Author's Note: Wow! it's been forever since I added a new story! In honor of Christmas, I'm posting new two new stories: Your The Only One (RyanxHaylie) and Holiday In Handcuffs (My first Zekepay fanfic). Happy reading, and don't forget to read and review!

Chapter One: On A High Note

"Okay, Lilly, are you ready to go to Haylie's?" Ryan Evans asked a bundle in a coat, hat, mittins, scarf, and boots that was Lilly Jacobs. Today, Ryan was baby-sitting Lilly all by himself, and getting Lilly into these things were tiring, considering Lilly had to make a game out of it by running and hiding from Ryan, which took several minutes to do.

"Yeah, yeah!" Lilly stated, but it sounded like "Reah, reah!" to Ryan.

Ryan placed on his own coat, hat, and gloves, and took hold of Lilly's mittined one.

"Stay close, and don't fall because it's going to be icy." Ryan told her, with warning in his voice. Who says it was girls that needed to be protective of little kids? But, it was Wildcat gang that was protective of Lilly, and noone else, in that matter.

Today, Ryan and Lilly were going over to Haylie's to celebrate a pre-Christmas party, even though Christmas was days away, but knowing Haylie, parties were all in the rage, even if it wasn't the season to be jolly just yet.

"Ryan, what are we going to do at Haylie's?" Lilly asked. Her pink and purple scarf was hung loosely over her mouth so she could talk normally.

"Well, were going to listen to Christmas music, talk, and eat treats baked by Zeke. And I'm sure Haylie has something for you to do at her house as well." Ryan told her.

"Do you think we can all go outside and play in the snow?" Haylie asked.

"Perhaps. We can see what Haylie says." Ryan explained, but he knew that Haylie wouldn't dismiss any suggestions from Lilly.

Once they got to Haylie's house, Ryan rang the doorbell, and Haylie Anderson's voice was heard. "Just a minute!" After a few minutes, Haylie awnsered it, and she smiled at the two of them. "Sorry...we were finishing up something."

Ryan and Lilly went inside, and Haylie gazed down at Lilly. "I see you dressed her up." she replied.

"Yeah. It took me awhile, but I finally caught her and had her place on all of this stuff." he told her, as Haylie sat down to Lilly's height.

"Did Ryan help you?" she asked, grinning.

"Yeah! It was fun! I hid from him and everything!" Lilly stated.

"Well, I suppose you did a good job."

After she and Ryan helped Lilly out of her snow gear, Lilly was told to go into the livingroom with the others, and Ryan and Haylie stayed behind. Ryan noticed a mistletoe hanging from the livingroom, and he smiled.

"Did your mother plant that there, or did you?" he asked, and Haylie looked up as well.

"My mother. I told her no, but she said if I was going to have a Christmas party, a mistletoe is a must." Haylie stated, blushing, and Ryan chuckled, and gave her a small peck on the cheek before they proceeded to the livingroom.

Christmas music was softly playing, and everyone was talking among themselves, while Lilly was coloring in a coloring book from Haylie's big toy chest she kept out for Lilly for when she came. Everyone was in their usual spots: Chad Danforth and Taylor McKessie were sitting in a rocking chair, Chad was actually in the chair, and Taylor was carefully perched on the arm, and Chad was sort of holding her so she wouldn't fall off, Troy Bolton and Gabriella Montez were sitting by the fireplace, Jason Cross and Kelsi Nielsen were sitting on the couch, and Sharpay Evans and Zeke Baylor were sitting on the floor, where Ryan and Haylie would be sitting.

"So, what were you and the others doing before me and Lilly got here?" Ryan asked.

"We were just's nothing." Haylie responded, and she sat on the floor, and Ryan did the same.

"Sharpay was telling us that there's going to be a Christmas show at the Lava Springs this year." Gabriella told them, while Sharpay threw her a look.

"Gabriella, I don't mean to sound rude, but perhaps Haylie and Ryan should quit doing these talent shows. We all know their good enough."

Ryan looked at his sister, and he wondered what she was up to.

"Shar--" he said, but Sharpay cutted him off with a smile.

"Right, Ryan? You wouldn't be caught dead doing a Christmas show at the Lava Springs."

"But, maybe me and Haylie want to do it. It sounds like fun." Ryan stated, looking at Haylie, who was nodding.

"Yeah! I love doing holiday shows." Haylie agreed.

After that, the conversation was switched, and Ryan was left to meddle with his thoughts, not saying much. It was bad enough to have drama before a new year dawned, but if you have someone like Sharpay in your group, it wasn't going to swing like that.

When Sharpay got up to go get some more treats, Ryan decided to follow her.

"Sharpay." he explained, and Sharpay looked at him.

"What, Ryan?" she asked.

"Why did you tell me about the Christmas show just now?" he asked.

"Mother told me. I figured I could just tell you anyways." Sharpay told him coolly as she plucked a chocolate chip cookie from a plate with a Christmas tree on it.

"Sharpay..." Ryan started, but then he realized something: she was still sore that he had Haylie as a partner, and it wasn't her.

Sharpay smiled as she bit into the cookie.

"Brother, you know I'd never try to ruin your relationship with Haylie. That'd be mean." Sharpay stated, as she pushed past Ryan to go back into the livingroom.

Ryan shook his head as he followed her, but his gut still todl him that Sharpay was scheming something, innocent or not.

After everyone was getting ready to go home, Haylie stopped Ryan and Lilly.

"Do you guys want me to drive you? I certainly can do that." Haylie said, jingling her keyes infront of Ryan.

Ryan gazed down at Lilly, who was saying good-bye to the leaving guests, but still had a good grasp on Ryan's right hand.

"Sure, why not? I think Lilly would like it." Ryan replied.

Lilly looked at them under her hat.

"Like what?" she asked.

"To ride with Haylie." Ryan told her.

As they went outside, a snowflake danced in front of Ryan's vision, and he smiled, zoning out alittle.

"Ryan! You goof! Are you coming?" he heard Haylie ask.

"Yeah. I'm coming." Ryan stated.

Christmas had arrived!