A/N: Hello Peoples! I know I haven't updated this at all since I posted it, but her's the next chapter, and I'll do my best to get the next one up as soon as possible. Enjoy!

DISCLAIMER: I don't Own Inuyasha or anyof it's characters even though I had this really auesome dream that I did and that I was a demon character in it but I eventually woke up and almost cried because it was all just a dream.

Kagome followed Sesshoumaru through the forest, heading towards the campsite, where her friends were staying to rest for the night. Kagome watched Sesshoumaru's gorgous long silken silver hair gently sway back and forth as he walked. Kagome got the sudden urge to run her fingers through his beautiful silver locks to see if the were actually as soft as the looked. Reaching forward Kagome was about to touch his hair when all of a sudden she heard him speak.

"Your group is up ahead, and my insolent half-breed brother is there, as well as the dead preistess."

"Ohhh...okay..." was all Kagome could say as she dropped her hand back to her side.

Sesshoumaru walked from the trees into the clearing, only to be greated by Inuyasha angerly yelling at him, and the Inutachi all weilding their weapons ready to strike at a moments notice.

"Oi! What the hell are you doing here for you bastard. If you think your getting my sword you'd better think again!" Inuyasha shouted as he brandished his Tetsuiga.

"Foolish, Half-breed, I am not here for your pathetic sword." Sesshoumaru said, as he flicked some lose strands of hair over his shoulder.

"Then why are you here, you bastard?!"

"He's with me Inuyasha." Kagome stated as she walked from the trees into the clearing, and stopping to stand at Sesshoumaru's side.

The entire Inutachi gave a collective gasp, as their eyes widened.

"W..wha...WHAT?! Kagome why the hell are you with that bastard? And what do you mean he's with you? He could kill all of us in a split second and you bring him here! What are you NUTS!!" Inuyasha shouted.

"I could ask you the same thing to you Inuyasha, what is Kikyo doing here hmm?" Kagome asked, as she pointed to Kikyo who stood not far behind Inuyasha.

"She's travelling with us, with her we'll be able to find the jewel shards quicker." Inuyasha stated, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"I see, well don't worry Inuyasha, me and Sesshouaru won't be here for much longer, I just came to get my son and tell you I was leaving." Kagome said, as she walked over to Shippo and picked him up, and then walked back over to Sesshoumaru's side.

"Your leaving?! With that bastard?! What the hell for?!" Inuyasha shouted.

"Why do you care? You have Kikyo, you don't need me anymore. I won't be such a useless burden to you anymore." Kagome said, as fresh tears formed in her eyes.

"Kagome... I..." Inuyasha whispered as he took a step forward reaching out to her, however he stopped abruntly when Sesshoumaru stepped in front of Kagome and gave a low warning growl, which surprised everyone in the small clearing, including Kagome.

"Goodbye Sango, Miroku, Kirara, I hope to see you again someday. Goodbye Inuyasha I hope you and Kikyo will be happy together." And with that Kagome turned on her heels and left the small clearing with Shippo firmly in her arms.

Sango who had been in a state of shock since Kagome had walked into the clearing behind Sesshoumaru, dropped her hirakotsu and fell to her knees in tears as her friend and sister walked away. Miroku got down on his knees and wrapped his arms around her in an attempt to calm his love down, totally forgeting about his staff as it to fell to the ground, unnoticed by it's owner,

Sesshoumaru watched this scene play before him, as he heard the soft sobs of Kagome as she walked from the clearing. Giving a small barely noticable sigh, he walked over to the begrieved demon slayer.

"Slayer, you, the firecat, and the monk are welcome to call upon Kagome at anytime while she recides at my palace, However the dead priestess and my insolent hanyou brother may not accompany you."

Sango stopped her crying as she looked up at the demon lord, and jumping to her feet bowed low.

"Thank you Sesshoumaru-sama, thank you so much."

"Hn." Was all Sesshoumaru said as he turned on his heels and left the clearing, following after Kagome.

"This shall be a whole new beginning for her, her heart shall heal, and I will be there to help her through everything." Thought Sesshoumaru as he quickly caught up to Kagome and lead her towards where his small group waited, before they left towards the West, to Sesshoumaru's palace, to Kagome's new beginning.

A/N: So that's it, again I'll do my best to update soon on this one as well as my other stories but I might not remember so please forgive me in advance. Anyway I hope you liked it. Bye and best wishes love Simma!!