hallways, they chanced upon meeting a blonde female, who had her nose in the air.

"This is Larxene, number twelve, the Savage Nymph, Larxene uses the element of thunder to fight and wields knives held between her fingers as her weapons." He introduced Serena to Larxene, who simply 'humph'-ed and continued on her way.

"Well she seems... nice?" Serena said, her comment resulted in Demyx laughing.

"oh, you've no idea." Said another man, who had the strange accent, and went by the name of Xigbar.

"Xigbar, number two, The Freeshooter, Xigbar uses gun arrows which can be combined into a rifle-like weapon. As he has the element of space, he can stand upside down in the air and alter the space of the battlefield, and teleport himself and his bullets." Said Demyx, pointing to the approaching man.

Another familiar face. She thought as she greeted the man, he had a missing right eye and a deep scar on his left cheek, which suggests that he was in some sort of intense battle in the past. Braig, what happened to you?

"Yo kid, you're the newbie aren'tcha? What's yer name again? Sliver somethin'." He said thoughtfully.

"yes, yes I am. My name is Serena Silvertongue." She said sweetly.

"you remind me of someone... now, who was she?" he said, more to himself than to anyone.

"Xigbar! Don't you remember her?" asked a shocked Demyx.

"umm... nope?"

"fine, maybe this will remind you," she said, she turned around and walked away from them, then stopped and turned around, she started to sing idiotically and began to frolic, " Xigbar Rules! doodly doo! everyone else are fools! poodly poo!"

At the sight of 'the silly song', both men began to laugh, "n-now I rememb-er!!" said Xigbar, and continued to laugh.

"What're you here for?" he asked, after he was done from laughing.

"Trying to figure out a way to get you guys' hearts back." She said, as she smiled.

"You? You're the most unscientific person I can remember! Well, other than Demyx and Axel." Said Xigbar, she smiled and chucked, but soon after that, Demyx had pulled her away, telling her that they needed to get a move on because they had a long way to go. Half way there, Serena had taken off her Cloak, revealing a black dress with a red rim that reached just above her knees, it had slits up the sides that showed a bit of her thighs but was mainly covered by black shorts that she wore underneath, she wore black converse that reached to the middle of her shins, and had red and black bracelets on each arm.

"So this is the Library, Zexion is usually here," said Demyx, he looked into the library , and threw open the doors, "ooh looky, there he is!"

"What is it Demyx?" said a cool deep voice, obviously male.

"Hey Zexion, this is-" he was saying, but was cut off.

"You're Serena Silvertongue?" asked the blue haired man, he had a weird hair-do, in which some of his hair dangled in front of his face, covering the side of it. Once he gained a nod from Serena, he said "Zexion, number six, the cloaked schemer."

"Nice to meet you!" she smiled at him, but soon got distracted by the huge Library, "wooooooooooow!! This is amazing! I can live here!"

Demyx chuckled again, and she began to wander around the Library.

"Hey! Don't mess anything up!" Zexion yelled after her.

"Don't worry, this is a Library, any library is like her second home, I don't remember her misplacing or mistreating anything related to books." Said Demyx, but remembered that they should hurry, "SERENA!!! GET BACK HER!! WE'RE NOT DONE YET!"

He ran into the maze of books, and quickly found her standing near a large book case, in her hands was a large red leather bound book. He walked towards her and put his hand on her shoulder, which made her spin around and shut the book at the same time, he blinked and when he opened his eyes he saw the leather book inches away from his face.

"Oh, sorry Demyx! I got interested in the book." She said, as she placed the book back to its rightful place.

"No problem, now let's get a move on!!" he began to push her out of the Library and out the door, "ok, so, next up, THE GARDEN!!"

"The huh? I didn't think this place HAD a garden!" exclaimed Serena.

"Yeah well, it didn't, but Marluxia, who's ability is to control flowers, begged the Superior for one." Said Demyx simply.

"Oh, and who's this Marluxia person?"

"Oh you'll know'em when you see'em!" he said and continued to push her. After a few twists and turns, they reached a big brown door; the only door Serena had seen to not be colored white. As soon as they opened the door, a person with light pink hair stood before them.

"Marluxia! I'd like you to meet Serena!" said Demyx in a rush, "Marluxia Serena, Serena Marluxia! Goodbye!"

He quickly ran out of the garden with Serena by his side, as soon as they got far enough, she turned to him.

"Why are we running?" she asked inquisitively.

"That's Marluxia, he get's really angry when someone goes into the garden without asking him, especially me and Axel, Axel would burn the whole place down and I usually over water everything." He scratched the back of his head nervously for the second time. She chuckled yet again. "He has this big pink scythe, which kinda reminds me of the grim reaper." He said, which made her chuckle for the twentieth time in a row.

