A/n Hey everyone I'm back with another Troyella poem. These have surprisingly been doing really well I've gotten over a thousond hits all together and thats AMAZING!! Thank you guys soo much. And thanks you to everyone who has been reviewing especially Sarah or Sarah590 and HSMLUVER218 or Anna! They have been reviewing since my very first one and they have been very supportive so thanks soo much. And speaking of Anna this poem is about I'd Do Anything For You and Always Here For You put together I know I have written a previous poem about her story Without You (which btw is amazing and you should totally read it I re-read it last night for the seventh time just for fun) but her stories are amazing and soo inspiring I have to do more I'll probably even do another one about Always here For You, Read all her stories they are incredible and in my faves so you dont have to look for then. Anyway enough with my rambling on with the poem. This is in Gabriella's POV about when she was being abused in both stories.

My Saviour

Everything's dark, everything's scary

This place in my life is the darkest place in the world

Everyone hurts me, everyone hates me

Instead of love and attention, I get tortured and pain

I start to believe that's all I deserve

I'm not like anyone, all I am is dirt

Everyone tells me why shouldn't I believe them

But then you came and tried to make me see

Everything I truly am

You make me see everything I deserve

You treat me gentle even if I flinch when you do

And even though people see me as dirt

You don't

You're everything I ever needed

Everything I ever dreamed of having

You taught me life, love and happiness

Everything I've never known

And because of this you are my saviour

A/n soo ... like it i don't think its one of my bests but R&R and tell me what you think