RK isn't mine, thank you very much. And thank to those who are actually still reading this!


When Kaoru woke she hadn't expected the ceiling to be orange. Or for the couch-like lounging chair to have clouds moving across it. Blue eyes frowning, she rose and the room tilted with her until she stopped. It righted itself.

"Good after evening," an over-joyous voice called from the door, "Or whatever time it happens to be, really. Oh, do stand. You'll get used to the disorientation in a moment."

Kaoru watched the spindly man warily.

"Now, now. No thinking of running off, little girl. That won't do. No, I've something different in mind. Come, come," he held out a ridiculously long hand. Each finger had an extra joint, so when they curled they looked like a spider's legs. "Very well, then, just follow. Stay close or you'll get lost now. Can't have that."

They didn't seem to be traveling anywhere; the hall never changed scenery.

"You're probably wondering who I am," he said, turning his head around completely with a lopsided, sneering grin. "The Keeper."

"The—the Dreamkeeper?"

"No!" he barked a laugh. "Just the Keeper. Now I will ask you a question. What are you doing here?" His tone changed quickly, starling her.

"It—well it wasn't my idea!"

"Oh," the Keeper said easily, arms swinging freely about his small, round body. "Oh, oh, oh. Then the rules have been broken, Kenshin my boy. Tsk tsk. I hadn't expected this from you."

When the Keeper turned, Kenshin was there, eyes on the floor but hard and glowing.

"What to do, what to do," the Keeper danced around the redhead.

Kaoru suddenly couldn't speak.

"Now, Kenshin," the Keeper said in mock seriousness, lifting Kenshin's tight chin with a sharp finger. "You promised me loyalty." He sounded hurt, but the humor in his eyes said otherwise. "You promised such a long time ago. You promised me. And now you've gone and broken it. It wounds me so."

With a flick of the wrist, the Keeper reopened a line of the cross on Kenshin's cheek, spilling fresh blood that instead of dripping began to dance through the air. The redhead uttered not a sound, only glared at the floor.

The Keeper nearly clapped with glee, watching the blood loop and twirl. "Look! Girl, look! What a story the blood of man has to tell."

He snapped his fingers, which sounded like twigs breaking, and the liquid stilled and morphed into shapes. One was distinctly male with a high, loose topknot, much like Kenshin wore. Another was a woman, long-haired and timid, but her stance was strong. For a moment Kaoru wondered if this sick display was Kenshin and herself, but realized, from the expression bordering on horror in Kenshin's eyes that this was something else. Something related to him.

"When your own dreams are squelched by your own hands," the Keeper said gleefully, watching as the small Kenshin drew his katana, swinging it with amazing grace and power, "Then where does that…leave…you?" The blood Kenshin turned, staggered as if wounded, and lunged. As the sword pierced the woman, the blood drops splattered, erasing the image. The Keeper placed his hand on Kenshin's shaking shoulder, leaning close to speak. "Empty? Alone, maybe? Like you agreed to be, my boy."

"I have worked for my atonement," Kenshin growled. His harsh face fell, however, when he glanced up to ask, "How long until she forgives me?"

"Couldn't say. Who's to say she will or won't? Who's to say you won't repeat what you've done before?" Kenshin's glower flared. "Who's to say that this lovely young woman, who you've grown attached to I see, can't stand to see the blood on your hands?"

Instantly Kenshin's hands ran thick, dripping red liquid. The second slash on his cheek opened, spilling so much more blood than humanly possible.

Kaoru's stomach turned.

"Kenshin, my boy," the Keeper admonished, "You're scaring her. That's not what you wanted, is it? Apologize!"

Glowing, insanely hurt eyes tore Kaoru's heart open when the redhead finally did look at her, but she had no voice to scream or to comfort. She could only gaze upon the twice broken man as he so quickly swallowed the assumptions and foul seeds the Keeper so easily planted in his mind. How could he think of her in such a way? She'd never simply abandon a friend, an odd one at that, but since when did normalcy dictate her life?

