A/N: Well... this came from that crazy place inside of me that I usually try to hush up quickly, but I actually liked this idea... alot. I don't know why. It's a cracktastic idea, and yet I want to write it seriously... or at least as seriously as it is possible to write a fic containing Wednesday Addams. Yeah anyway, the way the story is set up, it goes like this: Watari (or rather, Quillsh Wammy) is Morticia Addam's uncle. This would make him Wednesday's great uncle and also explain why he doesn't have the Addams last name. I always saw Wednesday as a genius because lets be honest, she kinda is. Even if you don't overlook the creepiness you can see that the girl is brilliant. Yeah... that's all. Explanation done.

Disclaimer: I own neither The Addams Family, nor DeathNote.

Summary: Quillsh Wammy may not have told his family he was acting as Watari, but his niece quickly figures it out and decides upon revenge. Man, is Kira ever in for a surprise. DeathNote/Addams Family Crossover

Title: Kooky

Chapter 1: A Dish Best Served Cold

It was, ironically, on a Wednesday that the family received the news.

"A heart attack? How boring." Pugsly whined.

"Now, now Pugsly. No need to be rude!" Gomez scolded. "Besides, this is no mere heart attack! Good old Uncle Wammy was killed by Kira, the most famous mass-murderer in the world! It is a death to be proud of!"

"It still could have been something more interesting." Fester defended his nephew. Wednesday sat quietly in the corner, considering something.

"But why would Kira kill Great-Uncle Wammy?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. "He wasn't a criminal at all, and Kira has only killed criminals and people who have gotten in his way thus far. It wouldn't be his style to kill someone like Uncle Wammy." The family stared at her, clearly not entirely comprehending the thought process, but they did seem to realize the level of intelligence in the deduction.

"Oh Tish, we make such smart children…" Gomez seized his wife's arm passionately, planted a kiss on her hand, then her wrist, and so on and so forth. Wednesday left the room before he reached the elbow, more than tired of that display.

"It just doesn't add up." Wednesday informed her headless doll. "Kira has a homicidal psychosis. Insane people are set in their mental processes, they progress one step at a time and it is easy to follow. Logically, Uncle Wammy was an entirely random victim… unless he was somehow involved in the Kira case." The dark young girl considered this, very carefully and systematically.

Uncle Wammy was quite intelligent, that was a fact. He was also often away, traveling constantly. That was a fact. He had a strong sense of justice. That was a fact. The last place he had traveled to was Japan. That was a fact. He had been killed by Kira. That was a fact. Kira only killed criminals and people who got in his way. That was a fact.

Uncle Wammy had been involved in the Kira case. That was a theory, one that would make sense out of the facts. No one knew how he was involved. That was a theory, but Wednesday doubted very much that anyone else would know except for other Kira investigators, and Kira himself, so it was a strong theory.

All that was left was to explain how he was involved, and her theory could be assumed as fact.

He was not a member of the Japanese Police. A fool could tell that much. He was not L, because L was apparently still alive… wait that should be a theory. Not a fact. But another reason would be that L used a different person as the contact for the outside world, which implied that he never entered it. And her uncle certainly had.

Wednesday thought over numerous options, copious ways that her uncle could have been involved… only one fit completely.

Her Great Uncle Wammy had also been Watari, the agent that connected L to the rest of the world. It explained everything, and then some.

Wednesday couldn't pretend to know everything about the Kira case, she couldn't pretend she had instantly come up with a plan to defeat him, and she couldn't pretend what she was going to do would be easy. But Wednesday had known one infallible fact her entire life. One piece of data that she held true in her heart no matter how evil, conniving, and malicious the rest of her became.

No one messed with her family and got away with it.


A/N: I decided to end the first chapter there, for dramatic effect. Also so that I can see what people's reaction is, because honestly I don't want to write too much of this if people aren't going to read and review. I don't like putting a lot of work into a story and getting like, one crappy review or something. Not that I don't appreciate every positive review I get, it's just kind've depressing to spend hours writing and getting all excited and going 'wow, this is a fun idea! I really like this!' and having one person go 'Cool. Next chappie pls.' So yeah… Review!