A/N: Do you know those small things that come to you at the most random of times (-cough2:00inthemoringcough-)?

This is one of them.

Rating: K

WARNING: If you don't like the idea of two guys kissing, then what the heck are you doing watching/reading Loveless in the first place?

DISCLAIMER: Me no owns DD:


Ritsuka could've sworn he'd done this before.

He was getting the weirdest sense of déjà vu.

Here he sat, in a large tree in the park, sitting on a branch with Soubi beside him. Ritsuka rested his head on Soubi's shoulder.

Though, he knew he'd never climbed a tree with Soubi, because Soubi had just said not two minutes ago that he hadn't climbed a tree in years.

Still, the sense of déjà vu nagged at the back of his mind. He recognized this situation. Either he was going crazy, or…

The sound of a girl laughing broke through his thoughts and both males looked to the ground, only to see Yuiko.

"Hi Ritsuka, Soubi!" She nodded to both of them and continued giggling.

"What's so funny?" Ritsuka asked curiously.

"It's like that rhyme Shinonome talked about in class! The one from America!" She replied in between laughter.

"Which one?" Ritsuka cocked his head.

"Hmm…" She paused. "'Soubi and Ritsuka sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!' You know, that one?"

Ritsuka almost fell out of the tree from embarrassment and surprise at Soubi's laughter at the rhyme.

So that's why he recognized the situation.