"Oh, cute!" the Keeper quailed, "Girl, now, that's not the way it works. A friend. Ha!"

"Kaoru," Kenshin whispered when he finally found his voice, "I'm sorry…so sorry."

Don't be, she wanted to scream. Don't be sorry; there's nothing to be sorry for after you've been forgiven.

"Oh, good," the Keeper nodded, suddenly serious, "Now that we're settled, I have a task for you, my dear," he said to Kaoru, "Something quick since there's no time and Kenshin has plenty to do since he's been so negligent lately. Young men and their fancies," he chuckled highly to himself. Take a swift step in front of her, the Keeper wiped Kenshin's visage clean of blood, but the man's hands still trembled.

Kaoru wondered just how long the Keeper had kept Kenshin in this disgustingly harnessed state, and repeatedly reminded him of his downfalls and mistakes while giving dreams to so many others. She wondered what Kenshin's dreams had been, and what they were now.

"Girl!" the Keeper snapped her from her reverie, waving a huge hand before her eyes, "Good, I have your attention. Now before you speak, let me say this. You want to go home, right? You're so very tired of this mess he's made of your once swell life, no confusion," he leaned into her ear, clasping each shoulder in one long-fingered hand, "So tell me what it is you want, what you really want, huh? Say the word and this nuisance is gone from your life for good."

That's what she wanted. It's what she wanted because Kenshin had stepped in and changed things without asking her. Little or no, Kaoru never appreciated another's help if she could very well help herself. It was her life, not his. That was what she wanted.

Or was it?

Looking into Kenshin's eyes, she wasn't sure anymore. For herself.

"What if I said that I wanted him," she pointed steadily at the deeply shocked Kenshin, "to go back with me, and everything keep going as it was."

The Keeper was even taken aback. He detached his fingers one-by-one before pacing between the two, rubbing his chin. Kenshin stared, aghast, but Kaoru only offered hm a weak smile.

"Alright," the Keeper said finally, joyous once again, and pranced to Kenshin's side, and walloped him on the side of the head.

"Hey!" Kaoru moved forward, but the floor suddenly clasped her feet steadfast, "That was a foul move!"

"Oh, hush, girl. It didn't even hurt him enough for him to notice. But notice this."

Her eyes widened when the Keeper moved from her view. Kenshin's eyes were now two colors, one gold and one the more familiar violet-purple.

"If you want him back so bad," the Keeper said snidely, "then pick which one you want. The killer with golden eyes, or the broken man with violet ones?"

Choose? How could she choose something like that for Kenshin? Of course, she knew the broken man, had seen him moments ago, and the proclaimed killer with a cold stare…well, she believed it to a point and had seen him too. Seen them both at once, in the real world outside this Dreamworld. If what Kenshin had been in his past created his present self, then leaving either of those out would surely change him. He wouldn't be the Kenshin she knew. He wouldn't be the giving man with a sadden smile underneath the calm façade, a man who was as strange as he was knowledgeable and surprisingly comforting to be around.

Even if that kiss meant nothing, even if he left and didn't come back, Kaoru wanted him away from this place for good.

"Both," she said.

The Keeper frowned.


"Or should I say 'him?'"

"That wasn't your option—"

"Since when are simple requests made from someone else's options?" she demanded, "I said him. Or both if you want it that way. Either way, I'm asking for Kenshin as a whole, not in parts."

"Interesting," the Keeper muttered after a moment, "Very interesting. Fine," he shrugged, "Fine. Take him if you really want. I've grown tired of him anyway. You're a very lucky boy, Kenshin. It isn't everyday that someone decides to replace a Dreamkeeper. You're free to go." He latched onto Kaoru's arm, startling her, "As for you, come along then. I'd better show you how things work around here, and what burden you'll be taking."

