A/N: Hello my faithful readers! Here is my newest story! Yay! Anyway I don't wanna waste your time with my ramblings when you could be reading the story so I'll just sut right to the disclaimer then to the story okay?

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any of it's characters although I'm sure the person who did is a God, I mean you'd have to be to create a character that's as big a hunk as Sesshoumaru is!

Tears slid down her delicate face, as she ran. She ran unaware of her surroundings, thrying to get away, away from the heartbreak, from the pain, from him.

Tripping on a prutruding root, she fell to the ground. Not having the energy or will power ti lift herself from the ground. She leaned against the tree, who's root she tripped over, and curled her long slender legs, into her chest. Resting her forehead on her knees, her waist long, raven black hair, fell over her shoulders. Hiding the tears of a broken heart, that flowed like a steady river from her magnificent, chocolate brown eyes.

Unknown to the beautiful girl, who still sat crying into her knees, was a silent observer. Watching with eyes, as well as his face, void of all emotion. But inside he was in the state of great turmoil, seeing the only being to stir emotions and feelings within him, that he had nt felt in centuries.

'Insolulent half-bred! What have you done to hurt her this time! She who's gentle Kindness knows no bounds, she who holds no hate or ill will, she who's purity and beauty is unmatched by any creature that walks this earth, she who has... captured me heart.' The observer's eyes narrowed with hatred towards his hanyou brother, he has hurt this beautiful girl to many times to count and he could take it no longer.

Stepping from the shadows, his long silvery hair glowed in the light of the full moon, and his beautiful orbs, of molten gold, shone through the darkness of the night.

"Miko." his quiet, monotone voice rung through the surrounding trees, startling the crying girl before him, as she looked up with shock in her eyes, at the tall and extravagently handsome demon that stood before her.

"Sesshoumaru..." whipered the girl, as she stared into his beautiful golden eyes.

Giving a slight inclination of his head, he looked into the girls eyes, which held great pain adn suffering as tears still flowed from them.

"Kagome, why is it you cry?" Sesshoumaru asked, although he was sure he already knew the answer.

The girl's eyes, widened. That was the first time he had ever said her name, he normally referred to her as Miko, Wench, or Girl.

"Inuyasha." was her simple answer, as she lowered her gaze.

Sesshoumaru sighed, he figured as much. Then kneeling down before her, he raised his right hand, and placed on of his delicatly clawed fingers beneath her chin. Raising her face upward, so her gaze was once again locked with his.

"What is it, that my half-breed brother, has done now?"

Kagome looked away before muttering her answer, fighting away a new onslaught of tears.

"He choose Kikyo."

"Hn." with that Sesshoumaru rose and turned around, heading towardsher campsite, and her travelling companions. Stopping to look over his shoulder at the girl who looked at him with sadened eyes.

"Come Kagome, we must gather your kit, and inform your travelling companions of your departure, then we will head to my palace. Where you will be staying, understood?"

Kagome looked at Sesshoumaru with a look of clear shock upon her face before nodding and geting to her feet, to follow Sesshoumaru. Who had turned his head forward, and continued forward towards her campsite.

A/N: I know it's not much, but the next chapter will be longer, and so will the ones to follow it. This chapter is really just to see how people like it and if I should continue with the story or just forget it, not that I would but you know. Anyway, I hoped you liked it, and that you will review and tell me your honest opinion of this story.