"Wait, did you say 'he'?" she asked, Demyx nodded, she was speechless, he looks so feminine! With the pink hair and the pink scythe... she thought as they continued on their way.

"You hungry? I think Xaldin would've cooked something up by now." Asked Demyx breaking the silence. She nodded and they headed towards the kitchen.

They walked into the kitchen, to see a man with long black hair and long sideburns, who looked up at the sound of their footsteps.

"Hey Xaldin! Food?" said Demyx, as he peered over the counter at what the man, by the name of Xaldin, was doing. The man lifted up his knife and brought it down, it hit the place where Demyx's hand would've been hadn't he pulled it away.

"What're you doing, you crazy man??" exclaimed Serena.

"Cooking. And who might you be?" asked Xaldin.

"Serena Silvertongue, Newbie." She said.

"Xaldin, number three, the Whirlwind Lancer." He replied to an unasked question. She nodded, but was distracted by someone yelling at another person, both voices seemed to be nearing the kitchen.

"Axel! You can't possibly do this! I wont allow it! You might get sick, you know!" exclaimed one of them, by the sound if his voice he seemed younger than the rest.

"Don't worry Roxas, I can handle it! Besides, If I don't make it out of there safe and sound, I'll have fish to fry, which will definitely make me feel better!!" said another, this man was older than the one before him, his voice seemed familiar to her but she couldn't place a finger on it.

"Also, he IS flame boy! So basically, he's bloody immune!" said another man, who seemed older than the rest and had this British accent.

"oh no! you'll melt all my ice-cream!!" exclaimed the first one, who seemed to be named Roxas.

"hey, you're supposed to worry about me not the ice-cream!" said the familiar voice.

"let's go Axel! A deal's a deal!" said the British one. They seemed to be getting nearer, for their voices had gotten louder and louder by the minute, soon, right before the British man spoke, the three of them entered the kitchen, a red-head and two blondes, one was older than the other and had neatly ordered blond hair, a short beard and several earrings in the shape of the Nobody symbol, while the other was shorter, younger and had messier hair, his eyes were a startling blue, that seemed to never stop sparkling, he too was familiar, when she was traveling the worlds searching for the red head, she met him in a world called Twilight Town, and they became the best of friends, that she would go back to TT after every world just so they can see the sunset together. The red head, he was 100 familiar, the man she'd been looking for, his bright green eyes and spiky red hair were unmistakable. As soon as Serena saw him, her grip on Demyx's hand tightened, a memory arose, she struggled to hold back the tears she promised she'd never shed again. Axel... A-Axel... It's him! She smiled and let go of Demyx's hand, which was obviously sore by now, and turned around, to face the other direction, so she could control her emotions.

"Axel! Roxas! Guys! What're you two doing here?" piped up Demyx.

"Axel and Luxord played a card game, they made a bet, if Axel won, he'll get to burn all Luxord's cards, and if Luxord won, Axel has to stay in the refrigerator for half an hour with only his boxers on. Axel obviously lost." Said Roxas, beside him Axel was already undressing, after Roxas finished explaining, a bell-like laugh rang threw the kitchen, all five men turned towards the source, Serena was kneeling forward, laughing her ass off at their story.

"S-Sorry, I just couldn't stop myself," she apologized, but continued to laugh, and the five men continued to stare, as soon as she calmed down Demyx began to speak.

"Guys, this is Serena Silvertongue, the newbie. Serena, these guys are, Luxord, number ten, the Gambler of fate, can manipulate time and his choice of weapon is a deck of cards," he said, as he pointed to the oldest man of the three, next he pointed to the younger one, "this is Roxas, number thirteen, the key of destiny, his choice of weapons are two keyblades," next he pointed to the red head, "and finally, this is Axel, number eight, The Flurry Of Dancing Flames, or in other words, Flame boy."

A boot was chucked at Demyx from the direction of the now boxer-only red head, making Serena chuckle for the umpteenth time that day.

"So, Serena? Are you gonna be living here?" asked Axel. Serena shrugged her shoulders and muttered a soft 'I don't know'. "Well, excuse me; I have a deal to seal. See ya in half an hour!" he said and walked into the refrigerator, which was like a huge cooled and icy closet. As soon as he entered all 4 of the people in the kitchen ran forward towards the door of the refrigerator. A series of shouts issued.

"Luxord! could you please move outta the way? I can't see!"

"Demyx! You're pushing me into the door!"

"guys! I can't see!"

"ehehe... sorry Roxas!"

"Serena! Your hair's in the way!"

"oh shuddap!"

"wow guys! Your making me blush!" said Axel through the door, as soon as he said so, all four people backed away from the door. "aw! Come on! You know you want to!"

"Serena?" asked the familiar younger blonde.


"Do I know you from somewhere?" he asked her.

She considered not telling him, but she sensed that he already knew, "yes, from Twilight Town."

