A/N: People were asking me why I didn't do anything with episode 25 on here when the truth is, I hadn't seen it until recently! After I was asked about it, I Youtubed it and found it with English subs (I don't speak Japanese :cS) and it was SO much more sad than the manga! I felt that I had to put something about it in here, it seemed to fit perfectly with the flashbacks. So I've added this as a sort of bonus/epilogue that everyone's been so anxiously awaiting :cD. So without further adieu,

Chapter 12: Rain

I could hear them. The bells were ringing especially loud today. I looked out the window to find that it was raining. I could always hear the bells more clearly when it was raining. The bells always made me think of my past. What I could remember of it, that is. But no matter how hard I try, I can't think of anything before her.

Every memory I have has something to do with her. I remembered the first day that I came to the Whammy House, only because that was the first time I met her. I don't exactly remember how or why I was there, I always left it to Watari to remember all of that. It didn't matter anyway. I now realized, she's the only thing that matters…

It's a well-known fact that I think too much. But when it's raining, I finally stop thinking and just remember. Remember back when things were happy and I didn't have to worry about being killed every moment. How long had it been? I've lost track. I've been so intent on staying alive, I never thought to question why I would want to. I have nothing to live for but life itself. But when I saw her again, I began to remember back when I was happy and I know that I haven't been happy since I was with her. Even now, spending a few moments made me happier than I had been in years.

0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0

"Are you ready, L?" Watari asked.

"I suppose…" a seven year old L said, holding the old man's hand tightly.

"Don't be nervous, all the children here are very kind," Watari assured him

"I doubt that…" L muttered so the old man couldn't hear him.

After being introduced to nearly every child in the orphanage, L felt as though he had already spent enough time with all of them to last a lifetime. So after finally settling into his room, he locked the door and intended to stay there alone as much as possible. But it wasn't long until L found that he was hungry and made his way down to the dining hall.

L immediately passed on the main course and took a piece of strawberry shortcake instead. He had always been fond of strawberries. He took his spot at a table in the corner farthest away from all of the other orphans.

He was not surprised to see the strange glances the other children were sending him, but he decided that it was best to ignore them. He hoped that he seemed strange to the children so that he would leave him alone. It worked for the most part but it didn't keep her away.

"Hi!" she said brightly.

He looked up slowly at her, fork in his mouth, black hair falling in his face, "Hello" he said in his monotonous voice.

"Do you mind much if I sit here?" she asked, ignoring the obvious lack of interest in his voice.

"Actually, I'd prefer it if you didn't." He said, going back to his dessert, in hopes she would leave.

She didn't.

"Why?" she asked, sounding hurt by his words.

"Because I'd prefer to be alone." He said

"Is that because you're new and don't know anyone yet?" she asked. He was beginning to grow annoyed with her persistence.


"Then why?" she asked.

"Because." He answered.

"Because isn't an answer!" she said, scrunching up her nose.

"Because I don't like people." He said.

She seemed confused. "Don't like people? That's ridiculous. Why wouldn't you like people?"

"I don't know why, I just don't."

"That's silly, why would you dislike people without a reason?" she asked.

"Because I don't trust them." He said without thinking.

She sat down, much to his displeasure. "I suppose that's reasonable… but you don't know people well enough to determine whether they're trustworthy or not." She said

"So I take the safer route and assume that they aren't trustworthy" L said, very irritated with this girl.

"My name's Marie," the girl said, it took all of L's self-control not to say 'I don't care', but he remained silent. "What's your name?" she asked

L sighed. If giving her his name would get her to go away, he would do anything. "L." he said.

"Elle? Isn't that a girl's name?" she giggled. L sighed, this wasn't the brightest girl here, and if she was, his stay here was going to be very depressing.

"Not Elle, L. As in the letter," L explained as though he were talking to a three-year old

"L? That's not a name. What's your real name?" she pestered.

"Why would I tell you?" he snapped.

"I told you mine, you should tell me yours. An eye for an eye" she said.

"An eye for an eye… that's an interesting proverb to live by…" L said, "But as you may or may not know, 'An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind'." He stated back at her.

She pouted, he won this one (and this was the start of his endless argument wins against her). "Alright, here's the deal:" she said with a joking smile, "You tell me your name when you love me!" she said with a laugh.

But he seriously considered it for a moment. The odds of him loving this girl were slim to none. No harm would come in promising that, even if he did end up telling her, it was just a name, he could just as easily come up with a fake one to satisfy her. But that was much less fun than seeing her squirm in anticipation. "It's a deal." he said, before returning to his food.

Marie was stunned. That had not been the answer she had been expecting. But at that moment, she swore to learn the strange, raven-haired boy's name, no matter how long it took.

A/N: Well? How was that? I'm sorry if it doesn't seem to really fit, I was just in the mood to write some L/Marie and I was too lazy to make a new story :c/ … so anyway, review, and I just might add a few more flash-back bonuses to the story (when I'm bored) ;cP

R/R!!!!!! (I still love getting those!)