AN:This story was inspired by my mom, who has been there, and has attacked one of her exes in their sleep. He had broke her arm, so she hit him with a baseball bat after he passed out, drunk. I could see Bulma killing Yamcha if he touched her like that, and I could see her threatening Vegeta too.

(I own nothing!!)

Bulma slammed the door behind her, ignoring the pleas and apoligies of Yamcha following her. She stomped through the house, her eyes snapping in anger. They were trained to the path in front of her.

"Onna, what the hell?" The Sayain Prince, her guest asked, stepping in front of her. She brushed past him, wishing she could push him into a wall. She turned towards the kitchen, with Vegeta cussing behind her, and Yamcha finally appearing.

Goku sat by the bar, smiling at her mother. He looked at her,and stood, about to say hi, but fell silent as he saw her face. He sat quickly in his seat, concern and fear in his eyes. He looked at the bruise marring her beautiful face, her left eye puffy, as if someone had hit it. Yamcha was right behind her, and Vegeta behind him, amusement in his cold black eyes.

Bulma reached for a drawer, and yanked it open. Her mother ran to hide behind Goku, scared as well. They watched as she pulled something out, and Yamcha reached for her.

She whirled, a butcher knife in her hand. Yamcha stopped, freezing as she pointed the knife at him. Her voice was nothing but a whisper, yet everyone heard it.

"You ever touch me again, I will take this knife, castrate your ass, and then gut you. I won't need help from Vegeta, or Goku, because I'll get you while you sleep. Now leave, and don't come back."

Yamcha looked at her, opened his mouth, but movement caught his eye. Bulma's mother had moved out from behind Goku, but it wasn't Bunny Yamcha was staring at. He was looking at the look of pure anger on Goku's face. The scared bandit glanced at Vegeta, and saw something that scared him even more then Goku's anger. Vegeta was looking at him with hatred, and amusement, as if he would pay to see Bulma do what she threatened to do. Then Yamcha watched Vegeta's gaze switch to Bulma, and Yamcha saw respect in the Royal sayain's eyes.

"Yamcha!" Bulma snapped, and he turned to her. She grinned a wicked grin, rival to Vegeta's smirk, and twirled the knife between her fingers. "If you don't leave now, I won't wait to use this."

Yamcha took off then, the door slamming after him. Bulma sighed, and was about to put the knife back when she stopped. She looked up at Vegeta, and smirked at him.

"Vegeta, the threat's the same for you. If you hit me, you better kill me then. Or else don't ever go to sleep."

Vegeta blinked. It was the only time that Goku ever saw him surprised. Vegeta nodded, and smirked himself. "Onna, why would I kill you? Who would fix the GR?"

When Goku returned home, he told Chichi about what he had seen. Chichi just looked at him, and smiled. Goku shivered, and Gohan blinked at them. Chichi's answer was simple and scared both boys.

"I'd help."