A/N: Sorry for the long wait everyone! I have no excuse except that my muse was on vacation for a while and I simply could not write without her! Please enjoy!

Chapter 9 – You're Drooling


Remus, Sirius, Harry, and Ron had heard the shower running upstairs an hour ago, and since all had already taken showers during the time Hermione had been gone, knew that the young woman was home and probably getting ready for dinner which would start in a few minutes. The boys were all seated at the table waiting for Edna to serve them dinner and for Hermione to come downstairs. Edna had already set the table and the boys saw that it was set for five people so knew Hermione would be coming.

Everything was served and ready to go but Hermione had still not come down.

"It's going to get cold," Ron whined. No one answered. "Isn't someone going to go get her? I'm starving!"

"No Ron, just wait a little more. Besides you know Edna casts warming charms on the food so that we can eat at our leisure," Sirius told him, irked at his juvenile manner.

Ron sat back crossing his arms with a pout prominent on his face. He mumbled something.

"What was that?" Harry asked.

"I don't bloody well know why we have to wait! It'll stay warm no matter what!"

"Ron! She's the only lady in the house, we have to wait. It's called manners," Remus chided him.

"Whatever. Besides we've been waiting forever! And she's probably too into whatever book she's reading now!" Ron continued to complain. Remus shook his head at Ron's childness.

"Don't worry Ron, you can eat now."

All four turned to the doorway where the voice had come from. Hermione was standing there, a slightly annoyed look on her face.

Hermione knew was late and had arrived so on purpose. She had wanted to make an entrance so that she could see Remus' reaction before he had a chance to control his reaction. She had dressed carefully making it look like she had only made slight changes that would only be noticeable to someone who was really looking at her. She was dressed in a pair of dark skinny jeans so tight they appeared to have been painted onto her body and a slightly loose purple silk spaghetti strap blouse that showed off a bit of cleavage. She also wore a pair of matching purple peek-toe three inch pumps. Most noticeable, however, was that her hair was in loose spirals cascading down her back and pinned back from her face, and she had done her makeup in light warm tones, not anything that would call too much attention to her face but only served to enhance her features.

Harry and Ron had seen her and quickly turned back. They were already used to Hermione dressing up every once in a while. Either that or both were completely oblivious to her changes. Sirius and Remus were another story.

Both had looked at her and continued to stare. Their eyes traveling her body, taking in even the slightest changes. Hermione felt as though their eyes were trailing a flaming blaze on her skin as they devoured her with their eyes. Hermione smirked at Remus' and Sirius' reactions. This is going to be easy, she thought, if tonight is any indicator, I will most definitely get him. With that thought she sat down at the only open seat, next to Sirius and directly in front of Remus.

"Sorry guys, I lost track of the time," Hermione said, an apologetic smile on her face. "I just had to sort through some papers, and, well you know how that can be… So sorry for making you wait. Shall we start?"

Ron eagerly dug in, quickly stuffing his mouth with food. Well, at least he's not talking with his mouth full, Hermione mused after seeing Ron's usual table "manners".

"So how did your day go?" Hermione asked politely, spreading the napkin over her lap and beginning to eat.

All four shrugged.

"It was ok," Harry said, the other three nodding in acquiescence.

"How was yours?" Remus' asked politely.

"Yeah you were gone all day; you must've done something entertaining. Or was it work related?" Sirius chipped in.

"Oh, well I went out to Muggle London and did some shopping. And oh I ran into a few friends and agreed to go out. And I think that's it."

"Oh what did you buy?" Sirius asked.

"Oh, stuff. Things I wanted…some I need…just stuff," Hermione replied vaguely.


The rest of dinner passed by uneventfully, if one was not looking. Everyone was just talking between bites, dinner full of inane chatter. However, Hermione began another step in her seduction. Dessert for that night was ice cream so Hermione used that to her advantage. She licked the spoon slowly, almost caressing the utensil with her slight pink tongue. Hermione received satisfaction in seeing Remus' eyes drawn again and again to her tongue, and occasionally shifting in his chair. At one point she turned to Sirius and seeing how his eyes were practically glued to her mouth and his mouth was partially open.

Hermione spoke beneath her breath, "Sirius, close your mouth love, you're drooling."

Sirius' mouth snapped closed, and he turned away squirming a bit in his seat. Hermione simply smirked and turned back to the other occupants at the table.

After finishing their dinner, they all went into the sitting room and began doing different things. Harry and Ron, unsurprisingly, began playing Wizard's Chess, which Harry was getting better at. The other three sat together and just talked, soon Sirius produced a bottle of Ogden's Firewhisky and shot glasses for all five.

After an hour being spent in this manner, they heard the doorbell ring and Edna popped into the room, announcing a visitor for Hermione.

Hermione's face lit up and she asked Edna to please escort him in.

"Mia who is it?" Harry asked.

"Oh you'll see," Hermione responded obliquely.

"Mia!" a male voice exclaimed.

Hermione squealed in delight, and ran towards the door throwing herself into the arms of whoever this visitor was.

A/N: So what did you think? I promise I'll start writing as soon as possible! Know that chapter ten is underway!