"W-what!?" Kaoru stammered.

"Stop," Kenshin glowered, catching the Keeper by the thin wrist.

"What," the Keeper snapped, "You have your leave, now leave."

Kenshin shook his head, "I have a request I've never taken that you promised me after Tomoe died."

The Keeper huffed, tossing Kaoru's arm from his grasp, and glared, "Another loophole, huh? I've slipped up somewhere. Oh well. If you must then fine. Free each other and go live happily ever after for all I care. I'm just the Keeper after all. I've no interest in your dreams and hopes, only for the benefit of this world. But tell me this: where am I to find another worker?"

"I think he's answered to you long enough," Kaoru defended, glaring while rubbing the bruises on her arm. Kenshin's fingers lightly brushed the softened skin.

"Away with you both!" the Keeper demanded, waving a hand.

Kaoru opened her eyes in her darkened room with a pair of strong arms wrapped around her shoulders.



"That…that wasn't a dream, was it?"

He pulled away from her, peering with his differently colored eyes and confirming her fears without a word. She sighed.

"What now?"

"What do you want?"

"What do you want?" she countered.

Kenshin peered at his hands a moment, then up into her eyes. She smiled, but he couldn't return it. Not yet.

"I want to stay," he said, pained, "but…"

"You need time to think," she finished, "I understand. You've been trapped for a while, haven't you?"

"Years and years," he confirmed softly, "Too long. I couldn't be free. Not after I destroyed the dreams of another. Who was I to make my own dreams reality after that?"

"I don't think you were ever meant to enslave yourself for atonement," Kaoru said after a short pause, "Asking for forgiveness is simple."

"Getting it is not."

"How could you really know without asking?"

He paused.

Kaoru reached for his scarred cheek and smiled.

"So go ask. And I'll wait for you to come back."

Taking her hand in his, Kenshin nodded solemnly, but with a flicker of hope in his magnificent eyes.

"I will."


Sano scratched his head, leaning back in his chair as Kaoru took a very long sip from her drink.

"That doesn't make any sense," he blurted.

"It doesn't have to. I just thought you of all people would maybe believe some of what I said."

The brunette nodded his unruly head and shrugged with a wily grin.

"I guess in a way I do. Got any idea when he'll be back?"

Kaoru shook her head, "No, but he has all the time he needs. I'm not worried for him."

"Yeah," Sano bounced his eyebrows, "Sure."

Teasing aside, Kaoru waited eagerly for Kenshin's return. Partly because of that kiss, yes, but mostly so she could see Kenshin overcome his demons and take a hold of his dreams once again.

"What was with the weird eyes?" Sano asked.

Kaoru thought a second before answering.

"Proof that who we are is the same as who we've been, and that he has a chance to begin anew if he really wants to."

Sano blinked, then chuckled, standing to get a refill.

"Whatever you say, Missy."

Sano didn't get how true her words were, but that was ok. Kaoru knew. She knew Kenshin would come back, and things would unfold as they would and change with a mere thought, good or bad, and that such an easy and simple task would eventually steer a wild course though life. And that was alright with her.



-Is shot-

Um, that wasn't so abrupt, right...? That's the ending I had planned, I promise! Just remember that I've procrastinated, neglected, and been caught up in another fandom for some time now...

–Is shot-

But really, remember that it's been a very long time since I started this story and for a good while I had it on my abandoned list until I suddenly decided to pick it up again. By that time I'd pretty must lost anything else I had planned for this story... So the question is should I have just left it or is the ending ok enough to get me off the hook? :D.....

In any case, a huge thank you AGAIN to those who have stuck around this long. And really, it's been a long time but I never got any complaint or threat (which, I won't lie, probably would have helped XD) from anyone. Thank you all so much! You've been a great support, really! I'm the horrible one for leaving you all hanging like that. I apologize, but will say if you're interested in Bleach go check out some of the stuff I have.

Thank you again, again!