"So, did you find who you were looking for?" he asked, he always asked that question, to make sure she wont loose hope.

"I guess, you can say..." she looked inside the refrigerator, to see Axel opening one of the cupboards and taking out an ice-cream "yeah, I've found him."

"really? That's gr-" he was saying, but got cut off by a yell.

"HEY ROXAS?" yelled Axel from the other side of the door.



"what? What for?" muttered Roxas as he walked towards the door, he looked in to see Axel munching on sea salt ice-cream, "HEY!! DON'T EAT MY ICE-CREAM!!" he yelled getting ready to barge in.

"hey, hey, easy, you can't go in, he'll have to do it double time if you go in."

"argh, fine. I'll kick his ass when he comes out." He said, cracking his knuckles, Serena chuckled but stopped when she heard her stomach rumble.

"Xaldin, the girl's hungry," began Luxord.

"and so are we!" added Demyx.

"make something for us to eat," Said Luxord, "if you please."

As soon as Xaldin began his preparations, all of those who were familiar with Serena turned to her.

"so, we know you from before?" asked Xigbar, Serena nodded and took a seat at the table, Roxas to her left and Demyx to her right, with Luxord sitting in front of her.

"Some of you might not remember me though," she said.

"Yeah, like Axel." Roxas said. Serena nodded and began.

"I doubt he will, I don't know why though, but he might remember soon." She said.

"Remind me, how do I know you?" asked Xaldin.

"Before the experiment, I used to come help you guys all the time, both me and Axel, we had a best friend, Demyx, who had a brother here, so we all came from time to time. I used to read with Zexion, practice target shooting with Xigbar, help Xaldin around the kitchen, piss off Saïx, joke about Xehanort and Saïx's relationship, and mess all Vexen's project's up," she said, memories of the past began to rush at her from all sides, she missed those times, at that time, He had a heart.

"Whoa! Your worse than Axel and Roxas here." Luxord said. Serena chuckled and looked at Roxas, who, in turn, shrugged.

"Food's done." Xaldin announced.

"Huh? Waaaaaaaaw! You're so speedy!" Serena exclaimed, "how'd you get so fast?"

"Ummm... practice?"

Her mouth formed into a little '0'. As the plates were soon placed in their respective positions, every organization member in the room took their place, according to the numeral order, of course, Serena stood up also, Roxas took her by the arm and led her to the seat at the end, and he sat down beside her. Xaldin took a step back, and said clearly "Organization thirteen."

As he said so, seven other members appeared on scene, Xemnas, Vexen, some other blue haired guy with an X-shaped scar, who Serena disliked upon first sight, Zexion, Marluxia A.K.A flat-chested woman, Larxene, and some other tough looking guy.

"Serena, this is Saïx, number seven, the Luna Diviner, he wields a claymore," he said, as he pointed to the blue haired man, who simply looked at her and gave a nod, "this is Lexaeus, the Silent Hero, he employs a large tomahawk, and the element of earth in battle, throwing his tomahawk, breaking rocks and such." he pointed to the other man, who also nodded and gave a small wave, "this is Serena Silvertongue everyone."

"Tell us something we don't already know!" said Larxene.

"Hey Roxas?" called Serena quietly. He looked at her and made eye contact.

"Shouldn't we wait for Axel?" she whispered. He shook his head and continued to dine. Noisy clatter of forks, knives, spoons and plates followed.

After sometime, when all the organization members left, Luxord, Roxas and Serena where left to wait for Axel to get out of the fridge.

"Would you like to play a game of cards, Miss Silvertongue?" said Luxord.

"Oh, yeah! Su-" Serena was saying but got off by someone saying.

"I wouldn't do that if were you." said the red-head. When Serena turned around she saw the tips of Axels hair covered in icicles, but soon enough steam began to emit from him, she chuckled and stood up.

"We haven't been formally introduced," she held out her hand for him to shake, "I'm Serena, Serena Silvertongue."


"Pleasure to meet you!" she said as he shook her hand, she gave him a charming smile, one she was famous for.

"Are you now going to live with us?" he asked.

"I dun-" she began but was cut short as Xemnas himself entered as if right on Que.

"Miss Silvertongue." He called, "your room is next to number thirteen's room, Roxas? You will show her the way, now if you'll excuse me, I have some business to attend to." he looked towards Axel, who happened to still be in only his boxers (boy, I'm getting tired of writing this), "do I want to know?"

"Doubt it." Replied Axel, Xemnas nodded and teleported away. Soon after that, Roxas turned to her.

"Just like old times!" he said with a smile on his adorable face, she gave him a smile and nodded.

"You two know each other?" asked Axel as he pulled on his cloak.

"Yeah, back when I was in Twilight Town."

(ok, so, my friend Zen read this and she said it was great, so I hope you like it too!! Enjoy! Oh right did you like the silly song?? now please review!! thanks for reading!!)
