Disclaimer: I own nothing except the writing.
On the First Day of Christmas
My fangirl gave to me
A fan-fiction about me.
"This fan fiction will be epic! Love! Betrayal! Action packed!" Mary ranted to the Microsoft Word Paper Clip, her bright blue eyes twinkling. "Hold on Zuko, for the time of your life! What exactly will happen, you ask? Hah! It's completely original! A beautiful girl snatched from her own world where Zuko is just a story she'd come to love and taken to Zuko's world! There she has strange new powers—and Zuko will fall in love at first sight of course."
The Paper Clip made no response. Mary stood and looked at her profile in the mirror on the back of her Fire-Nation decorated door. She tied her short blond hair back and critically analyzed her profile. "Let's see… thinner, taller, but she'll still have my hair, eyes, wit, and originality. Still needs a name… Ma-Ree Su! Perfect!" Mary went back to her Avatar-sticker covered laptop and began to write.
"Of course it needs a title… Ying and Yang: Zuko's True Love… Too long… Just simple, original Ying and Yang… This will be the best Zuko/OC fic ever! Mm, rated T…."
"Hey boss!" a palace servant said, coming over to the young Fire Lord. "Got another Fan Fiction for you! This one's a whopper!" Zuko rolled his eyes as he took the report without bothering to open it.
"It can't be worse than a few of the other ones," he said opening the folder. Zuko blanched,
"It's like she's plagiarizing the worst of all the bad ones," the servant said, pouring water of Zuko's flaming fists and watching as the report smoked and steamed.
"Why?" Zuko muttered. "Why not the earthbender with the mustache or the wheelchair kid or the Water Tribe idiot? Why me?" The servant shrugged.
"Your work's cut out for you here, boss. Merry Christmas."
"Bah humbug."
A/N: Warning, this fic is a satire on exaggeratedly, insanely obsessed fangirls, ZuSue pairings, and hyperactive fangirls on the whole. If you are one, I'm sorry if I have offended you. If you are not one, this should be downright hilarious. Will update once a day until Christmas if circumstances allow.
In Christ,